spartacus2010 presents...
What is a kink meme? You request a pairing and a prompt/kink (anonymously if you like), and someone else will fill that request anonymously (if they like). Inspired by the venerable
st_xi_kink .
Rules (revised 1/26)
- Post requests and responses in the comments to this post. The polished fics, with headers and cuts, can be posted elsewhere like bloodandsandfic ,barcapietros , spartacus2010 , etc.
- Be respectful. No trolling. That is not a suggestion.
- Both a pairing/character AND a prompt/kink must be posted.
- One pairing/prompt per comment please (ex. Spartacus/Glaber/Ilithyia, pegging the champion of Capua).
- When responding to a prompt, title your comment on some variation of "Title - Pairing or Character" just so they're easy to find and easy to sort.
- FEEDBACK IS LOVE. Make sure to thank the wonderful people who answer your prompts for you, and comment on the other fics that you like! Let's keep this thing going!
- Questions/comments will be answered in a specific thread. This post will remain open all February ~the month of love~ so keep on writing prompts and drabbles. Prompt as much as you like and understand that this is a safe zone for new writers.
- You are encouraged to try and write a prompt for every request you make. If you can't its fine, but at least, if you gave a dozen prompts, respond to a couple.
- We are slash, femslash, het, three-and-moresomes etc. friendly. Nothing illegal (drug use like opium exempted), por favor, amigos. Lets keep it fun and not get kicked off livejournal, okay?
- No pairing bashing, The only wanking should happen to the characters
- Long and short fics welcome. Multiple responses encouraged! Don't worry if your story turns out vanilla or *gasp* even gen. Let your muse guide you and don't hesitate to post it.
- On RPF & Crossovers: Not accepted at this time.
Ads posted to
fandom_of_one ,
commentficathon ,
barcapietros ,
sbs_slash ,
sbsfemslash ,
bloodandsandfic ,
sbsnewsletter , and
ficathonpimp .
Filled Prompts:
Untitled (Aurelia/Mira) by
jessica_eliza In Lack of Taste (Varro/Spartacus) by
Eavesdropper (Spartacus/Crixus) by ??? Taken Care Of (Spartacus/Naevia) by
sunrunnersioned Feeding Desire (Gaia/Lucretia) by
staringiscaring Obsession (Ilithyia/Glaber) by
fedaltard Silken Wolves (Ilithyia/Agron) by