Jan 02, 2007 13:45

Evaluator: Ineda Drink
Sparklypoo Rating:

The first character sheet evaluaton by our new critic, Ineda! Read more about her on the userinfo page.

Name:Commander Tommy (CCC Tommy) I CCC Stupid…
D.O.B: 12/15/1988 So you’re like what? Just out in the wizarding world? I trust your judgement on all.
Position wanted: charms
Reason: I want to be able to recruit members for a magical ROTC. Where? In America? To quote the website “ROTC Scholarships can be a great way to pay for college and serve America.” I believe the abriviation you are looking for is UKOTC.
Teaching methods: To the point, and precise, I will help a student if he needs help but if the student gets mouthy, well he will get detention, my type of detention. And why do I picture YOUR type of detention to have whips and chains, Commander?
Wizarding school you were educated at: Home schooled, I learned on my own. (o.0…and you got all of the information that you needed magically, I’m assuming. With no help…explains the constant typos and dreaming.)
Background: I was abandoned at the age of 1. (prolly because you parents knew you were not so smrt) I was left in a forest where some unicorns found me and took me to Hogsmead.(but only after the mauled him because everyone knows unicorns don't trust boys. Maybe he is secretly a girl? Gender confusion along with thinking any of this actually fits into the HP world) As time went on we thought that i was the only muggal (is that French for muggle?) at Hogsmead but over time i started to gain magic. At the age of 10 was when i finally got my magic in full. (How much did that think tank of gas cost you?) I had been noticing that one of the beams at my caretakers home was going to fall. At the time i did not think about it (Yeah, I don’t like to think about huge home matenience problems either…oh hold on a second, my water line just burst…) but then several days later, the beam fell and i actually shielded my caretaker and his family as the roof fell in. (With what? An actual shield of metal, or magic, or your stupidity?) When everything had settled down , my caretaker asked if there was any thing he could do to reward me for my service. I asked him to let me go on my own, to live and to learn on my own. (But, you are 10…right? Who does that?!) He agreed and there was a tearful goodbye. Now at eighteen I am the first wizard to even think about making a wizardly ROTC (see above and learn about where you are at!), I hope to be able to ready a set of students to fight Vodemort's supporters, when and where ever they show up. This is an independent project and for the time being the Ministry of magic does not know about it and are not involved (Due to the fact that the MOM would point and laugh at you silly American ways.).
Sample Roleplay: 'Man,' Tommy thought as he got appeared in Hogsmead for the first time in eight years. 'This place has changed. Wonder how my old caretaker, Wiswort (Wentworth’s retarded twin brother who lost most of his brain cells due to a ‘baking accident’), is doing.'
Tommy walked along the street, dogging people going around their own business. He stopped at the old home that he remembered so well. The boards out front had been marred by many years of rain and other elements. (such as snow, dust storms and dog urine) Tommy walked up to the door and knocked twice. (Because 5 is right out!) He then stepped back a little. the door creaked in ward and an old man reviled himself.
"Tommy, is that you?" Wiswort asked in a wheezing voice.
"Yes," Tommy said," it is me and i am home."
That was the last thing Tommy ever said to his old caretaker. As Tommy moved closer, Wiswort died and fell into Tommy's arms. Tommy slid to the ground and cradling his caretakers body, cried. (did he die of PURE SHOCK TO SEE YOU?!....and another thing, why didn’t his caretaker Wiswort fix the home if they suspected Commander Tommy over there to be the only ‘Muggal” in Hogsmeade?....You are not constant with your tale of retardation, Commander Tommy…Get down and give me 20 new character sheets!)

(OC: so what do you think?)
What do I think?
Dear Mad Libs,
I do believe that one of your newest pages of “Harry Potter Character Sheet Mad Libs O’Fun” has been stolen and found by Commander Tommy…who has no sense of spelling and grammar does not exist with him. Oh, and while I am at it, please do not encourage middle school or beauty school drop outs. It lowers our IQ and knocks MENZA right out of the running for most.
Signed, HP Fandom
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