a-white-rain, I'm stealing your meme that you took from
I don't even know if I have twenty favorite pairings, but let's see. This is mostly in no particular order, although the ones I think of first will be listed first, and that probably means they're closer to the front of my mind.
20 Favorite Pairings - Now New and Improved and Actually Containing 20! )
Comments 25
But NaruSasu yes. And NaruSauSaku. And House/Cameron!
I really mean it when I say it's almost impossible to describe how much I love the Team 7 pairings. And House/Cameron... just, <3.
Even when the episode leans on House/Cuddy, the House/Cameron makes me grin. XD
"He's almost... caring." XDDD Oh, Cameron.
I have to go to school in a second, so only quick comment: 2,3,6,8,9,10,14,15 = LOVE *__*
lol, 8 pairings! :D
I just read what you said about Ron/Hermione in previous comments, and damn, it makes me want to read some smut fics since I am on Easter break :DDDD
UryuuHime is one of my favourite fluff pairings (if it's not blatantly obvious Uryuu lurveeeees Hime by the end of the manga, regardless of whether it's reciprocated or not, I'm just going to take it as practically canon he's OF THE GAY).
Come to think of it, I like all the pairings you listed that I'm familiar w/. Although I'm bigger on House/Cuddy - and kinda wish I knew Harry Potterverse better because the characters seem so likeable (I've only read the first book and watched the movies, and yesterday I chanced across this awesomely written Harry/Draco fic and read all 13 chaps in one sitting, nevermind barely knowing anything about the series @_@). I suppose now that the final instalment is coming out it's a good time to read everything, no agony of waiting between books and what-not!
And I'm a big House/Cuddy fan as well (even moreso lately, since the latest season has been pimping them hard); I actually ship House with pretty much anyone. Him and Cameron just happen to be my favorite overall. And yes, definitely read the books--if you enjoyed the movies you'll absolutely love the real thing. There's so much packed in each one that just never makes it to the screen (and it increases with each movie that comes out, because the books get longer while the films get shorter). I actually hardly read any HP fic at all, because I love the canon so much and it just feels weird to read anyone but Rowling writing them (it's different from reading fic based on a manga, movie, or TV show, because with books there's a writing style that you're already used to, and I've always found it ( ... )
That's a good point about HP fic vs. Rowling's writing, I wonder if I'll be able to enjoy fics as much after reading more of the series. Now to buckle down and go buy the books (Gintama plushies, you'll have to wait yet another month *pets imaginary plushies*).
I do like SasuNaru but not as romance. =P Ishida/Orihime is okay. I'm not against it but I'm not rooting for it either. *prefers Ichigo/Orihime* :'D
The reason I don't ship NaruSakuSasu threesome is because it has NaruSaku in it. xD;
HAVE THERE REALLY? OMFG WHAT HAPPENS. xDDDD I stopped. D: I even stopped before the anime finished. xD;
I'd love to marry you. <3 Doood Sakura/Syaoran has got to be the cutest pairing in anime/manga history. Seriously.
Oh definately. SasuNaru is my favorite bond as well. One of the most defined in the history of manga/anime.
As for NaruSaku, I actually think it's quite a cute pairing, but I tend to dislike it in fandom because from what I've seen the majority of NaruSaku fans either ignore Sasuke almost completely, or bash the hell out of him (or kill him off, which falls under both categories), and I can't stand that at all because both Sakura and Naruto love Sasuke so much ( ... )
MIROSAN. <3 Okay, well, you got up to the part in the anime where he asks Sango to bear his child, right? Cuz he did, and she said yes, and it was the best moment in the history of time. But, moving on to more recent events--Miroku got poisoned really badly a while back, and although Kikyou healed him, she couldn't completely fix the wound; every time he uses the kazaana now, the poison spreads, and if he continues to use it, it'll eventually reach his heart and kill him. Miroku chose not to tell Sango or anyone else about this; currently the only one who knows is Inuyasha, who can smell the shouki. Miroku made him promise not to tell the others. (Incidentally, on the subject of bonds, Inuyasha and Miroku's is another manly bond I love. XD ( ... )
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