Pillows and Politicians (Part 1)

May 13, 2008 21:23

Title: Pillows and Politicians (Part 1)
Fandom: Movieverses!Spider-man/Iron Man/(Heroes, Doctor Who, Life on Mars slightly, more so in next part.)
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 2126
Rating: R
Characters and Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Warnings: Language, Slightly (ok, quite) twisted, humour
Spoilers: Spider-man 2, Iron Man
Summary: Something always happened when it was raining.
Notes: Takes place Oct/Nov 2006, so Tony Stark isn't Iron Man and Peter Parker is now with Mary Jane. Also, this story is what came into my brain after seeing Iron Man. I might be crazy.

Pillows and Politicians

It was raining. Something bad always happened when it was raining. Peter knew this before he heard the woman’s scream, but he still let out an annoyed huff. Always when it rains; you’d think that even the bad guys would try to stay out of the pouring heavens when they have opened to say hey. It was cold and after a fight in the rain, the suit was a real bitch to get off. Exasperated, he rushed to the scene only find another man already standing there, talking with the mugger, the woman no where to be seen.

“So do you now see how pointless this whole event was?” The mugger looked slightly confused and slightly in love.

“Uh, yes?” he asked taking a step closer to the man. The man held his hand up.

“Don’t move any closer,” he commanded. The mugger froze.

“Seriously?” The man gave the mugger a steely expression.

“Yeah, think I’m joking?” The mugger didn’t seem to know how to respond. He exhaled, but didn’t smile. “Look, I’m not being funny, so run along home and you won’t have to deal with the ramifications your little stunt could have caused.” Peter gazed down at the man curiously. He looked familiar, but the rain obscured his persistence of vision. The mugger took a step away from the man and turned to run. Instead he looked back to see the man motioning with his hands to leave. “Go. Now.”


“Go.” The mugger wasn’t going to leave. Peter saw his chance.

“I just want to know if-” He jumped from the roof and landed behind him. The man looked up at Peter and began to smirk. The mugger turned slowly, only to see Peter and he immediately bolted. Peter rolled his eyes and easily strung the guy up to a light pole.

“That was pretty cool,” the man said. Peter turned to him and saw who he was. He could hardly believe it, the man standing in front of him was one of his heroes. One of the smartest men in the world was standing right there. And looking at him!

“Holy crap, you’re, Tony Stark!” Peter said with a little bit too much enthusiasm. Peter internally kicked himself for sounding like the geeky college student he was. Then Stark took several steps towards him and rose his eyebrows.

“Holy crap, you’re, Spider-man,” he responded sarcastically. Peter laughed nervously. He wondered how the fact that he was giddy looked to an outside eye. After all, he was covered in bright red spandex from head to toe. That was when he remembered that in fact he was covered in spandex from head to toe and for good reason; he was Spider-man. He cleared his throat and put on his best superhero voice.

“Uh, yeah…I, uh, am. I’m just a huge fan of yours, Mr Stark.”

“And I of yours, Mr Man.” He looked up to the sky and then back at Peter. “I would love to continue talking with you Spider-man, but you see, it’s wet and well, isn’t there some place where less perspiration is falling from the sky that we can go to?” Peter couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He grinned, knowing full well that Stark couldn’t see.

“You’re not gonna leave me here are ya!?” The mugger screamed in a panic from the light pole. Peter turned towards the man.

“Depends,” said Stark.

“On what?” he croaked.

“On if you’ve learned your lesson or not,” Peter said joining in.

“I have now let me down! I promise I’ll never lead a life of crime again! I’ll…I’ll go to church!”

“Church? Seriously man, you could fuck a monkey for all we care as long as you don’t disrupt the peace,” Stark said. He turned to Peter. “Do you care if he fucks a monkey?” Peter shrugged.

“Well, that is how AIDS was started,” he responded. “So maybe.”

“Oh right. So, don’t go and fuck a monkey.”

“I wont!”

“Go get a job,” said Stark.

“Really, don’t fuck a monkey though,” Peter added. “And don’t attempt to rob anyone again, ok?”


“Hmm, is he entirely trustworthy in this situation?” Stark asked egging the man on, scratching his goatee while gazing at him hanging from a light pole.

“I don’t know. He did try to mug a helpless, wet, woman.”

“Dude!” the mugger said. “She wasn’t helpless! She was wearing pointy heels! I don’t think I can conceive anymore.” So that’s how she got away. Then why was Stark there?

“Good to know you’re idiotic, inferior DNA won’t be spread throughout the world,” Stark said.

Five minutes later Peter let the mugger down and quickly found himself in a cramped alley with Tony Stark.

“So, how friendly are you, Mr Spider-man?” he asked, pushing Peter against a decaying paper that said Vote Petrelli.

“Oh I can be very friendly, Mr Stark,” Peter said. Peter didn’t really understand why was, but he was. He was flirting with a man he didn’t know, just admired…admired immensely. But there was something about him. He wanted to. Stark’s hands went to his neck. Peter wanted to, but he couldn’t. “No.” Stark looked at him with a yeah right.

“C’mon, I’ve always want to screw a super hero,” he said. “And you seem to hero worship me. I don’t see the problem here.” Peter swallowed hard.

“I…listen; I’ve got this whole dual identity thing going on. I can’t just reveal who I am to you.” Stark eyes lowered; he looked bored.

“Sure ya can.”

“I’ve got a girl friend.”

“So.” Peter frowned. He felt cornered and didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, he wanted to. On the other, there was the whole responsibility thing; Uncle Ben and all…and of course, Mary Jane.

“Responsibility…I’ve got-”

“Fuck that for one night, Spider-man. Just let me, fuck you.” He grinned devilishly. “Simple. You don’t even have to tell me your name. I’ve got a room at the Plaza in room 815. Meet there in 30 minutes.”


When Peter got home, Mary Jane wasn’t there; not at all to his surprise. Things weren’t going as well as he hoped they would.

It took him 45 minutes to take off the suit. Stupid rain, he thought as he rushed over to the plaza, swinging as quickly as he could with his hood on tightly.

He rasped at Stark’s window in a four note beat. A moment later he saw Stark’s face through the blinds and a wide smile on his face. “You’re late,” he said as Peter dropped to the floor. Peter pushed off his hood and shook his wet hair.

“Yeah, well, rain,” was his response. He gazed up at Stark to see he was much more boyish when he was relaxed. He also noticed he was starring at him.

“That suit must stick to you like a condom on a banana without the peal in the rain. How the hell do you breathe?” Peter smiled nervously. He felt exposed. Nothing to hide who he was; it was Peter Parker standing in the room with Tony Stark now, not Spider-man.

“Uh…I…” Peter’s voice evaporated. It all suddenly crashed down on him like an armoured car falling from the sky (and Peter would know because that happened to him once). Peter Parker was standing there; not Spider-man. Oh G-d, what the hell am I doing here! He screamed inside his head. Stark seemed to noticed this fact. He laughed.

“Geez, you’re just a kid. I find that strangely intriguing.” Peter felt small. Maybe he needed a drink or something. Yeah, a drink would help in this situation. He looked past Stark and at the table where a half empty bottle of scotch sat.  Stark turned his head to see what Peter was looking at. He turned back with a big smile and a risen eyebrow. “I like you,” he said. Stark sauntered over to the liquor. “So what’s it like to be a super hero? Saving the city, day after day?” Peter fiddled with his jacket zipper.

“It’s uh…nothing special, really.” Stark’s eyebrows quirked.

“Oh don’t be so modest, Spider-man.” Peter cringed. It didn’t feel right. Stark handed Peter the drink and immediately he downed it. It burned; he tried not show it. He hated scotch - it reminded him of Norman Osbourne - but at that moment, it seemed necessary. Peter coughed and handed the glass back to Stark who took it with glee.

“I’m not being modest,” Peter said quietly. “Really.”

“You don’t need to be so uncomfortable, really. I’m not going to tell anyone what you look like. I mean, why would I?” Peter shrugged.

“People involved with me often…they’re always in danger and that’s my fault.”

“I can take care of myself. If you haven’t noticed, I’m Tony Stark.” Peter smiled in his direction. “You’ve got great eyes, Spider-man.” Peter placed the glass on a table and moved slowly towards Stark. “Shame you have to hide them behind that mask.”

“Do you, do this often?” he asked quietly. Stark rose an eyebrow.

“Bring people I don’t know back to my room? All the time.”

“Oh, I see,” Peter said with a blank expression. He could feel the scotch slowly swirling through his system. One stupid glass was all it took.

The next thing Peter knew was the feeling of Tony Stark’s mouth against his own, pressing the older man against a wall before falling into the most amazing bed Peter had ever encountered.


Peter awoke to the feeling of fingers running through his hair.  He looked up to see Stark smiling a little too possessively in his direction. “Sleep well, Spider-man?”

“Peter,” was his response. Stark rose his eyebrows.

“Really? I would have thought you were a James.” Peter smiled, but it faded away as quickly as it came.

“I have to ask you something, Mr Stark.”

“Tony,” he said quickly.

“Tony,” Peter said with a soft, barely existent smile.

“Ask away.”

“Have you ever…done this before?” Tony smirked.

“I told you last night I have, many times.”

“I mean…” Peter started trying to articulate the confusing thoughts swirling throughout his mind. Tony however seemed to know exactly what he wanted to know.

“You mean screw a man?” he said with a pout. Peter’s eyes went wide.

“Uh…yeah; to put it bluntly.” Stark’s eyebrow twitched as a playful look came across his face.

“A few. There was the one spring break during school…” And then Stark starred past Peter, lost in his reminiscing.

“So…” Peter felt himself relax in the sheets and plush comforters. “Was I good?” he asked with a grin. Tony snapped out of his dream and laughed at Peter.

“You have room for improvement, but honestly I think those super powers have done your body good.” His hands began to run through Peter’s hair again. Peter looked up.

“Like my hair?”

“It’s such a shame you’ve got to cover yourself, Peter.”

“It’s in the job description.”

“I’ll have to remember that.” That was when the door swung open. Peter’s eyes went as wide as they could when a red headed woman in a black dress walked in. She looked at Stark and then at Peter before taking a breath and smiling.

“Well, this is new,” she said to Tony, crossing her arms. He smirked in her direction.

“I like to keep you on your toes, Miss Potts. I don’t know what I would do if you ever got sloppy.” She laughed nervously and Peter suddenly felt invisible. He wasn’t in the room with Tony and Miss Potts anymore, it was just them.

“You have a 10 o’clock appointment with Mr Saxon, CEO of the satellite manufacturing company…” Tony rolled his eyes.

“Thank you, Miss Potts, tell him I’ll be there 15 minutes late.” She looked at Peter uncomfortably and suddenly he was back.

“Is there…Is there anything you would like me to get your friend?” Stark turned to Peter who rose his eyebrows in response. He then looked back at Miss Potts nonchalantly.

“Nope, he’s good.” She then turned quickly and closed the door a little too hard. Mr. Stark burst out laughing and fell to his pillow. Peter gazed down at him quizzically. “Now that was fun don’t you think so, Peter?”

“How was that fun?”

“Did you see her face? Classic.” He wiped at his eye. “Oh man, I really don’t pay that girl enough. I’ll just give her a raise tomorrow.” And then Peter was envious of Stark. He had all that money and he didn’t care where it went.

“It must be great to be you,” he said softly. Stark grinned.

“It sure is.” Peter looked past him and out the window. It had stopped raining.

*Notes: Hope you all found the Wonder Boys references. :D

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