What is a kink meme? You request a pairing and a prompt/kink (anonymously if you like), and someone else will fill that request anonymously (if they like).
Check out the kink meme from last year for how this works in action. Post prompts about any season, character or pairing. Inspired by the venerable
st_xi_kink .
Agron nods and hears the sound of the weeds being lashed together and tested behind them. It calls to mind the sound of a lashing in an arid courtyard a lifetime ago, only this whip will flay the backs of Roman shits and mountains tall. Agron crosses to Nasir as Nasir walks to him. 'And you stay,' he says, a hand to Nasir's cheek and a smile shared. 'Though fuck the gods if we're not facing equal charge this night ( ... )
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