Flames... Burning on the side of my face...

May 19, 2011 09:24

Why is it, that almost invariably when I tell someone that what they are doing is wrong or illegal, their response is to tell me either "Some other place says I can do this" or "This is the way we've done it hundreds of time ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

lemon_says May 19 2011, 14:23:23 UTC
If it makes you feel better, I got the Clue reference immediately. :)

I gotcha. I hate when people get tickets or arrested for something and go off about "don't the cops have REAL crime to fight" and "I'm glad my tax dollars are at work," shit like that. Dude, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL. Nobody likes to think he's a criminal, but if you do something illegal, you run the risk of being arrested. Being an otherwise nice person doesn't make it ok! It's not the cop's fault you chose to have pot in your car or drive without insurance, and yes, they probably figure that some of that is a waste of time and resources too, but if it's illegal, that's the way it goes.


sparkindarkness May 19 2011, 15:30:13 UTC
Oh I know this argument! "I've never been caught before so what's the problem?!"

Or equally shiny "it's not illegal in X place" (my prize for that goes to an American gentlement I represented - and firearms were involved)


now with correct italicization! chinook_wind May 19 2011, 20:09:36 UTC
Flames ... flames, FLAMES ... on the side of my head ...

Yay Clue!

And yes, this drives me nuts too. Just because you got away with it before doesn't mean it's okay. Even running a red light is enough to be dangerous, and if you get caught, it's illegal. It was illegal ALL THE OTHER TIMES TOO. Sheesh.


chapel_of_words May 19 2011, 23:09:33 UTC
Officer, I regularly drive 80 Miles an Hour on the interstate. I've done it hundreds of times. You can't give me a ticket.

And to combine this with another of my favorite legal tales you've provided...when the evidence is being assembled against you for felony speeding, be sure to request a clarification & corrections form so you can: "Request that the record reflect that when I said yes to officer's question, I meant to say no."


Tim C.


ladyapple27 May 20 2011, 05:32:54 UTC


ladyapple27 May 20 2011, 05:31:57 UTC
People who justify their illegal behavior by pointing out that they haven't been caught or that such behavior is allowed in other locales irritate me.

I'm also irritated by people who believe that an act is moral just because it they can get away with it or because it's technically legal.

It's all just an excuse to behave selfishly.


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