Nov 26, 2007 20:16
One Commodore James Norrington did not sulk. So he was sure that on this day, everyone was mistaken in saying he was sulking. That just couldn’t be. And he was most definitely not in a foul mood because he hadn’t seen one irritating and infuriating pirate captain in over three months. And no, the two were most definitely not a couple.
Ok, so maybe James was lying to himself, but it was better than coming to terms with the truth. Looking back, it only made sense that him and Jack got together. He had known from the first hand grasp on the dock they would. On the exterior, Jack seemed to be a crazy pirate that was perpetually drunk, but James knew better. When he saved Jack and Elizabeth from that island, he saw just how smart and clever Jack truly was. Jack used his swaying hips and slurred speech to mask what he really was, a good man and James was helplessly drawn to him.
Damn, had James really just thought that? He guessed so, he knew it to be true. He really was more distracted then he should be. He looked back down at the papers on his desk and tried to focus. Just then a knock sounded on the door.
“Come in,” James said.
Lieutenant Theodore Groves peered at the Commodore from the door jam. “Commodore sir, how are you this day?”
“Fine Lieutenant,” James sighed. His best friend saw straight through his lie.
“Permission to speak freely, sir,” Groves asked.
“You look like you could really use a holiday, sir. Maybe you should take some time off.”
“Impossible Lieutenant,” James’s voice turned a little frosty. “There is nothing wrong, and I most assuredly do not need a holiday.”
“Very well sir. But at least come have a drink with me and Gillette later.” It looks like you could use one was left unsaid.
“Very well. Is that all Lieutenant?” James asked
“Yes sir,” Groves replied, and with that he backed out of the threshold and stalked away down the hall.
James sighed and rubbed his face in his hands. It was going to be an extremely long day.
Later that night, James, Groves and Gillette sat around a table in the Cats Fiddle pub drinking ale. James was on his… fourth, or was it his seventh, pint, and Groves and Gillette kept peaking over their mugs at their commanding officer. James most definitely was not royally pissed. Then again, what did James know? His brain refused to fully work at the moment. He drained his mug and looked up at the shocked expressions on his friends faces.
“What, do I haf somethin on my face?” James asked, speech slurred, whipping his head around to see if he could spy the offending spot.
“James, I think you’ve had plenty for tonight. Let’s get you home,” Groves replied, looking at Gillette for back up.”
“I agree with him James, I think it’s time to get you home.” Gillette took the offending mug out of James’s unresisting hands and helped him up to his feet. With Gillette on his one side and Groves on the other, they started the trudge back to James’s home on the high street.
James, halfway through their journey , started to sing “Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirates life for me. We… something and something… and something about eggs… Drink up me harties Yo Ho!”
Groves and Gillette peered at each other behind James’s back and snickered. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing out of their commanding officer’s mouth. Lucky it was late and there was no one around to hear him singing it. What a blow to the Commodores career, if he was caught drunk and singing a pirate song.
Lieutenants Groves and Gillette were able to get the good Commodore into his house and onto his bed without much trouble. They let themselves out quietly, but not before opening the window to let the cool night breezes come in.
Commodore James Norrington, pride and joy of His Majesty’s Navy, woke up gloriously hung over. His head felt like it had taken the brunt of a vicious blow. His limbs didn’t seem to work, his tongue was heavy in his mouth, and the light coming through the window made the back of his eyeballs hurt. And why was there a warm body pressed tight against his back?
James turned over, cracked one eye open, and groaned.
“Well, looks like ye indulged a bit too much last night James me luv,” Captain Jack Sparrow, crazed rouge pirate captain of the Caribbean smiled down at the Commodore, laying on his side and leaning on his elbow. He was dressed only in his white linen shirt and tan breeches. The light glinting off his golden teeth was too much for James’s sensitive eyes, so he squeezed them shut tightly.
“Jack, what on earth are you doing here?” James head pounded with the effort of thinking, so he decided to do something he rarely did; he stopped thinking all together.
“Well, I came ta see me wonderful lover o course.”
“How kind, but please, see yourself out the… wait, how did you get in here?” James asked, puzzled. He was sure that his friends would’ve locked the door on their way out.
“I came through the window luv. Climbin’s in me nature.” Jack smirked.
“Well, kindly see yourself out the window from whence you came and let me die in peace,” James replied. Really, he was never drinking that much again.
“Come now Jamie, is that any way ta greet the man ye luv?” Jack asked, leaning down and rubbing his beard on the smooth chest below him.
“Jaaack,” James whined, “Please, quit the torture. I can’t take it at the moment.”
“Very well Jamie, I shall return in a mo’. Let ol’ Jack get ye fixed up.” With that, Jack rose gingerly from the bed and padded downstairs.
After what seemed like a while, Jack padded back into the room holding a steaming mug of coffee and a piece of stale bread.
“Well Jamie, it took a lot o’ rummagin’ through yer cupboards, but I finally succeeded in findin’ the perfect remedy for what ales ye,” he handed the coffee and bread over to James. “Now, drink and eat up so I can have a proper greetin’,” Jacked winked and climbed back into bed.
After eating the bread and drinking the coffee, James started to feel a bit better. Well, at least well enough to start questioning his Jack. “What took you so long to come back to me?” James asked, his voice sounding small and vulnerable.
“Couldn’t be helped James me luv. Ran into a problem out on the sea. Nothin’ Ol’ Jack couldn’t handle, mind, but it did delay me a few days.”
“Oh,” James responded.
“So, do ye want to tell me why you got royally drunk off yer ass last night luv?” Jack asked, dark eyes boring into the bloodshot green ones below.
“Oh, it was nothing, I just…” James decided to tell the truth. “I missed you Jack. I had a hard day yesterday and I couldn’t get you off my mind. It has been so long since I saw you. My Lieutenants took me out for drinks when we got off duty last night, and well, I tried to fill the little void you leave when you leave with liquor.” James closed his eyes and kept the tears at bay. It must be the hangover making him so sentimental.
“Oh Jamie,” Jack leaned down and kissed his lovers eyelids. “Ye never have ta worry. I’ll always come back for ye, ye know that.”
“I know Jack, I love you.”
“I love you too James me luv. Now how about you show Ol’ Jack just how much?”
“Come here you rascal,” James said, rolling Jack over and claiming his mouth in a brutal kiss. “I’ll only agree to ravish you if you don’t jar my head too much.”
“Agreed,” Jack replied, “I’m goin’ ta climb through the window more often if I get ravished for it.”
“Is that a promise Jack?”
“Tis a guarantee luv.”