Gotta love the deceptively happy snapshots, *g*
Woohoo! I'm finally getting around to posting this!! *dances*
So, today for our Seeker recap, we start with the gratuitous shots (Noooice.) Those pesky Sisters of the Dark. I don't know why they annoy me so much, maybe because, to me, their part in the books seems to be more behind the scenes? (Note: I'm only up to the end of "Temple of the Winds") What I do wish, in exchange for a little less Sisters of the Dark (though I thought it was pretty cool that they brought Marissa in, in some small measure) they could totally do with some more Verna. Kickass on paper and screen, yeppers. Either way, we've got some gratutitous Kahlan sleeping - Soooo pretty. A Raven stealling a lock of Kahlan's hair; bad Raven. Rahl ♥ ♥ (Drink a shot) and Nicci being badass...tsk tsk tsk. Seriously, quit picking on Kahlan!!! What did she ever do to you? (Jealous, much?)
I was actually wondering how they were going to visually show us the bond. Nice work! I thought it'd be a cut or something, but Agiel was way more awesome, not that I don't love Kahlan completely, but the fact that she totally wasn't expecting it made it look all the more painful and I really think that Bridget pulled that off!! Nice work, B. And Emily just does evil-coniving-bitch, really well. (I will not tweet her that. *zipslips*) Ah, the alcalla stone (Who the heck knows if I spelt that right. Better yet, who the heck really cares, lol.) Effective. And awwwwwww, Richie being all defensive of his One Twu Wuv. *sniffles* They are so adorb, it's not even funny anymore. It just goes from one level of epic to another. I also love that it's even gone beyond corny, it's just...*sigh* Epic.
I just thought this was a really good shot. I like the ones where they've just got the other character, especially one that we know isn't going to be a huge part of the episode, in the background like this. Tab's background acting is stuff of legend, it's gotta be. *applauds* She's not even looking this way and she's fabulous. I just love the two opposing profile shots there. Gosh, I'm a dork.
See!! See!! Kahlan's all - "Kill me and save the world!" (Kind of backwards, considering the salvation of the world rests on her life...*scratches head*" (Yes, I am aware that this isn't actually what she asked of him!) And Richie's all - "I'll never let anything happen to you." - *Collective dawwwwwww* CUTE.NESS.
You know, I loved how Kahlan, in this scene, moved into Richard's space. It just said so much for how they were feeling right there. He was ready to do what needed to be done to protect her, to save her, she was the one fighting the situation. He was resigned to it, he was going to save her, Kahlan was the one desperate for another way out and I think that came across. The desparation was in her. And then with talk of her parents, she just looks so lost. Like for the first time, she's actually afraid to face something. I know we've seen her scared before, scared to lose Richard, scared that they're going to fail. But she's always had faith. I think this is the first time we see in her, a fear that she doesn't know how to overcome. Her father.
Hehehe, I love seeing them walk with their little back-packs!! LULZ. And it's awesome(and not so awesome) that they've kept to the book that Zedd never carries a pack, lol. It's kind of funny! But awww, Kahlan talking about her past. *wipes tears* We all cry over so many things in this show, on Cara being tortured as a child and what-not, but sometimes it's all too easy to forget that Kahlan's childhood was so horrific too. She may not have been tortured, physically (though I doubt she went without some torture) but she was tortured in so many other ways too. This is one way that I liked how they'd detoured from the book. I like Kahlan's history in the book, it's interesting, but I think that I'm liking her history in the show more. It's raw and scary and also, a little ambiguous in that, she does say what happened...but we're still not sure of everything and's just deep and textured and really well done.
But HAHA for the Midlands version of a Bouncing Betty! LULZ!!! (not quite the same, but I love the name of those) Dragon'sbreath Mines, hehe. Actually, kind of cool. So, they're magic mines? Funny how Richard just knows what they are. Does this mean that they went through this field before, back in season 1 and we just didn't notice? *shrugs* Or are we supposed to be noticing Richard starting to *feel* his gift? Follow his instinct through the need of it? Is that what we're supposed to read into him knowing the way? (And I so vouch for his Lightening Bolts instead of Wizard's Fire, meaning that he's totes a War Wizard. Yep.)
AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!! KAHLAN!!!! *clings* Poor hand. Don't feel a scrap of sympathy for Nicci, but woobie Kahlan's got a sore hand now. *pets*
OMG! Seriously Nicci?!!?! You didn't SEE that big giant, metal cow patty that Richard crawled passed and avoided like FIVE SECONDS before you put your great hoof on it!? *shakes head* But yay for Kahlan's first thought, whilst looking down at her bleeding hand, was that Richard's in danger. *LOVES*
LULZ, Cara: "Your Daddy dun live here no more." - Kahlan: "For Srs? Did he move?" - Cara: "Aah, kinda-sorta." *snickers* CARA FACES! FTW!! *prettyKahlan*
There's certainly no pot-luck casseroles at this family reunion.
Her face showed a blankness, an expression she wore almost constantly. She only thought it showed nothing. To him, it showed a panopoly of emotion. Immersed in the details of her bewitching face, he could discern ther rich flux of emotions she tried to hide. -Temple of the Winds ~ Page 635
I liked that, in their first meeting after 15 years, the best they can do for one another is to strike a deal. It's a very well organised stepping stone. They each have to earn their forgiveness and I liked that even though we feel so strongly for Kahlan and know that she was little more than a tiny girl when her father turned on her...he was tortured, just as she was (they don't over-show or under-show that). And I think that really comes out in a later statement from him, a statement that I think turns the tide for them. (I really, really, really, hope that we see more of him. And that he can learn to love his daughters.)
I so totally and completely ♥ Cara caring! This, to me, feels more and more like Book!Cara (♥'s) Not that Show!Cara isn't made of utter-fantabulousness. But the relationship between Cara and Kahlan in the book, is just so amazing, I love it. I mean, something as simple as Kahlan promising to hold her hand in the Sliph. Hehehe, that was cute, but it also had a layer of depth to it that kind of makes you sit back and go - yep, these ladies share something profound. And I loved how, after Richard heals both Cara and Kahlan, Cara's kind of hopping around asking Berdine and Kahlan if they felt different after Richard healed them. It showed a side of Cara's innocence that I think Tab really shows in her eyes. She's this ruthless, fearless killer...but then, in her heart and in a lot of ways she views the world, she's still a nine-year old girl. Brilliant. (Whoa, I just got carried away.) What I was really getting at was - Cara/Kahlan moment = Win. Even though Kahlan shot her down, I think the intention here was to show how strong their bond is getting.
Just had to cap the first moment they actually touch. It does have meaning, of course. I mean, after fifteen years, his reaction was to care for her. That was his instinct, to catch her before she fell. I liked that. It's all these little nuances that matter. (I'm in one of those, dead-tired, over-thinky moods...please bear with me. lol.)
My first thought when Nicci slides the mug across the counter -Effing LOL!! This is going to be HIGHLARIOUS! - And then, B manages to make it both Highlarious and epic and frightening all in one! *applauds* I was just thinking, you know, Kahlan's on a super-important mission with Daddy-o to get her mother's jewellery back and then Nicci's getting drunk?! Them's be the makings of some pretty decent shananigans...but then Nicci decides to find the most desperate guy in the bar who's willing to beat her up just in the hopes of getting some. New low, Nicci, New low.
So raw and awesome, the way Frederick just kind of drags her up to her feet as she's pulling her daggers out. Like she's completely spent before the fight's even begun, but she knows that she has to fight. Aw Kahlan, why must you be so awesome?
I must say, Bridget plays desperation really well.
Okay, seriously, fighting off attackers and being beaten up by nothing?!?! And making it look real, like she's really getting beat across the face and kicked in the stomach by the air. This woman owns my, look -
YAY!! Kahlan's being beaten up by the air and Daddy comes to the rescue!! That just bumped him up a little on the scale. He earned points, I'm proud. *dances*
It is frightening, but she's so brilliant to watch!! I don't think I thought much whilst watching all these. Basically, I just stared, slack-jawed. I think that's a reasonable enough reaction.
Gosh Nicci's a bitch. And Richard's totally defeated - "Why?" - Just breaks my heart.
I'd love to know the extent of what Kahlan can feel from Nicci. I mean, she can't feel certain things, but she can feel pinned down when Nicci's pinned to the bed. I know it's plot-relevant, but it's things like that they make you go...ah? Heh? Kinda. It's interesting and I'm over-thinking again. *shakeshead* But awww, Richard cooling Nicci's cheek made Kahlan feel better, *snuggles*. And loook!!! Cara pulling Kahlan by the hand!! That's book Cara, I loved that.
There was a moment after this, which I didn't cap but it was quite an interesting turning point for Kahlan and Frederick. I mean, what she learned there was really quite significant.
"There's not excuse for what I did. But you should know that as afraid as you were of me, I was even more afraid of both of you. Knowing that with one touch, my own children had the power to destroy me again."
Oh, pretty eyes! Damn those pesky spiders. The pesky spiders go hand in hand with the pesky Sister's of the Dark and that makes me grouchy. Grrrrr.
Blond moment: Hey! They both grabbed the same side of their necks with the same hand...Ah, duh! LULZ.
Awww! Awww! Awww! Adorableness!! Kahlan begging Cara to tell Richard it's not his fault, that was so cute and Cara being all - "You're not going to die!" - Gosh they're great.
Hehehe, Impatient!Cara is awesome - "Can you speed it up, Wizard!" - Hehehe, she really wants Kahlan to live. YAYA!! Omg! And Cara's whispered "Kahlan" I didn't notice before, as Kahlan passed out, but it was brilliant.
This is when I started to die of wow. It's the first few steps into the best acting Craig's ever done!! And this whole moment just gave me shivers. "Damnit Nicci, FIGHT!"
First time Craig's acting has ever actually given me shivers! I loved this scene, desperately grasping to save Kahlan's life. "Don't do this! Don't give up!"
"Kahlan, I'm right here. I love you so much. Can you hear me, Kahlan, I love you. Can you feel this? *kiss* And this? *kiss* and this? *kiss* I love you... You're alive."
Did anyone else think that, at first glow, Kahlan's Mum looked a heck of a lot like
Bridgette Wilson (And no, the irony of the name was not lost on me.) This scene was so PRETTY!! *loves* Kahlan got to see her Mummy again!! YAY! I'd say that her Mum knows all about what's going on with Kahlan, which kind of gives you the heebie-jeebies what with what went on at falls of Aldermont, LULZ. I'm fairly sure she's not watching over her all the time. Fairly sure...*wibbles* Least, you'd wanna hope. But see, even her Mummy knows she's destined to do great things!! Bring on Jagang and the war for the Midlands!!! *shimmies*
Awwww, so sad! She had to go. I mean, rationally Kahlan knows that she can't have her mother's spirit just hanging around, but she's a happy spirit and they got to toch hands and it was pretty. I'm sure she was happy with that. Shame that her Mum didn't get to meet Richard. Though I suppose it could pull a reaction like one parents have when their daughter brings home a boy for dinner, LULZ. It could have been funny if Mummy and Daddy ganged up and played twenty-questions with Kahlan's boyfriend. HAHA.
And, now that happy reunion time is over it's all - Oh shit, well we dodged that boulder but CRAP! Richie's now in trouble.
I, personally, think that this is the best moment in the ep (keeping Richie's desperation moment completely seperate.) I mean, they've got a lot of growing to do in this relationship here, but there are doors for them to walk through, it's not completely walled up. So they have a chance. And I just loved this scene. It held so much possibility.
"I'll keep this, I'll do as you said. But not because the Mother Confessor told me to. But because my daughter asked me to."
How do they have the power to be so damned adorable?!!? I loved Kahlan's little drop-the-bag and run! Action, so sweet!! Happy, genuine grins and squishes!! And "It's good to see you too, Cara" and the little smirk, WIN! (Actually, it was more like Tab being unable to hold in a laugh properly, but meh...we get the point.) These lose only one point for the cheesy-ness of Richard's line - "That old trick!" - It would have lacked cheese if there hadn't been a response to his shoes being spelled, hehe. I don't know why, I just felt funny about it's delivery.
Damnit we still haven't seen the last of Nicci. Oh well, I hope this means that at some point soon, we'll get our Verna back to come and kick her ass!! I miss Verna.
Well, that's my recap. It's crappy in places and lacking in more but it's up before the new ep aired and I'm totally tired, lol. It's not like the recap waited a week to be posted...right?! I mean, I still had a day to spare *snickers*