
Jun 05, 2007 19:01

Title: Girl
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 3027
Rating: PG-13
Characters and Pairing: Claire, Peter/Claire, Claire/Zach, Nathan, Sylar
Warnings: Incest, violence, time jumps, angst
Spoilers: Finale
Summary: Claire's life revoling around Peter Petrelli starting at  homecoming.
Notes: Time jumps, evil!Peter and Beatles lyrics. Written in the same format as I'm Only Sleeping but not the same universe. It's Beatles lyrics mixed in with my own. It also doesn't follow the show's dialouge exactly. Title comes from the Beatles song of the same name.


Is there anybody going to listen to my story? It begins so normally like any other, but it’s the ending that makes it so different and bizarre.

My life was so completely normal. School, friends, enemies, family, brother, dog; normal in everyway imaginably possible. Then the incredible happened and my friends had lost their way. Actually, maybe it was myself who was lost. Zach told me to not make it bad. To take a sad song and make it better. I wanted to, but I was too frightened. I didn’t know what was happening. I was a complete freak utterly alone in the world. How could I possibly make it better?

He was a real no where man when I met him. I was racing towards the locker rooms, unaware of the events that would occur that night. Only one thought was racing through my mind that night; I was going to take my sad song and make it better. I felt that even if I was alone, I could make the best of it. I slammed into his body apologizing the way one often does when they hit another. He looked up at me with his dark eyes and crooked smile and for a moment I thought I was in love. There was something familiar about him, but I didn’t know what it was. I grinned. Would you believe in our love at first sight?

Then he had to go and drop the bombshell of why he was standing in that hallway - “This girl, Jackie Wilcox, you know her?” I could almost feel the vomit rising in my throat and wasn’t even aware I could vomit.

“I don’t really want to stop the show…” I said to him smiling. “But she’s on at half time. You know, cause she’s a cheerleader.” Something in his eyes lit up. I looked at him almost curiously before turning away. No, it wasn’t right for him to believe she was a hero. It was me. “You know, between you and me, she’s nothing special.”

“What do you mean? She jumped into a fire to save some guy. Sounds pretty special to me.” I grimaced.

“You know,” I nearly spit out. “You’re right. Me…I’m just…” Oh it hurt my heart to say it: “Jealous. Me…I don’t really get by with any help from my friends.”

“It gets better!” he exclaimed as if to know the secrets of life. I looked at him curiously.

“What does?”

“Life after school; it gets a lot better. When I was younger, so much younger than before…” He trailed off and then stated: “You know what, just climb in the back with your head in the clouds and you’re gone.” He grinned again and I could only smile back. I love you.

I walked to the locker room on a high pondering the prior events. Him, Zach…Zach. He had turned me down after rescuing me. I had believed for a moment I loved him the way he ‘threw’ rocks at my window and climbed up a ladder to rescue me from the confines of my groundment. Why do you treat me so unkind?

“But it’s so easy for a girl like you to lie,” he said to me. “Let’s just go as friends!” I pouted affectionately like the good little girl I was supposed to be.

My childhood ended a few hours later some can say.

“Run for your life little girl!” I heard a man yelling to me. I nearly flew past him and the trophy case. It was too bad that I tripped running up those fucking steps. I could feel the madman coming up behind me. Oh G-d, I’m going to die tonight and I never got to tell him I love him! I thought. Who I believed I loved…I still don’t know who he was.

“She’s so heavy,” I heard him whisper to himself. I watched him grab my former friend and pin her against the wall. “Oh, you better keep your head little girl.” I couldn’t just run away. Oh no. I ran at him and tried as hard as I could to pull him off her. I screamed at him and fought as hard as I could, but it was useless. He pushed me back into the wall with a force I had never felt. I fell to the ground, battered and broken. I could already feel my body repairing itself.

He had me cornered. There was no where to run. “I’d rather see you dead!” he screamed at me. “Then to be with another man. Oh you better run for your life little girl!” I was pushed back into a wall and I looked at him with tears in my eyes. “What were you thinking Claire!?” He walked towards me, his dark hair falling into his face. His whole body seemed to soften as he strode towards my body stuck to the wall.

“Peter,” I whispered. “We - I…” He was only inches from my face; I could feel his breath. Oh G-d, how I wanted him to kiss me.

“I want you...I want you so bad,” he whispered moving his face into my neck.

“I don’t like you,” I said, my eyes fluttering. “But I love you…I’m always thinking of you…Oh!” I exclaimed as he nipped at my neck and the back of my ear. “Peter…” I suddenly came to. “No!” He looked up at me with his sad puppy dog eyes.

“No?” I looked at him determined.

“No…you’re my uncle.” The word seemed to shake our world. He looked sick for a moment before brushing it aside. He smirked.

“Who cares!” He went back to attacking my ear.

“I do!” He looked at me with affection, smirking even wider, if that was possible. “Peter, you’re crazy,” I said weakly, completely trapped.

“Only a little,” he said advancing upon me once again.

“Won’t you come out to play,” the madman mocked as I hid the darkness. I creped along the wall as quietly as I could trying to make it to the door. I was almost there when he said, “I can hear you.” I froze in fear as he suddenly appeared in front of me. I was trapped. All I could do was stand there in freight. For a person who couldn’t die, I began to fear I would. I felt his hand around neck and watched him point his finger at my head. My eyes closed and I braced myself for the worst. Thing was, it never came. I opened my eyes and saw my hero standing over him, beating him until the blood poured down his face like a water fall of crimson. He looked back at me and smiled oddly. It was twisted.

“You saved me,” I said to him smiling, just happy to be alive.

“It’s a full time job,” he said with his unused voice. There was something wrong with him, but I didn’t notice it until later when he cut off the top of the madman’s head and took his brain in his hands.

“Half of what I say is meaningless,” my father said to him. I stood in the background of their argument unsure of how I should react. “She has to be safe.”

“No, Nathan. I need her to stay her with me. She’s the one.” He looked back at me and my heart began melting.

“How do you know, Peter?” he asked disbelievingly. Peter turned back to him. Nathan; always the skeptic.

“Because she’s the cheerleader. Save the Cheerleader,” he said taking a breath and turning to me to smile again. “Save the world.”

“You lied to me!” I said to my uncle sitting next to him in the car. My ‘father’ was outside, leaning against a parking lot pole, looking annoyed. “You said we wouldn’t go to him!” As Peter looked at me, I noticed something. He was scared. He was scared of what to come. Peter wasn’t really a hero; he was a scared little boy who just wanted his big brother to tell him it was all going to be ok. That still didn’t change the fact that he lied to me and I trusted him. As he left the car, I decided to challenge the world. I ran.

“Silly girl,” he said advancing upon me. “Don’t you see that we were meant to be?” I backed into a wall.

“Why’d you do that?” I said loosing my voice as a spoke. It was cracked and broken. All I could do was stare.

“What do you mean?” What do I mean!? That bastard had no idea what he did was wrong.

“You-” I couldn’t say it. I could only look at his hands covered in blood and grey matter.

“He deserved that, Claire.” Don’t you dare say my name you’re as crazy as he is! He laughed a little and my eyes became wide. Oh, no, I thought. He can hear my thoughts. “Course I can Claire-bear.” I nearly vomited.

“You’re as bad as him…no,” I said. Then my voice found its strength. “You’re worse than him!” He suddenly grew darker.

“What are you talking about!” he yelled at me. “I saved you!” His voice was harsh and cruel. “What, do you think I should have done Claire!? He would have just continued to stalk you until one day…” He suddenly collapsed to the ground. “I can’t loose you like I lost him Claire…I just can’t.” I relaxed and moved cautiously towards him. He was sobbing softly. I looked down at the hero so broken and pale. “I can’t.” I leaned down and brushed his hair out of his face. I smiled.

“You don’t have to,” I said. He looked at the dead serial killer in the middle of the room.

“I got that boy.”

I stepped into the jail cell where my hero sat coughing and pale. He was sick. I wanted to ask him if he was ok. He looked distant, lost; dead…like that night before. I could have sworn I heard him mutter, “Brother can you take me back” as he sat back on the make-shift bed. I wondered who his brother was and why he would be asking for him.

“You died,” I said to him. “How long have you known.” He looked at me confused.

“Known what?”

“That you’re like me.” It was as though a light went on in his head.

“You heal!?” he exclaimed putting his hands to his face. I smiled sadly.

“You didn’t know you do?”

“No…I’m not like you, Claire.” I was confused. I saw him heal. He smiled at me.

“You didn’t know that you would heal when you jumped off the building?” He laughed and coughed again.

“No…pretty stupid huh.” I smiled.

“No, it isn’t.” As I left I turned to him and said, “You’re totally my hero.” He smiled, filled with pride.

“Everyone knew that as time went by they’d get a little bit older and a little slower,” the man in the coat said crossing his arms. It was dark in the cell I sat in, waiting for him. “But not you.” I looked up at him.

“You finally going to rescue me,” I asked him. He smirked in the darkness.

“Do you want me to?” he paused. “After all, I’m worse than him.”  I smiled at him.

“Well, seeing as how you are him…” I trailed off and looked away towards the ceiling.

“We could be warm, beneath the waves,” he said softly reaching for my hand. “In our little our little hideaway. He can make everything better.” I turned back to him, my hair moving viciously behind me. I smiled awkwardly and nervously as I asked,

“Do I even have a choice, Peter?” He just smirked.

“There has to be another way!” I cried to him. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t shoot him. I just…I just couldn’t do that. That’s when an angel in a suit flew out of the sky.

“There is, Claire,” he said to me in his deep sultry voice. He turned to his brother.

“I took his power, Nathan. I can’t control it!”

“I’m not leaving you.” I stood back and watched as even in what could be their last moments together, they argued.

“I can’t let you die.” Peter was dying. My father turned to me and smiled.

“And I can’t let everyone else.”

“Help me if you can…” Peter muttered. Nathan just continued to smile.

“I’m going to help you, Peter. I know that I just need your life.”

“I love you, Nathan.”

“I love you too.”

He was advancing upon me. I tried to rise quickly to run, but I felt as though my legs were jelly. Suddenly I felt someone’s arms around me. I screamed and realized it was the man from the hallway. We ran as quickly as we could up those damn steps until we reached the top. He was coming. “Go, quickly! Run to the stadium, he doesn’t want to be seen!” I looked at him desperately.

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me.” I stood my ground. He realized I hadn’t left. His face grew fierce. “Go!” he screamed. “Now! Run for your life little girl!”

Peter didn’t talk for two weeks after he was found on a beach in Long Island. He was just lying there, half dead, covered in all sorts of sea matter and red scars. I was the one who found him. I think I know, but yes, it’s all wrong. Peter was broken. I tried to fix him by talking to him and giving him everything he could ever want, but it wasn’t until he killed the madman, that Peter snapped out of whatever vow of silent depression he was in. I couldn’t fix Peter, because Peter could only fix himself…and he tried to. He tried to fix himself, but Peter was beyond fixing. He only became worse.

“Is there anybody going to listen to my story!?” he exclaimed in the middle of the crowded plaza. “It all happened here you stupid little people!”

“Peter!” I yelled at him. “What are you doing!?” He looked down at me with his twisted countance. Oh G-d, he had finally snapped. He turned to look up at the orange statue. I watched him gracefully ‘jump’ to the top of it. People gawked at how the man had jumped so high, that it was like he was flying or that he was Spider-man or something. “Get down!” I screamed. Peter just laughed.

“So is there!? Is there anybody going to listen to my story all about the girl who came to stay?” He looked down at me with eyes so full of hate and fire, that I believed he was going to explode once again. “Listen up everyone! She’s the kind of girl that the world loves. So innocent and ripe! She was told when young that pain would lead to pleasure, did she understand it when they said; that a man must break his back to earn his day of leisure…will she understand it when he’s dead?” That was when I understood what he was doing. He blamed me for his brother’s death; for my father’s death. I began to cry hot, angry tears. The crowd at the plaza turned its attention towards me. Peter laughed darkly. “See! When I think of all the times I’ve tried so hard to leave her she’ll turn to me and start to cry.” A red headed woman in the crowd moved towards me in order to comfort my crying soul.

“You’re disgusting,” she said to Peter as she wrapped her arms around me. “Humiliating her in public like this.” Peter just smirked at the woman.

“Who the fuck are you to involve yourself in a story you have no right to be in?” he said to her leaning over the edge. I looked up at Peter through the kind woman’s arms, eye’s wet and blotchy.

“Shut up!” I screamed. I moved towards him and the woman softly released me. “Just shut up! You’re the one who lost control!” Peter’s face grew dark as he yelled,

“And you’re the one who was supposed to shoot me before I could hurt anybody!” For a moment we just stared angrily at each other.

“How’d you try to fix yourself,” I asked him as we sat in dirty motel room in Austin. He didn’t look up from his drawing.

“What do you mean?” I moved swiftly to him where he scribbled haste fully.

“You didn’t talk for two weeks after I found you and after you killed Sylar       you suddenly changed. It’s obvious you did something to yourself.” At this point he looked at me with his sunken eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“That can go both ways, Claire-bear. It’s so easy for a girl like you to lie.” He smirked at me. I grew agitated.

“How long are we gunna be here?” I asked.

“Till he gets here.” I grew curious.


“You’ll just wait and see.”

“I don’t want to wait and see!” I said growing angry. A darkness grew in his eyes as he yelled,

“Well you’re going to!”

I found him dead in front of the gym. His body was twisted in odd directions and blood seeped from his cracked skull. The man who had saved me and told me to run was laying dead in front me. Or…wait, no he’s coughing? I watched in horror and amazement as the man put himself back together. All I could say was, “How…how did you?”

“Where is he,” he growled. I told him I didn’t know where the madman was. He told me to find help.

“Wait, what’s your name?”

“Peter,” he choked. I smiled at him thinking about how ridiculous our situation was both of us coved in our own blood.

“I’m Claire.”

“Are the one, saving you did I save the world?” I had no idea what this hero was talking about. What did I have to do to with saving the world?

“I don’t know. I’m just a cheerleader.”

*Notes: What Peter did with Sylar's brain: Well, Peter tried to 'fix' himself in desperation if you didn't catch it. Peter did what Sylar does with the brains, but to himself. 
The time jumps might be confusing...lemme know if you have any questions. 
There MIGHT be more to this story, but I don't really know. If you want another part or can think of something let me know. :D

I'm going on hiatus. This is the last fic I will probably post until about July. I'm going to Italy and London for Vacation on Saturday and I graduate from high school tomorrow so I wont have anytime to post. I hope you enjoyed this!

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