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Comments 49

lilserf February 9 2006, 04:13:21 UTC
Anonymorons: Let the record show that Polter-Cow was moderately to sharply critical of this episode.

Personally, I loved this episode. I think I'd been missing this kind of MotW, with the multiple suspects and the triple fake-outs. I know that was something I really dug in season 1, and we even got some quasi-associated story-arc advancement, although nothing too in-depth.

I naturally dug the continuity that was on ridiculous display in this one (even tying in the Tritons, nice)! I don't know why I liked this one so much. Maybe I just dig Mac 'n' Beaver; maybe it was Clemmons's line about trusting some of his students, but I really enjoyed this one.

It was the first episode in several weeks that I came out of feeling generally happy about it -- all the recent ones have been impactful, but felt flawed somehow, whereas this one felt like it all fell together so nicely.

Hell, maybe it was the final reveal with Weevil that I wasn't expecting. I don't know. I still love you, Diane. Keep rockin'.


raelee February 9 2006, 04:15:24 UTC
First, good luck and have fun! Give Seanan a hug for me.

Second, did "certain people" raid your place and replace your console? ;)

I actually liked this episode a lot. But, that may be my overwhelming desire to like it encouraging me to overlook some of the things I didn't like. I agree that the pacing or something felt off but I have that problem with a lot of S1 episodes and, on re-watch, they actually work better for me. I'm wondering if that will be the case with this episode.


spadada February 9 2006, 04:17:35 UTC
Yeah, Logan, macking on the daughter of the guy who's fingering you for murder isn't so hot.
And he knew, right? He totally knew. Or JD missed a serious, "WTF?" moment when he saw who was driving her dad's car. What a sneaky snarky bastard that Logan guy is!


spectralbovine February 9 2006, 04:20:47 UTC
See, I never thought about the fact that he knew (until I saw it being posited somewhere else) because you're right...there was no WTF moment, and it really confused me. It makes his random, blatant coming on to her make so much more sense. Very sneaky, that Logan.


eirefaerie February 9 2006, 13:49:01 UTC
I think he must have totally known. The more I think about it, it was just so random. And he knows what the guy looks like, and his name, thanks to Veronica. So this must be Phase Two of his plan.


punzerel February 9 2006, 04:22:57 UTC
Good luck! and it took me way too long that all that added up to was "uncle's brother-in-law."


quaint_shopgirl February 9 2006, 04:23:58 UTC
You're going to WonderCon? Now I'm really sad that I had to cancel! Have a great time! And good luck with the job interview (not that you seem to need it!).


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