Unexpected Company - #04 - SW: RepCom - Ordo / Besany

Sep 05, 2008 01:17

Title: Unexpected Company
Pairing: Null Arc 11 - Ordo / Agent Besany Wennen
Fandom: Star Wars: Republic Commando
Rating: PG
Word Count: 674
Theme: #04 - Of The Feline Nature
Comm: 30_distractions 
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit, amateur effort not intended to infringe on the rights of any copyright holder. Characters belong to their respective owners.
Summary: It's late, but Ordo's in town.
Edited - 09.20.2008
(Prompt Table)

With a delayed woosh, the apartment door cycled open and revealed a stunningly beautiful woman. As she tucked a lock of pale blond hair behind her ear and rested her hands on her hips, it took him half a nanosecond to realize she stared at him with a pinched expression. Her keen, dark eyes scrutinized his appearance, blocking the entryway as she leaned against the doorframe.

Ordo inwardly blanched. Maybe she didn’t want to see him after all? He had commed ahead-it was late and she must have been tired-but she accepted his request for him to “swing by,” as she put it. Yet he couldn’t help but notice she looked disheveled, despite the finely tailored clothes lacking any visible disarray. His agile mind skimmed over appropriate words and phrases, but social etiquette was not his forte. Should he apologize? But apologize for what?

“Ordo,” she said, and visibly softened. The Null relaxed, wayward thoughts abandoned.

“Besany,” he replied.

She reached for his hand and Ordo allowed himself to be led into the small, meticulously kept apartment. As per instinct dictated, he scanned over her furniture, noting the abandoned pile of holovids on her coffee table, the compressed blanket strewn over the sofa cushions, and the stained ceramic mug placed precariously close to the edge of her kitchen table.

But the details of her home seemed absurdly irrelevant in comparison to how warm her hand felt in his. The close proximity made him uncomfortable in ways he, as of yet, had not quite been able to define.

“Are you hungry?” she asked after a moment, releasing her grip to reach into a high cupboard. He didn’t get a chance to see what she pulled out, however. A spot of movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention and he reacted, whipping to the side and pulling out his fully charged Blaster.


Ordo froze, sights trained on a feline creature apparently unfazed by his weapon. The round creature shook its flat face, sending ripples down its patchy black and brown fur as it let loose a very displeased meow.

“Ordo,” gasped Besany from behind and to the right of him, “it’s just a cat.”

“…Are you sure?” he asked, weapon still raised and leveled on the ugly little ball of fur. It almost reminded him of a shape-shifting Gurlanin, and he had half a mind to put a round between its eyes, just to be sure.

“Yes.” She sounded torn between amused and terrified. “I’m watching it for a neighbor who’s out of town this week.”

The creature approached him, paws lifted with exaggerated steps and its flat nose held up in the air as though walking across tiled kitchen floor was far beneath its status. It resembled many a senator Ordo knew, and that did not help its case in his eyes. The cat meowed again, a mournful and irritating sound as it stopped at his feet and stared up at him expectantly.

“What do you want, you ugly little gema’rugam?” Ordo made a shooing motion with his hand. The cat pulled its head back as if he’d slapped it, clearly offended. After letting loose another displeased meow, it padded away. He frowned as he watched it go. “It almost looks like a strill,” he said, in an effort to break the uneasy silence, and then slipped his Blaster back into its holster. “But much smaller, with two less legs.”

“And just as ugly,” Besany added, voice thick with laughter.

“Don’t let Vau hear you say that.” Satisfied that the cat wasn’t a threat, Ordo glanced over his shoulder. The beautiful woman caught his eye, flashing a dazzling smile, and held out her hand. He glanced down her arm, tracing the faint path of veins traveling beneath pale skin to her wrist. Part of him felt decidedly out of place in her kitchen, but it was only a small part, and he greatly enjoyed her smile. Looking up, he reached out and closed the distance.

“Hi,” Besany whispered.

He smiled. “Hi.”

sw: republic commando, sw: besany wennen, sw: ordo skirata, sw: are these for me

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