Pillow and Politicans (Part 2)

May 26, 2008 11:05

Title: Pillows and Politicians (Part 2)
Fandom: Movieverses!Iron Man/Spider-man/Heroes/Doctor Who/Life on Mars
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 2893
Rating: R
Characters and Pairing: Nathan Petrelli/Tony Stark/Harold Saxon (Sam Tyler), Nelson, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Random Blonde Chick. Hints at Sam/Gene and Nathan/Peter.
Warnings: Language, Slightly (ok, quite) twisted, humour
Spoilers: Spider-man 2, Iron Man, Up to episode 1.13 for Heroes, Master episodes of Doctor Who and a basic idea of Life on Mars.
Summary: At a benefit for his campagin, Nathan Petrelli attempts to gain money and influence from two very influenetial men. 
Notes: Takes place Oct/Nov 2006, so Tony Stark isn't Iron Man. Nathan is looking for Peter who is off having adventures with an invisible man. Harold Saxon isn't running yet and he is actually Sam Tyler too. I've always wanted to write a Master!Sam fic so here it is. Also, this story is what came into my brain after seeing Iron Man. I might be crazy, but Tony Stark is too.

Part 1

Pillows and Politicans (Part 2)

He really loved being the centre of attention. Nathan Petrelli lived for it. People who he didn’t know and didn’t give a damn about admiring his very being; it was the reason he even went to the stupid things. Benefits and rallies were really a bore, but Nathan needed the money. He needed to win. And he would have done anything to win.

One particular benefit was especially important to his campaign. Why? Because two of the most renowned men in the world were going to be there and if he had their support - and capital - well, Nathan would win: simple as that, he thought. So he needed to be all that he was and more.

He saw Stark first, lounging at the bar, glass of scotch in one hand and a blonde in the other. He saw Nathan walking towards him rose his dark eyebrows and motioned with his head to the girl. His eyes said it all: “Am I getting some tonight or what?” Nathan stepped up to him and grinned what Peter called his baby kissing grin.

“Mr Stark, good to see you again,” he said.

“Mr Petrelli,” he said swaying slightly, taking a sip of the alcohol. He turned to the blonde. “Hey, leave us.”

“What?” she said, offended at the very notion of leaving. Nathan gazed at the blonde. She was beautiful. Like the woman in Vegas. Or…

“Business to discuss, sweetheart. We’ll meet up later.” She pouted before turning to leave. Stark leaned into Nathan, “We’re not gonna meet up later.” Nathan quirked his eyebrow and pointed at Stark’s drink.

“Good stuff?”

“Only the best at these things.” Nathan ordered himself a scotch and let it play in his hand before taking a sip. “Let’s get right down to it,” Stark said giving Nathan a remiss stare.

“Alright,” Nathan said. “I don’t like the small talk and neither do you.”

“Why do you want my money?” he asked bluntly.

“To help my campaign. If you supported me, with your influence, I can win. People like you.”

“They do indeed. Do you like me, Mr Petrelli?” he asked with a sly smile.

“You know I do, Mr Stark,” Nathan responded with his own fox-like smile. Stark took a drink and looked past Nathan.

“Why is he here?” Nathan turned to see Saxon in a black suit that was a size too big, standing with his arms crossed; glaring at a blonde who Nathan could only assume was his wife. He looked as though he wanted to escape from some nightmare. Nathan turned back to Stark with a grin.

“Influential men come in packs, Mr Stark.” Stark rose his eyebrows and smiled.

“Really?” He leaned closer to Nathan. “You know I’m in business with that guy now. Building something top secret.”

“Anything good?” Nathan asked slightly intrigued.

“Nah, all boring. Some big ‘ol cell phone satellites.” Quickly, Saxon’s gaze found the bar; an escape from the matters at hand. He quickly found his way over, his wife too engrossed in a conversation to notice he had gone. He tapped his fingers impatiently at the wood. Nathan and Stark watched him as the man only paid attention to the bar tender, who was busy facing the other direction cleaning a glass.

“Oi! This is your job right? You run this bar, act like it!” he said to the man tending the bar, clearly irritated to fact that he wasn’t turning around. The bartender turned, his dread locks flying behind him. Nathan noticed the Saxon’s face turned two shades whiter.

“Yes sir,” he said in a thick Jamaican accent. “What’s your poison this evening?” Saxon swallowed and starched at his head.

“Whiskey. Double...massive.” The bartender turned to fetch Saxon’s drink. “You know what, just leave the bottle.” The bartender turned back and smiled.

“Absolutely sir.” Then his gaze lasted a little too long. Saxon looked sick. Nathan and Stark turned to each other with risen eyebrows, communicating without speaking. Should they say something to the man who was obviously distressed? They then both turned to view Saxon downing the double in one swift motion. Stark rose his eyebrows impressed.

“Well, you’ve got me beat,” Stark said. Saxon turned to him with deep eyebrows and a snarl on his face.

“G-d, shut up,” he said. Saxon then noticed it was Tony Stark standing next to him and relaxed just a little bit. “Why are you here?” he said to Stark.

“Hi to you too, Harry.” Stark pointed to Nathan. “Him.” Nathan smiled and Saxon glared.

“Nice to meet you, Mr Saxon. I’m Nathan Petrelli and I’m-”

“So you’re the reason I’m here? Well then I’ve got one thing to say to you: fuck you.” The statement took Nathan off guard.

“I’m sorry you’re unhappy, Mr Saxon, if there’s anything at all that I can do to make your evening more enjoyable -”

“You can get me another bottle of scotch, how’s that?”

“I’m down,” Stark said. Nathan smirked.



On the second level of the building, there was on old bedroom covered in wood. A window faced the empire state building and an old bed with a pillow sat adjacent to the wall. Some how, this was the room where Nathan Petrelli, Tony Stark and Harold Saxon ended up with several - more than several - bottles of whiskey. Saxon lied on the bed staring up at the ceiling, Stark lied on the floor staring at the floor boards and Nathan stood starring out the window at the sky. Peter was out there somewhere and he couldn’t find him. Saxon laughed to himself; this caught Nathan’s attention.

“What’s so funny?” Nathan asked him, turning to face the man from the far away country.

“I bet he’s here some where,” he said. Nathan watched the man curiously, wondering if maybe he could read his mind. Stranger things had been happening around him and his brother.

“Who?” Stark asked, voice muffled from his arm.

“The doctor,” Saxon replied simply. Nathan rose his eyebrow. Not mind reading, but something else. There was something about him that wasn’t quite right. Alright, really not right, but Nathan wasn’t right either so who was he to judge.

“Why do you need a doctor?” Nathan asked. “If you’re not feeling great it’s probably not a stomach bug, but the scotch.” Saxon sat up and looked at Nathan with a twisted grin.

“I need a really good doctor, Mr Petrelli. I need the Doctor.” And then he pouted to mock someone that Nathan didn’t know. “He’s the only one who can make me better because he’s the one who heals the people.” Stark then popped up and gazed at Saxon. He decided to join in on what appeared to be a game of Saxon’s.

“So what, you need to be healed? You wanna be his patient?” Saxon smirked.

“Oh no, I’m the master.”

“What? The master of patients?” Nathan asked.

“Nope, just the master,” he replied with a strange look of euphoria on his face.

“The master?” Stark asked with a raised eyebrow. “Man and I thought I was conceited.”

“Well, you are,” Nathan said.

“True,” was Stark’s reply.

“He’s just more so.”

“Indeed I am,” Saxon said with a smug grin. Nathan took the good willed opportunity to pull the cards out on the campaign table.

“You really are, Mr Saxon. You know what else; people are entranced by you I’ve noticed.” Saxon really smiled.

“Oh I’ve noticed too.”

“And all that power, I mean, you’ve gotta do something with it right?” Saxon crossed his arms.

“You still want my money don’t you,” he stated. Nathan grinned.

“I do.”

“He’s good for it,” Stark said climbing up to the bed. “Nathan’s got the charms of a fucking leprechaun.” Saxon laughed and looked at Stark.

“You’ve got a mouth like…” and then he trailed off, his smiled fading as he realised who Stark reminded him of. Saxon stopped breathing for a quick moment. Nathan rushed over to him and Stark’s eyes were wide.

“Harry?” Stark waved his hands in front of Saxon’s face. Suddenly Saxon took a breath, blinked and looked at Stark.

“Him,” he said before swallowing. And then he pressed his face into Stark’s, kissing him and causing them both to fall off the bed. Nathan shot up and starred. A second later Stark jumped up and looked at Nathan with a face displaying disbelief before Saxon rose and adjusting his tie. “Sorry,” he muttered quietly, looking away. Stark’s eyebrows were deep in his eyes, as well as Nathan’s, both confused by the man’s sudden sexual orientation change.

“Hey, don’t be, uh, sorry, Harry. It was, lovely.” He then cleared his throat and relaxed. “Cause it wasn’t bad and if you’d like to do it again, I’d be more than happy to oblige.” Saxon turned faster than you could say ‘jump’ and pushed Stark to the wall. At this point Nathan took a step back. When he saw that Harold Saxon and Tony Stark were going to be at the benefit he saw an opportunity for him, not for the two men to find love in a shit bedroom with more bottles of scotch than he could care to count. Saxon smirked into Stark’s mouth.

“G-d, make me feel like he did,” he growled. “Make me feel alive.” Tony rose his eyebrows.

“I can do that,” he said turning Saxon and shoving him into the wall. “Like it rough eh, Harry, Master of the scotch bottle?” Saxon laughed before pushing forward into Stark. Nathan rolled his eyes and sat in a rough chair that held a small worn out pillow on it with no cushion left. After a moment Stark turned to him. “You know, there’s plenty to go around.”

“Really, there is,” said Saxon. Nathan rose his eyebrows and pointed at them with his finger.

“I’m good, really. You two have your fun; I’ll be here waiting when you’re done.” Stark rolled his eyes and Saxon smiled awkwardly out of the side of his mouth.

“Fuck that Petrelli! C’mon. Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“With my brother,” Nathan said bitterly.

“You’ve got a brother?” Saxon asked. Stark looked at Saxon.

“Yeah, haven’t you heard? He tried to kill himself last month!”

“Really? How interesting!”

“No, he didn’t,” Nathan said rising from the seat, anger growing by the second. How dare he talk about Peter like he was just some 2nd page news story. “Shut up about, Peter. Or I swear to G-d I’ll…!” Saxon and Stark both starred at Nathan for a moment before breaking out into hysterical laugher. Nathan’s mouth grew small.

“I think you want to join,” Stark said.

“Or maybe you want to find your brother, because you really weren’t that excited before.” That was when Nathan noticed.

“Or maybe anger turns ya on.” Nathan turned around and put his hands to his head. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…

“I think it’s his brother actually, you saw how angry he was when you talked about him? He’s like the Doctor, always wants to keep something forever and when it goes away, he can’t handle it. All the pent up hostility and lust.” Then Nathan snapped. He ran Saxon pushing Stark aside with a rough push and forced his mouth into Saxon’s. He glared at the man.

“You wanna feel alive, Harold Saxon? I’ll make you feel more alive then you ever have and then I’ll drag you back down.” Saxon smirked at Nathan.

“You do that, Nathan,” he said. Nathan pushed him to the bed, pulling his jacket off as he pushed off Nathan’s. They rolled over as Tony Stark plopped next to them already unclothed ready for action.

“Let’s do this dirty thang,” Stark said.


Five minutes into the act the door opened. None of the men could have anticipated a red haired woman walking in talking quickly as if in a rush.

“Mr Stark, the bartender downstairs told me that you went up here a little while ago with…” And then she stopped dead at the sight. The three men looked at her and all smiled. He froze unable to move, speak or breathe.

“Hiya, Pepper,” Stark said with an ease that even Nathan was impressed by. A small sound came from Pepper, but nothing more. She then turned and left.

“Man, she needs a really big raise,” Stark said. “Like, at lest 7 figures. Does she make 7 figures? What does that mean anyway?”

“That is why it’s good to have a wife,” said Saxon. “She’ll stay forever so if you shag two random blokes you can just shag her later to make it up.”

“You’ve got a real warped mind, Harry,” Nathan said.


When they were done and partially clothed, Saxon made a declaration. “G-d look at us, all three of us royally fucked in one way or another.” Nathan’s eyebrows burrowed and Stark just rose a glass.

“Indeed we are!” He then took a sip of whiskey. Nathan looked at him in confusion.

“Where’d you get that?” he asked. Stark shrugged.

“No idea.” He then took another sip.

“Why are we fucked?” Saxon laughed.

“He’s an alcoholic narcissist sex addict,” he said pointed at Stark.

“Amen!” he said raising his glass again. He then turned away and off into a corner to put his clothes back on.

“You’re barely even human-” Nathan’s heart jumped a beat. “-and I don’t even know what I am anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” Nathan asked with a grin like he truly didn’t know. Saxon took a step towards him and smiled devilishly.

“I know what you are,” he said quietly, egging him on. Nathan’s grin never faltered. “I know what you can do. What your brother can do.”

“Really, I have no clue what you’re talking about, Harry.”

“Oh Nathan, really, I know you can fly. I was hoping you would let it come out early when I kept going on and on about your brother. I mean, he jumped off a building with nothing but a bump on the head! You caught him and lost control. Then he fell off another building three weeks ago in some dusty place called Odessa with not a scratch? I know what you are and what he is.”

“You’re crazy,” Nathan said.

“Yes,” said Saxon. “But not because of you.” Saxon tapped his fingers on the bed. “You don’t think I’d go into business with a man without looking him up did you?” Nathan’s face lit up.

“You’re giving me the money?” Saxon looked at with smug disbelief, all displayed with his eyebrows.

“No, you’re joking right? What do I care about who’s elected in New York City let alone the United States! I’m not even based here! Who do I care who’s running things, they’ll just be dead soon.” Nathan’s eyebrows deepened. Stark then popped up from behind him.

“You know, he’s got a point. I mean really, why do I care about New York. I live in LA. You know, where the Pacific Ocean is.”

“Because you two have influence! People will see that you support me and then they’ll support me because they support you!” Saxon and Stark smirked.

“I’ll give you a 500,000, just because you made me feel something for like a split second back there,” Saxon said. “And in your money since it’s worth less.” Nathan relaxed and smiled.

“You see, that’s a problem I’m trying to fix.”

“I’ll give you a million, but only if you do one thing for me,” Stark said.

“Anything,” responded Nathan.

“Get me into a really nice restaurant in the Upper East Side tomorrow tonight cause I think Pepper’s outta commission for a while and don’t know how to make the call and all that.”

“Consider it done, Mr Stark,” Nathan said with a grin. “Got a hot date?”

“Oh yeah, he’s got the greatest eyes you’ve ever seen, needs to eat though.”


The three made their way back down to the actual benefit in a much better mood than when they left it. Saxon took Nathan by the arm and pulled him into a dark corner before they could get closer, leaving Stark. “You can’t let it happen,” he said with all the seriousness of one of Nathan’s military commanders.

“What?” Nathan asked.

“The bomb,” he said. “Don’t let it happen. You’re going to have to stop it, Nathan Petrelli. You don’t make it end, I do. Don’t steal my thunder got it?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Saxon smirked.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Nathan just looked at him, blankly. Then Saxon rose his eyebrows, patted Nathan’s shoulders and walked away. “I rather like this politics thing, perhaps I’ll run for something.” He then laughed a laugh that chilled Nathan to the bone. There was something very wrong about Harold Saxon. Nathan could still taste it in his mouth. Or maybe all the scotch wasn’t sitting to well with him.

Stark ran outside into the city streets. Nathan followed but halted when he saw Stark brush his hand through a brown haired boy’s hair. Nathan looked up at ceiling and closed his eyes. He hated how he wasn’t the centre of attention anymore. He wasn’t the attention of anyone. He plopped himself onto a couch with hard pillows and wished Peter was next to him.
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