The Petrelli Adventure (Part 6)

Apr 20, 2008 12:51

Title: The Petrelli Adventure (Part 6): A Blast to the Past
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 3558
Rating: PG-13
Characters and Pairing: wee!crazy!Peter, wee!Gabriel, Nathan/Meredith, Nathan/Heidi, Mohinder, Various Company workers
Warnings: AU, Language, Slightly twisted, humour, dark
Spoilers: None really, it's AU
Summary: A Flash Back to the Events of Nathan getting Peter out of the Company hospital.
Notes: I wanted to take a detour from the story to reveal more backstory. So basically, this is the lost flashback. There may be more.

Previously: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Part 6: A Blast to the Past

They told him to wake up. It was time to begin the day. Sluggishly he rose and wiped at his sleep induced eyes. He dragged himself over to his white dresser and pulled out clean clothes all in grey.

The door opened with a loud beep before swinging open. All the doors lining the hallway except one did the same. They all stepped out of their rooms at the same time, stepping into place. A dark haired boy from behind him stepped closer and he slowed down to greet him. “Hey,” said the boy. The line continued to move.

“Hey,” he responded stepping into place next to him. As the two passed the only closed door, he smiled in wonderment. “They didn’t let Niki out today.” The boy smirked.

“Nope, which means either she’s really drugged or in real trouble,” he said darkly.

“Well, after yesterday.”

“I thought she was going to rip Mr Thompson’s head off.”

“Me too!”

“Wouldn’t it have been incredible if she got too, Pete?”

“Oh yeah,” he responded with a dark smirk. “Then we could have gotten out while all the guards were busy with taking her down and finding his head amidst the blood.” The boy laughed.

“You’re crazy, Peter.”

“So are you, Gabriel,” Peter responded. Gabriel shrugged.

“Do you think we’re having egg whites for breakfast again?”


Nathan sat at the café sipping at his espresso wearing his fine Italian suit that wasn’t his. That was when he saw her in the crowd. He smiled and when she looked over, he waved slightly. She grinned and pushed her dark hair out of her face as she ran towards him. “Buongiorno,” she said winded.

“Buongiorno!” He rose and waited until she sat to sit once again. She grinned at him and reached for her own coffee.

“Come sta?” She said after taking a sip. Nathan smiled.

“Bene, grazie. E lei?” he said smoothly.

“Non c’e male.”

“That’s good,” he said switching to English. She leaned closer to him.

“I got it,” she said in a whisper. Nathan’s eyes grew wide.

“You’re serious, Heidi, cause this could really save my ass,” he said in a harsh whisper. She smiled playfully.

“And you’re going to have to remember that.”

“I will, I promise.” He reached out and took her hand in his. “You’re helping me get my brother back, I’ll always remember that.” Her blue eyes sparkled in his direction.

“But you’re already married,” she said quietly. Nathan rose his eyebrows and perked his ears.


“Nothing,” she said quickly. “Here,” she said taking her hand away from Nathan and shoving it into her black leather bag. Heidi pulled out a copy of the Iliad in paperback and handed it to Nathan. She smiled slyly. “It’s a really good read.” Nathan took it in his hands and smiled like a shark.

“I bet it is.”

Nathan opened it and saw the name: Mohinder Suresh.


Gabriel played with his creamed corn. He moved the yellowish blob with his plastic spork, inspecting every millimetre of it. “Aren’t you hungry?” said Peter, who was happily eating his corn-ish material.

“Nah,” said Gabriel with a sigh. Peter pouted in his direction and then continued to eat. He then spontaneously laughed. Gabriel rose his dark eyebrows.

“What’s so funny?” he asked the boy next to him. Peter turned to him with a look of pure amusement.

“Have you ever noticed how corn looks a lot like brains?” Gabriel gazed at him.

“No, because corn doesn’t look like brains,” he said matter-o-factly.

“Oh really?” Peter said with risen eyebrows. “Cause I think corn looks like brains.”

“Brains are all swirlly and mattery…You know, like spaghetti and meat sauce.” He paused and thought about Peter’s topic of discussion. “And why would I want to eat brains?”

“I dunno,” Peter said with a shrug. “Cause you’re weird?”

“You’re weirder,” Gabriel said defensively.

“No, you are.”

“You are.”

“No, Desmond is!” exclaimed Peter, pointing to a boy with light brown hair talking to a girl with blonde hair tied up.

“Because he can’t do anything useful yet?” Gabriel inquired.

“Exactly,” Peter said with a smug smirk, crossing his arms.

“I think time traveling through other people is kinda cool,” said Gabriel with a dreamy look.

“Then you haven’t actually experienced it, believe me I know,” Peter said looking away. Gabriel turned to Peter.

“Wait, you’ve done it!” he said, voice laced with jealousy.


“That’s not fair!” Peter turned to Gabriel with a smile.

“C’mon, Gabe. It’s not like a try to absorb powers better than you. I just do.” Gabriel glared before turning back to his cream corn shoving it angrily into his mouth. He starred at it pretending it really did look like brains; Peter’s brains.


Mohinder tapped his fingers nervously in a 5/4 beat against the dining hall table anxiously looking at his watch every two seconds. 17.28. Would he show? What was he doing there in the first place? Mohinder reached into his bag and with a shaky hand tore out a book. “You’re early,” said the voice from the day before. Mohinder jumped and noticed the man sitting across from him with the same shark like smile.

“Do you even have another expression?” Mohinder asked, putting the book down.

“Yeah,” he said nonchalantly. “I’m glad you showed, Mohinder.” Mohinder narrowed his eyes.

“How do you know me?” The man leaned back and closed his eyes.

“The people I work for, Mohinder want you.” He leaned forward, opened his eyes and dropped the smile. Mohinder squinted at him curiously.


“Because you’re some kind of genius,” he said. “And your father’s research.” Mohinder became exasperated.

“You’re kidding right? I don’t have his research.”

“But you know it.”

“Yes, but I’m not a geneticist! I’m not my father!” He exclaimed. The smile returned.

“What do you want to do, Mohinder?” He relaxed and gazed at the strange man with the smile of persuasion.

“You’re really interested aren’t you?” The man revealed his perfect teeth.


“I want to find things,” he said slowly. “I want to find things that are lost and give them back to the world.”

“I can give you that, Mohinder,” he responded. Mohinder rose his eyebrows.

“Really now,” he said with disbelief.

“My name is Nathan Petrelli, Mohinder and I work for a division of the government so secret it doesn’t have a name.” The student’s mouth opened in disbelief.

“You’re a spy? Like in the James Bond films?”

“Sort of,” Nathan said with a shrug and a smile. “The division finds objects that are lost and are either dangerous, valuable or both. They also deal in the matter of people with abilities, hence, you and me.”

“You?” Mohinder asked curiously. “Are you one of them?”

“Uh huh.”

“What can you do?”

“Fly.” Mohinder began to smile. Nathan rolled his eyes. “Yes, I know, really cool.”

“Very cool.”

“Anyways, you know about all the genetics involved with abilities. That’s why tomorrow morning in your genetics class someone is going to come to you named Matt Parkman. He’s going to offer you a job and you’re not going to take it. Taking it would mean they own you and for the rest of your life. You wouldn’t be able to have a real life. I can give you something much better. I just need your help first.”

“But, if you work for them, how are you going to help me?” Mohinder asked eyes wide in confusion and shock.

“Because I’m going to get out,” Nathan responded. “After I use their resources, I’m getting out and then I can help you. Everything is falling into place. I’ve already got a line of clients and objects that need to be found. I want you to be my partner.” Mohinder felt his lips curl into a smile.

“Is this venture Archeology or treasure hunting, Mr Petrelli?”

“Both,” said Nathan with a smirk. Mohinder looked at him in awe before a question nagged at him.

“What do you need my help with anyway?” Nathan’s smile dropped and his countenance grew stony.

“I need your help to get my brother back.”


“Peter,” said a soft voice from behind. Peter’s head turned to see a brown haired woman with a kind smile. “It’s time.” Peter frowned profusely.

“I don’t wanna go today,” he stated, turning away. The woman took a step closer.

“You know it doesn’t work that way.”

“So, I’m not going,” he said determined. She pulled out a black box out of her pocket and held it. Peter paled and swallowed.

“C’mon, Peter,” she said grinning.


Niki sat in the empty room with the padded walls. She starred up at the blank ceiling, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. The door opened suddenly, she wanted to react but she couldn’t. The world she was in felt like a dream.

“Weird isn’t it?” said a cruel, easy going female voice. Niki rolled towards the voice and saw a blur; a brown haired blur. “You know you’re just going to be in her until you decide to cooperate, Nicole. It’s your own fault. Everything you’ve ever done has led you to be in here no one else.” The blur seemed to smirk. Niki tried to move, tried to rip her head off, anything, but she couldn’t. She was trapped.


Peter sat on the edge of the bench next to Gabriel. “I don’t want to go today.”

“Deal with it, Peter,” he growled. Peter turned to his friend with a questioning gaze.

“Why are you mad at me?”

“Just shut up, Peter.” Peter glared.

“You know I’ll miss you when I’m gone,” he said with venom in his voice. “Cause I’m leaving tonight! Breaking out and I wont take you with me.” Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“Don’t be stupid, Peter. You’ve been saying that forever and it’s never going to happen.” Peter moved his mouth the Gabriel’s ear.

“Nathan is coming for me,” he said with hardly any volume. Gabriel didn’t believe him.


Nathan knocked on the door. She opened it and moved to the side to let him in, glaring the entire time. “What are you doing here?” she asked shutting the door.

“Hello to you too, honey,” Nathan said sarcastically turning around to face her.

“Quit the shit, Nathan. I don’t want you here.” She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes.

“Meredith, we’re married remember?” Nathan asked with risen eyebrows. “We’re supposed to live together and love each other and fuck each other every night.” He grinned and waited for an answer. She in turn, glared at him, all movements frozen. “Anything?” Her icy stare continued. Nathan exhaled and dropped his shoulders in defeat. “C’mon, Mer, I love you.” He reached out and grasped her shoulders. “You’re my wife and we have a baby together.”

“A baby that doesn’t belong to us anymore,” Meredith said quietly. Nathan swallowed.

“I’m working on that.” She pushed him off and moved to the kitchen leaving Nathan to follow.

“You’re working on it? Well, newsflash, Nate! I never wanted a baby! I never wanted to get married! This was all you!” Nathan’s eyebrows deepened.

“If I remember correctly, you were there, right along with me. It’s not like I got you pregnant on purpose, but it happened! And we got Claire out of it.” Meredith slammed the door closed and turned to Nathan fiercely. He was taken aback by the fire in her eyes.

“You have this crazy idea in your head, Nathan! This crazy idea of what a family is supposed to be and you’re never gonna to stop trying to fix your messed up life until you reach that goal!”

“I…” Nathan said at a loss for words.

“Don’t deny it you stupid son of a bitch! I want out now! All you do is disappear for sometimes weeks at a time of doing lord knows what and your stupid boss adopted our daughter, saying we could get her back when we’re older. Well you know what he can keep her! I don’t want her and I don’t want you!” Nathan stared unable to move; unable to breath.

“Meredith,” he whispered.

“I want, out, now,” she growled, slamming fist onto the counter. Nathan looked at her hand, sparking with anger. He then looked back up at his wife and smiled.

“Alright, you want out? Me too,” he said. Her gaze became confused.

“What?” Nathan rose his eyebrows and shrugged with a pout.

“You want out then so do I.” Meredith gave him a suspicious gaze.


“Yep.” She crossed her arms.

“You want something.” Nathan gave his impression of a shark.

“A tiny favour.” Meredith’s eyes went wide.

“You’re actually going to do it,” she said. “You found him?”

“Yeah.” Meredith exhaled.

“When?” Nathan wrapped his arm around her. She rested her head against his chest.

“Tonight.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’ve even got your exit strategy all worked out. I figured, just in case something went wrong you’d be safe but now…” Nathan paused. “Listen, after I get Peter back, you never have to see me again. You can run away to Mexico if you want.” Meredith closed her eyes. “You know, I really do love you.”

“I know,” she said quietly. “I love you too, I just can’t stand you.” Nathan laughed. She looked up at Nathan and kissed him. They parted and smiled.

“What do you say to one last time?” Nathan said with risen eyebrows.

“Alright,” Meredith said, leading Nathan to the bedroom.


The needle hurt as it stabbed into his neck. Peter cringed and tried to ignore it. He thought of Nathan and his dream. “Number 8.12 injected with sample AM-9,” the doctor said documenting his procedure.

“Give it number five,” said a voice over the speaker. The doctor frowned under the mask, Peter could tell. He looked at the man curiously.

“Five? Are you sure he can take it?” he said. Peter smiled up at the man, hoping he would convince the voices above to do otherwise.

“Yes. Then precede to chop its hand off,” the man said bluntly. Peter’s eyes went wide and he began struggling against his restraints.

“Let me go!” Peter screamed. “I need my hand! Don’t chop it off!” The doctor looked frightened, as he tried to hold Peter down. Nurses rushed into the room holding needles and towels. Peter saw a scalpel sitting on the table and knew it was his chance to escape. He reached for it with his mind called it towards him. The doctor in the mask turned to see the sharp object floating in mid-air. He screamed and jumped backwards into Peter’s table. Peter smirked and made it move closer.

“Stop!” The doctor screamed. The nurses were rushing, trying to restrain him.

“Let me go,” Peter screamed again. The doctor turned to plead with Peter, nervous as he was, but never got the opportunity. A nurse filled Peter with a sedative. As the effect took place, the scalpel dropped to the ground with a clang and Peter’s head rolled to the side. The doctor took a deep breath and looked down at the boy sadly.

“Proceed, Dr Raines,” said the stoic voice from above. He took the top off a bottle of red liquid and poured it into an IV bag. The doctor then attached the IV to Peter’s arm who moaned in response. As the liquid drained into Peter, a nurse handed the doctor a small saw.

Peter couldn’t but let tears fall to the ground.


Mohinder typed quickly; there was no time to waste. He hacked into the system of the company and found the list of patients. “How about security?” Nathan asked, coming up behind him. “Can you turn it off?” Mohinder shrugged.

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll figure it out. What’s your brother’s name?”

“Peter. Peter Petrelli. He’s number 8.12-PPVIIIX. He’s in section 23b.” Mohinder turned and gave Nathan confused stare. “I’ve been working for this for a really long.”

“Then why do you need me?” Mohinder asked turning back to the computer.

“I really suck with computers. And you’re incredibly smart, Mohinder. While I’m in there breaking him out, I need you to keep the security systems off and find the quickest route to Peter’s cell. Meredith will help me hold anyone off. We need to be as inconspicuous as possible.”


Dr Raines wiped his head. “Patient 8.12-PPVIIIX successfully regenerated when injected with sample AM-9. Combined with his blood a possible cure can be found.” He looked down at Peter, unconscious and pale, new hand glistening in the light. It looked the same, but it was completely different.

“Drain him,” said the voice from above. “Then store in AP98.4.” A nurse sliced into Peter’s wrist and caught the blood in an IV bag. As the wound healed, a nurse on the other side slit the other and caught the blood. Dr Raines felt sick.


Peter sat in the corner of his cell holding his hand, inspecting every inch of it. He could have sworn the doctors had cut it off. He felt it. He remembered feeling it, the saw cutting through his bone and muscles; the blood pouring out.

He felt sick and tired, emotionally and physically drained. Peter wanted to go to sleep; he wanted to go to sleep forever. But Peter couldn’t do that, he knew he couldn’t. Nathan was coming. He was on his way.

Peter was finally going to be saved.


Gabriel stared at the watch sitting on the nightstand. It ticked softly, telling him it was time to sleep. He couldn’t though. Peter said his brother, the one that he had talked about for six years, was finally coming to save him. What if he was telling the truth? What if he wasn’t just dreaming, but seeing the future? Or maybe it was something else all together. It nagged at him.


Nathan turned the corner holding onto Meredith’s hand. “Anyone,” he whispered.

“Nothing,” Mohinder said in his ear. “This technology is amazing!” he exclaimed. Meredith and Nathan rolled their eyes at no one. “Really, the fact that I’m communicating with you through that small device in your ear; it’s incredible!”

“It’s just a Bluetooth communicator, Mohinder. Standard issue.”

“For spies.” Nathan rose his eyebrows and shrugged.


“If you boys are done talking shop,” Meredith said, squeezing Nathan’s hand harder. Nathan grinned at her.

“So…quickest passage?”

“Go straight, there should be no guards. Then you have to turn right. That’s where the guards are. I’ll turn off the cameras and censors; you just have to take the men out.”

“Sounds easy enough huh,” Meredith said to Nathan. He smiled slyly and led the way releasing her hand. Together they moved down the hall. By the time Mohinder said, “Clear.” They had reached the guards. Quickly, they caught them off guard. There were two of them, both taken down easily by a swift movement of arms and legs.

“You’re fantastic,” Nathan said to Meredith as she walked ahead.

“Don’t I know it,” she responded with a shake of her hips. Nathan ran to catch up.


Thompson sat in the hospital wing with Bishop. “She’s locked up?” Thompson inquired.

“Oh yes,” responded Bishop. “And heavily sedated.”

“We need to put Miss Sanders on stronger daily medication in order to prevent such an occurrence from happening again, Mr Bishop,” he said forcefully.

“I take it you didn’t take being attacked by a patient very fondly.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Wont happen again, Mr Thompson.” He paused and leaned closer. “Trust me.”


Peter closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. Maybe he wasn’t coming; maybe it was just in his head. He looked up at the ceiling and began counting the holes.

Five minutes later his door clicked. Peter swung his head again and saw a young man’s hands pulling the door open. Then his head popped into the door with a smile. Peter looked up at him suspiciously. “What do you want now, my foot?” The man grinned wider.

“Peter,” he said with the voice from his dream. Peter’s face broke out into a grin.

“Nathan!” He exclaimed rushing up. The two embraced for a quick moment before a blonde with a southern accent tapped Nathan on the shoulder.

“C’mon,” she said. “There’ll be plenty of time for that when we’re miles away.” Peter looked at Nathan’s face, how it sad and happy at the same time. It confused Peter, but he didn’t say anything.

Then they ran.


The next day Gabriel awoke and went into line. When Peter didn’t come up from behind, he grew curious. Was he still mad at him about the corn thing or the brother dream? When Gabriel turned around and that Peter wasn’t there, he froze. He had been right. “Keep moving young man,” said a man with glasses and smile to Gabriel. “There’s nothing to see here.”

“But that’s Pe-” Gabriel began, but the man cut him off.

“Keep moving, son,” the man said kindly again. Gabriel began to move slowly back into line, looking back as the man walked to Peter’s cell along with four others.

Gabriel felt hallow. Peter had broken out and didn’t take him. Peter left him behind.

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