Life on Heroes: Part 6-He Wants the Young American

Jan 14, 2007 13:21

Title: Life On Heroes: Part 6-He wants the Young American
Fandom: Heroes/Life On Mars
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 1537
Rating: PG-13
Characters and Pairing: Sam, Peter, Gene Annie, Mr Petrelli
Warnings: Some Language, Mind Trippy Action
Spoilers: All episodes of both shows
Summary: The interrogation of Mr Petrelli doesn't go very well. Time travel coma fic!
Notes: This is the 2nd half of what was supposed to be one big chapter. I'm still calling it part 6. :) It's all Peter because I had to split up the previous part. Thanks to my brilliant beta
lozenger8. I changed a lot of this part, after I sent it to Loz and got it back, so if there are in errors, it's my fault.

Part 6:  He wants the Young American

In the back of his mind, Peter had always wanted to be Nathan. He had everything: A good job, a family, love of their father, he could fly… and now Peter had the chance to pretend just for a few minutes. He was Nathan. He walked in with Sam. Gene looked at him as he entered the room.

“Why the hell is he in here?” Gene asked Sam.

“Because, he knows how to interrogate in this kind of situation… better.” Sam rose his eyebrows at Gene. Gene rolled his eyes.

“Whatever you say, Sammie.” Peter looked at his father. His head was hung downwards, dark hair covering most of his face. He was young. Younger than Peter ever remembered him being. Maybe that was because Peter hadn’t been born yet in 1973. Peter noticed there was a bright red mark on the side of his face, like he had been hit. Peter quickly brushed the thought away and started questioning.

“So,” said Peter looking at Petrelli. “You work for Linderman?” Mr Petrelli looked up at Peter. He did a double take.

“You look familiar,” said Petrelli thoughtfully. Peter smiled darkly.

“I’ve never seen you before today, Mr Petrelli,” said Peter.

“You two have the same name,” said Gene. “Petrelli. Maybe you’re related.”

“Doubt it,” said Peter turning to Gene. He smirked.

“Put a sock in it Pet-”

“Shouldn’t you continue Nathan?” Sam said harshly to Gene.

“Na-” started Gene confused but Sam quickly whispered something to him. He looked at Peter and smiled mockingly. “Continue Nathan.” Mr Petrelli looked at Peter.

“Did you say your name is Nathan?” He was suddenly smiling.


“Got a boy back home named Nathan. He’s really somethin’. I have a feeling he’s going to be flyin’ all over the place in his life.”

“You have no idea,” whispered Peter to himself. He looked at his father and saw the happiness in his eyes when he talked about his brother. He’d never seen that before. He shook his head and went back to asking questions. “How is your family, Mr Petrelli? Financially?”

“Great,” said Petrelli. “Thanks to few new clients… we’re doing better than ever.”

“Because of Linderman’s money,” said Peter. Petrelli looked at him in a dark manor, like he didn’t want his new-found success to be based solely on that fact.

“What does he have on you, Mr Petrelli?” Petrelli looked at Peter sternly and Peter couldn’t help but think of Nathan.

“I told you, he’s just a client.”

“How many people has he bought?”

“He’s a-”

“You wanted to be successful so bad, didn’t you? That you would practically sell yourself out to get there, didn’t you!” Peter was on the verge of yelling.

“What the hell are you talking about!?” yelled Petrelli back.

“Why would you do that to your family, Mr Petrelli? They need you, not money.” Peter was staring him straight in the eyes. “They need a father. Give Linderman up and you can save them!”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” he yelled. “And you have no idea what it’s like to raise a family.”

“I think I have some idea.”

“Do you have any kids? A wife?”


“Come talk to me when you do.”

“I’d love to.” They continued to stare at each other for some time. It was the first time Peter understood why his father was always so distant from him. They were exactly the same and that scared him. He was afraid of the things Peter might do; afraid that Peter would want to kill himself too.

“Well, that got us nowhere,” said Gene.

As the group of men stood up leave the room Peter made sure that he was in front of his father, but behind Sam and Gene. He was going to save him whether he wanted it or not. Sam and Gene went through the doorway. As soon as the two had cleared it, Peter jammed it shut and locked it. “Hey! What are you doing?” asked Petrelli. Peter grabbed him and pushed him into a wall holding him down with his arm.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

“I know what you’re doing, Mr Petrelli, even though you won’t admit it,” Peter said. “Don’t do it. Don’t sell yourself out. You don’t want a man like that to own you! You don’t want anyone to own you…don’t do it. You can save your family if you’re there.”

“I told you-”

“And it’s what you’ll tell everybody. Don’t do it. You can still save them and yourself.”

“We are you so interested in saving me, Nathan?”

“Saving you, I’ll save the world.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Peter ignored him.

“You need to take care of your family, not business. You need to be there. The world will be a much better place if you’re there.” Peter had let him go now and Mr Petrelli just stood and stared at him.

“Who are you, really?” he asked. Peter just looked at him. He had no answer.

Peter opened the door and let Petrelli out of the room. Sam and Gene looked at Peter knowing that he had tried to get more out of him. Petrelli walked up to Sam who was holding a clip board. “Sign there, Mr Petrelli,” said Sam. “If we have any more questions we’ll be in contact with you.” Petrelli sneered at Sam.

“I bet you will,” he said, walking off with a huff.

“That man was about as nice as you can get, eh Petey,” said Gene in Peter’s ear. Peter turned and looked at him. “Oops, sorry, I mean Nathan.” He smirked at Peter. Peter returned the smirk and then turned away from Gene. He walked to Sam.

“I’m going to go get some air now,” Peter said to Sam. Sam smiled at him weakly.

Peter sat at the edge of the roof. He looked down at all the tiny people of Manchester and closed his eyes. He could feel the wind blowing around his body and through his hair. For a moment, he thought he was flying. He thought he could feel Nathan floating next to him. He thought he was home.

“Peter?” A feminine voice was calling out his name. “Peter what are you doing?” Peter opened his eyes and saw Annie standing by the doorway. Peter smiled.

“Nothin’ Annie,” said Peter. Annie walked over to him and put out her hand.

“Come back over here Peter… where it’s safe.” She had a look of pure concern on her face.

“You know that man who was in here today, Annie?” He paused and looked at her, his brown eyes staring directly into hers. “He’s my father.” Peter stood up on the ledge and turned his head to look down. Annie moved closer to Peter. “You know how he dies, Annie?” Annie didn’t answer. Peter continued to look down. “He kills himself.” He looked at Annie.

“I’m sorry, Peter,” she said, now grabbing his hand.

“And you know what, Annie? They say I’m like him.” Peter laughed. “They say that I am like him!” Peter continued to laugh and looked back over the edge of the building.

“By jumping yourself Peter, you would be,” said Annie softly. Peter stopped laughing and looked at her. He smiled.

“I’ve done it before Annie,” said Peter softly. She looked at him with even more concern and fright. “Twice.” Peter turned to look over the edge again. “And I’m still here. The first time, I tried to fly and my brother saved me.” He looked over at Annie and smiled. “The second time, I died.” Annie had a confused look on her face.

“But you’re here.”

“I know.” He smiled as if to know all the answers in the world. Annie would still not let go of his hand.

“Just come down off the ledge, Peter,” said Annie seriously.

“Nah,” said Peter. “I like it up here; being high above the world.”

“Peter, you’re really scaring me here.”

“Don’t be scared. Everything is okay.” Peter looked directly into her eyes again. “I just need to do this.”


Peter closed his eyes and concentrated with all his power on one thing, Nathan. If he could feel Nathan, he could fly. If he could fly, he could wake up. Get home. Leave this nightmare. He put his leg out towards the edge when he felt a tug pulling him back. He turned and looked at Annie.

“What are you doing?”

“I won’t let you,” she said. Peter looked at Annie’s determined face and smiled. No one had ever actually pulled him back before. When he told Nathan it was his turn to be somebody and he stepped off, Nathan didn’t save him until it was almost too late. When Simone showed Peter the painting and asked him not to go, she didn’t stop him. He saw the concern and fear in her Annie’s eyes. He couldn’t try to fly around Annie, he couldn’t do that to her. There was something about her that made him not want to try. Peter stepped towards her. She smiled.

“You won’t let me,” said Peter, smiling. “I like that.”

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