My roommates have been gone since the 9th and I cleaned the whole house. Thank God... but they're coming home 5 days early :( which means they're heading home tomorrow. Grr. No more alone time with my Derick...
The 12th is my last day of school! Woo! But I have a huge report due on Thursday on the Kremlin... and I'm only about 2.5 pages into the 10 page report. Poop.
I need more sources... and extra credit.
p.s. My show ends on Saturday and we've been completely sold out since last Friday!
I hate hospitals. They smell, they're cold, and the lights hurt your eyes. But morphine is great. Hurray morphine. Derick just may have saved my life yesterday.
Life is good... just wish school wasn't being a little bitch. I study, I do all of my work... what's goin' on?! I don't have any grades below a B but it still makes me sad.... At least my calc grade is over 100
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