I'm Only Sleeping

May 07, 2007 15:28

Title: I'm Only Sleeping
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 2685
Rating: R
Characters and Pairing: Peter + Everyone Else, Nathan and Gabriel.
Warnings: Angst, Mind-Fuck, Nudity (but no sex)
Spoilers: Up to 20
Summary: Peter's different moments and time periods in Peter's life seen through a dream
Notes: Mind trip and fuck in one. I tried something with this fic where I listened to like 15 Beatles songs (Maybe more) and just put little bits of the songs in the fic. The entire thing revolves around music especially the song, "I'm Only Sleeping" which is where the title comes from. It started out as a fic about insominia and became someting else entirely. I actually really like it. If you've seen the film Vanillia Sky, it's kind of like that because you don't know what's real and what's not.

I’m Only Sleeping

Why is it that I can’t find a way to fall asleep in the late hours of the night, but can’t seem to wake up once I have?

Sleep comes so hard to those plagued by nightmares and endless thoughts that never seem to stop. Once asleep though, it is hard to rise, for you have finally reached the land you tried so hard to get to; why would you want to give that up?

Especially when you know that every time you wake up, you’re one day closer to your dying day…but then again, that’s everyday.

My whole life, I’ve been told to go out and do something. To stop lying around the house and locking myself in my room. “Wake up!” they’d yell to me. “It’s time to live your life!” Live my life? Yeah, right. That’s what I really wanted to do: live my life to their standards. I hated the world I was brought up in and yet, I can never escape it completely. My last name is a clear indicator that I will never be considered an everyday Joe…well, that isn’t the only reason, but you get my point.

When I denied the comforts of the world around me and left the family business for a much more enduring and empathic career, I was told by my family I was crazy. Looking back now, I have no idea why I chose to be a nurse. I was wasting my life sitting in plush, high backed chairs, watching the world going past my patient’s window. The only thing I could look forward to was sleep. As I sat there waiting for something to go wrong, I found myself drifting away.

I left the confines of the reality and escaped to a world where I could jump off buildings and never hit the ground; where I didn’t have the shadows of my family - more importantly my father’s - bearing down on me like an addictive poison.

“Can you take me back where I came from?” I asked a man in the middle of the street in my own little world. He had a funny little hat made of green cloth. His eyes were bright and blue, curious even. The red in his cheeks were comical in ways I can’t even describe.

“Why would you want to?” he asked me in his Scottish accented voice. The man was a great creation; why would I ever want to wake from a dream so incredibly absurd. I still have no idea where this man came from or why he had an accent; more importantly, why he had a green hat. The sub-conscious is a confusing thing isn’t it. I would then smile at him and say,

“You know, you’re right!” One time, he took out a small book and handed it to me.

“Take this brother, may it serve you well.” At first I was confused. The book was a bible. A small one and it was rather old, but a bible none the less. I have never been a very religious person, nor did I ever turn to religion to help me. I had my brother. Plus, my family wasn’t religious. Sure, we’d go every Sunday when I was a child to church, but it was only so we could tell people we go; all for appearances. That’s the only reason my family did anything - To keep up our upstanding appearance.

He then disappeared and a woman stood in his place. She would often be in his place. Beautiful, tall, strong and blonde. She would grasp my hand tightly and speak words of love. I would kiss her softly and her eyes would flutter.

“Let’s get naked,” she’d whisper seductively in my ear. “If you become naked…”

“No, just you,” I’d respond looking down at her. She began to strip off her dress when the sky suddenly turned green. Rain began to fall from the green skies. The water was the colour of strawberries. It flowed down her round breasts, perfect and cool. I didn’t even need to remind myself that it wasn’t real as I placed my hands upon her chest and the rain came flowing down. Nothing is real.

“Everybody seems to think I’m lazy. I don’t mind, I think they’re crazy,” I said to know one in particular one afternoon as I sat on the roof of my building. “I’m miles away from reality. I don’t think I can ever find my way in the world.” I stood up and looked down. I had been up there all night thinking about it; thinking about my destiny. I closed my eyes and took a breath. “Unless I do this…” It was time for me to prove that I wasn’t crazy and I wasn’t lazy. In this way, I would challenge the world.

“All right I’m here, what do you want?” said my agitated brother. I looked at the mobile phone and realized what I could do to create an awesome dramatic effect.

“Sorry,” I said to the phone, after all, it had done nothing wrong. “You were a good phone, great reception, but this is going to work out really well in the end for both of us you’ll see.” And with that, I felt the phone slip from my fingers and fall and fall and fall. I couldn’t help but wonder for a moment…would that be me crashing to the ground next?

“I can fly, fly so high,” I said to him as we stood together in the night. “Fly into the night.”

“I can’t have you do that,” he responded sternly. Even in my dreams, my brother doesn’t want me to try. “I might just have to kill you.”

“You can to, let’s race.”


“Yes.” He looked at me darkly as if he was trying to kill me with his mind. And maybe he did, I’m not really sure what happened next, all I knew was that someone was shaking me.

“Please don’t wake me,” I said. The shaking ceased and my eyes slowly opened. I gazed back into her deep eyes.

“I have to go,” she said softly. My gaze became confused.

“Is it because I don’t want to get up?” She smiled.

“No…I have work.” Work, right; with him.

“Isaac’s stuff?” I asked her.

“Isaac’s stuff.” I looked at her sadly as she rose from my bed and dressed herself in the bright red dress she had come over in.

“Don’t go,” I whispered. “Look at all the lonely people.” She looked at me again and smiled awkwardly.

“This isn’t what you think it is.”

“I know exactly what it is.”

Who am I to know what’s real anyway. Sometimes, I do think I’ve completely lost touch with the world around me. Who’s to say I wasn’t raving mad when I saw that man on the subway. I could have dreamt that. Maybe I had fallen asleep on the train and dreamt that I man from the future came to give me a message. Relax your mind…Fall into unconsciousness.

“They say they want a revolution,” I said to him. “Do you think they’ll get one?”

“With us working together they will,” he responded. “And they won’t even see it coming.” I smiled.

“This is real right, Gabriel?” I asked unsure. He looked at me and laughed.

“Why do you always question reality?” The question took me off guard. I had never realized how much I really do question my existence. After all, you need to feel to be real and sometimes I didn’t feel; sometimes I felt too much. It’s hard to find a happy medium.

“Because the sky is blue,” I said. His face was confused once again. For some reason, I had taken a liking to the man who had tried to kill me. We were so alike and yet so different. And it was perfect.

“Boy, you gotta carry that weight!” My father yelled to me when I was a teenager. I scowled at him and picked up a glass figurine that sat on the hallway table.

“What weight!? There is no weight!” I screamed at him. “All you do is put pressure on me Dad! You want more from me! You want something from me that I can’t give you!” I could see the anger in his eyes. “I’m done with all this! I’m leaving!” He laughed harshly.

“Where will you go Peter? You have no money, no job! You’re working for no one but me you understand that!? You have no sense of anything!” At this point I threw the glass to the ground and watched it shatter into a million pieces. My father just stared at me. “Why would you do that?” I didn’t answer. I just looked at him the anger suddenly gone. “Do you need drugs or something?” The anger returned, fiercer if possible. I turned away from him and walked down the endless hallway lined with photos and rich colours. “Don’t you walk away from me you sorry little fuck!” The hallway seemed to grow longer as I tried to reach the end of it.

“I’m so tired,” I said to my brother as I entered his apartment later that night. “I haven’t slept for what feels like three weeks. I’m going insane.” He smiled at me and leaned against the door.

“I take it you had another fight?” he said calmly; it happened all the time.

“Yeah,” I said smiling weakly. “So it’s cool that I crash here?”

“Course, just don’t eat everything.”

“I’ll eat everything but that wild honey pie,” I said sarcastically.

I awoke the next morning in a mess of sheets. I could hear my brother talking in the next room.

“You don’t realize what you’re doing to him do you,” he said. I frowned and pulled the sheets around my body as my feet touched the floor. I moved closer to the door to better hear the conversation. “Dad, you should hear him. When he sleeps…I don’t know…Well, it’s like night terrors…What are you doing to him?” I did have a lot of nightmares…I knew that…I lived in one, in fact, I’m living in one now…but were they my Dad’s fault? I didn’t think so. I stepped out into the main room and put on a fake smile.

“Morning,” I muttered trying to sound as happy as I could. My brother shoved the phone away and grinned widely trying to hide the conversation he had just been having with our father.

“Hey Pete!” he said a little too happily. “Good morning, good morning!” I rose my eyebrows at him at the oddness of the excitement. “Let me finish this call. There’s coffee in the kitchen if you want it.”

“Thanks,” I said walking into the kitchen and letting the sheets slide down my pale, thin body a bit as I grabbed a mug.

“Hey, I’ll call you back later. Tell mom he’s fine,” I heard Nathan mutter. Looked down at the empty mug and then at the coffee pot. I wanted it, I really did. Then why wouldn’t I pour it? My brother came into the kitchen. He stood next to me and looked at the mug and the pot. “Something wrong?” he asked.

“No,” I said simply. “Nothing’s wrong.”

“Then aren’t you havin’ a cup?” I looked up at him with absolutely no expression.

“I don’t know.”

What a mean old man! That son of a bitch threw me off a fucking building and expected me to be ok with that! Well, I guess I kinda was…I mean, fuck! I healed like...oh man, it was amazing. I remembered her and I healed. The feeling was fantastic…power. It was just the beginning. The beginning of a new life; it felt good. It kept my mind from wandering.

The sky was green. I looked up and saw the blue and purple clouds float through the sky like peaceful cotton candy. There was a girl standing in a forest of orange trees. Her blonde followed down hair naked body. I suddenly found myself in front of her grasping her hand. “Who are you?” I asked her. She looked at me with a dazed look, like she’s wasn’t really there. I heard someone mutter from behind me.

“Lucy’s in the sky with diamonds,” he said. I turned around and saw Gabriel standing there.

“What?” I asked unsure of what he was talking about. He smirked at me.

“You’re a real nowhere man you know that? Hard to keep up with but I’ve got you now, Pete.” I let her go and looked at him still confused.

“Gabriel, seriously, what’s going on?” I asked him desperately. He laughed darkly.

“Don’t you remember, Peter? I’m the villain of the story!”

“But you’re my friend,” I said like a 5 year old child. I was lost, living in a nowhere land with no where to go. I wasn’t sure if any of it was real. When I turned back to the girl, she was gone and I was no longer in a forest of orange trees…I was in the middle of a street. I could see my brother walking out of his office with determination. He was walking towards me and Gabriel. It was then that I realized I was dreaming. I heard the old man laughing behind me, the girl running towards me in a panic, the short man holding the sword out towards me, the family surrounding me, the professor coming towards me from his taxi, the cop and the man with glasses, the dead painter holding back our dead girlfriend…they all circled me and Gabriel. It was like they were waiting for something to happen and they wanted to watch. Gabriel looked at me with a vicious smirk.

“How can you stop what’s coming,” he said quietly. My ears perked up and I returned his dark look with my own.

“When you don’t know anything about power,” I said with malice in my voice. Everyone suddenly became frightened backing away from me in an almost dance like motion. The circle and Gabriel seemed to move as one. All on the same foot at the same time like the final act of a ballet. I closed my eyes, and that’s when I gave in.

“Oh please don’t wake me, leave me where I am, I’m only sleeping,” I said. I suddenly felt cold; I opened my eyes and saw my brother staring back at me.

“No, you’re not,” he said. I sat up and looked around. My heart fell into my stomach. It was all gone; all destroyed…Everyone, dead. I could smell the fire and the ash…the corpses…the blood. No…I must still be sleeping, I thought. There was no way that I would…Oh G-d! I looked at my brother panicking visibly. “We’ll tell everyone he did it. I’ll protect you Peter.” I stood up and only then did I realize I was naked. I could feel body shaking and becoming hot. It was difficult to breathe.

“No…no, no, no,” I said. “How can you protect me from myself!?” I screamed. “How!?”

“Just let me help you!” The heat rose again in my body. I was losing control. I could see in his face that I was. He was frightened and unsure…something I never thought I’d ever see on his face.

“Help,” I breathed out weakly. “I need somebody, help.”

“Relax, Pete,” he said in his soothing voice. “Breathe. Breathe.” I closed my eyes and did as he said. “Relax your mind and float downstream.” I could feel my mouth twitch into a smile. It weak one; but a smile none the less; then I felt nothing.

“Don’t wake me,” I said.

“But it’s time, Peter,” said a girl’s voice. I opened my eyes and saw the blonde girl I had seen the orange tree forest. Her eyes weren’t quite as distant as before.

“Time for what?” I asked her. She smiled at me and then glanced back at a man with grey hair and a creepy smile.

“Time to take on the world.”

*notes: Hello! Seeing as how this is one hell of a confusing fic and really fucking trippy, if you have any questions just ask. I may or may not be able to answer them. :)

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