character sheet from... well, you'll see

Dec 29, 2006 17:13

evaluator: Vinny the Fish
sparklypoo scale:
- more or less offensive to anyone with a mental illness.

This sheet was sent in by an alert reader (who shall remain anonymous as requested) who came across it while doing to LJ RPGing. Since I can't put it any better than they did, I will let them tell you about the sheet.

This character is played by this one lady -- and, fine, I'll be mean -- who's like one of those fat Cosplayers whose grasp on reality seems suspect. How do I know this? Because every couple of months she'll show up on the LJ/GJ ad boards to shop around her original female character, this Odessa (whom no one wants! and so she had to start her own game), and her icons feature herself, the player, dressed up as Sephiroth from Final Fantasy -- yes, with the white wig, sketchy samurai-ish outfit, and Photoshopped make-up. She Photoshopped herself! And her character looks the same way, only skinny and avatar'd by one of those Suicide Girls skanks.

I don't know if this is up to the previously displayed examples of crappitude, but oh man. It sure makes my day.

NAME: Odessa Milia Voronov
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
BLOOD STATUS: 10 Generations of Russian purebloods. Status? Huh. That's a new one to me.
WAND: Ivory, 9 inch Ruslka hair I looked. She is making shit up.
OCCUPATION: Full-Time Death Eater. Sixteen hours a day at the Shireking Shack. I wonder if Voldemort gives them health and dental?
RESIDENCE: Shrieking Shack Because what with Remus being in the Order and Dumbledore arranging for him to get there in the first place, the Death Eaters will be perfectly safe there!
BODY TYPE: Underweight and very thin. Is it possible to be overweight and very thin?
COMPLEXTION: Albino pale with uncared for health.
HAIR: White
EYES: Pink I had a bunny like that once
BIRTHDAY: 24th August, 1981
NATIONALITY: Fullblooded Russian
HEIGHT: 5'3"
WEIGHT: 100-105 [Weight-Loss]
SPEECH: Fluent Russian. Speak English badly.
DISABILITIES: Albino, Paranioa, Bipolar, Aggressive Behavoir, Uncontrollable Temper and Behavoir, Violence Dude. All I will say is that I'm surprised she hasn't killed herself yet.
LEFT/RIGHT/AMBI: Ambi / Leaning towards right. being Russian I would think she would lean towards the left...
FIRST IMPRESSION: Weird and untalkative, shows little interest in holding speech. Tends to be very insane an unloggical. Unloggical? Again - she is making shit up.
DRESSSTYLE: Gothic and always covered, never showing skin.
PHOBIAS/FEARS: Needles, Flashing Lights, Darkness, Guts, Tin Boxes, Cages, Confined Spaces, Claustrophobia, Loud Noises, Blindfolds, Anything sharp and not to mention most wizards. And yet she is stable enough to work full time as a Death Eater? That's one hell of a prescription drug plan! Sign me up!
MENTAL HEALTH: Very Bad That's an understatement.

Odessa lived a very good life until the death of her mother, Sara. Afterwards Ivanov and her brother and sister left for England to hopefully make a new life out of the old one. Odessa attended school there with her old time friend Vincent Crabbe HAHA! Can you imagine THOSE conversations?, who had been close with her until her school had start at age eleven. At birth she was diagnosed with albinism from a problem with the development process, school was a difficult does that sentence make any sense? It gave people reasons to ridicule her and treat her badly because she didn’t fit in, not at all. Even as a Slytherin she found very little friendliness amongst them as they were usually a snotty bunch, especially Pansy Parkinson. Well, when you're as screwed up as she is do you really think they WON'T pick on you? Who in all her six years she interacted caused Odessa nothing but hell, until she left school that is.Pansy or Odessa? I am hoping Odessa.

During her sixth year she was kidnapped by a convicted felon Sigismund Boleslav and this man marked her with a nasty little branding of sorts.yeah, because Voldy really does have use for a 16 year old nut job on his staff. It was similar or could be to the dark mark, but definitely was not it and Odessa grew afraid to tell others, the times she did all it did was cause problems and trouble. That was when started to have dreams of a man named Barty Crouch Junior and it was somehow connected to the mark on her arm. Borrowing from Harry's dreams? Geez, get your own gimmick. Odessa had turned to Death Eater Rodolphus LeStrange for help and he did just that, but during this time Ivanov was also on a mission: to find where Death Eaters resided. During the same time, Sigismund Boleslav made it apparent that he was not going to stop stalking her until she was his to kill again. To kill again? Tell me, how many times CAN you be killed? So, while she was away he sent an owl asking for her response and when it was not met? Odessa’s sister, aunt and uncle were killed and sometime after that she went to beg the dark lord. Wow - a 16 year old found out where Voldy is, and the Order and the Ministry can't? She really IS special! When he did nothing but ridicule her and show that she was unneeded and a idiotic beggar, he took her to see her father. How sweet! And we all know how Voldy feels about father figures, don't we? They had since captured and tortured him until he begged for Death and Voldemort only persuaded her more by helping her do the spell with his wand. How nice! It was a gang bang. After the funeral of her sister and relatives, her uncle thought it was best that she have someone looking over her. So, he inquired the services of Jacob Blackthorne, an angry young man in a massive amount of debt to Feliks. The two had problems getting along and still do; because of their differences but if there was anything, which would be her one true love and vise-versa. Do what?

The Death Eater that had been stalking her had finally been lynched for good by Jacob Blackthorne, but in her seventh year before graduating she had become a Death Eater. Barty had since been given a new soul do to the obsessive actions of Odessa Voronov. I am so very confused. These actions made the two inseparable but that was cut short when Kliment had killed two young girls very brutally, but when he had been questioned by authorities? He had given up his sister to save his own skin and her wild pleads only made her look insane as she would hurt herself on purpose. Eventually she was not convicted of the crime in the U.K but deported back to the Russia where she stood trial and was deemed unfit to be in the Wizarding world. Unfit to be in the Wizarding world? What's the alternative - live in the muggle one? Some of the judges that were speaking about punishments for the crime were some relatives, which was something hurtful to Odessa. During the time they spoke of punishments a halfblooded man named Mefodiy Yafrakov I kid you not - I closed my eyes and slammed my hands on the keyboard and got the EXACT SAME NAME!; he suggested a muggle insane asylum. A muggle one? Oh, yes. that makes sense. Because they are prepared to deal with an insane WIZARD WITH MAGIC. After much deliberation amongst the judges, they gave the choice of the asylum to Mefodiy. However, he picked a Private Mental Institution in St. Petersburg and did not check it out, but knew that a pureblood doctor had been working there for this sole purpose of cleansing the filth that made Odessa “insane” from the west. This happened in year 1999. Huh?

This was not helpful at all and the doctor that would be handling her was named Adam J. Serris. His job was to keep her as far away from being a witch as possible, so he did numerous activities so try to change her mind. because you have to decide to be a witch - it's not simply born into you. Adam performed many therapies in which were mostly if not always cruel. Therapies? Was she trying to find some excuse to torture her character and that was the best she could come up with? Dude. I wouldn't poke an insane witch with a 20 foot pole let alone do half this crap to her. Even without a wand, THEY CAN STILL DO MAGIC!

- Put in a tin box for days
- Constant flashing lights and different colours
- Loud noises preventing sleep
- Electro Shock
- Confined to small spaces
- Sometimes no water or food for days
- Needles and drugs
- Physical Abuse
- Presents from friends that were just guts
- Forced hallucinations
- Blindfolding and letting crazy people touch her with things and telling her something else.

This drove her mad As if the other mental illnesses she had didn't contribute at all and she no longer believed she was a witch or that she could do magic. Odessa was never the same there had been so much damage done that she was unable to recover with her sanity in tact. In 2001, a raid lead by Barty & Kliment had released any of the witches that had been at the Private establishment. Now that Russia had been overtaken by Voldemort she had since been given her status back, but it doesn’t matter anymore. Voldemort taking over Russia was ignored in the HP books, because no one thought he could do it. Napolean, Hitler... why should Voldy be any different?

PERSONAILITY: Odessa personality has three different personas, not that she has a personality disorder or anything. No, of course not. Her first side of her is the side that most people do not get to see and that's her unusually gentle side which is usually brought on by keywords or phrases or something remembered. It is the way she used to be and it is very difficult for her to understand that she cannot settle down. The second side of her is the one that most get to see, due to the time in the hospital. Odessa is very tempermental and uncontrollable and mean-spirit but only because of her great fear. She lets all her anger out all at once and might throw things or hurt people unintentionally. Due to everything she is terrified of, she might even hurt herself to get away from said thing. Calling her crazy or something to due with her lack of sanity might triger anger or sudden violent behavoir, it's a flip of a coin really. I have nothing to add. It does a fine job on it's own.

The third side of her is also seen very often and if tampered with could confuse and upset her and possibly get her to attack. if you can explain to me what any of that means, I would appreciate it. Odessa is a very alone person and she finds herself acting out strange and sometimes very morbid scenes by herself, talking to herself, making up people, seeing things that are not real. To convince her she did not see these things would upset her greatly. This also makes problems for remembering faces and names in which she does very often. yeah, because that isn't a liability in an employee. Odessa had a tendancy to try to cower and sometimes talk in dreary places alone, in her own world. If she is perhaps there caution is indeed needed to approach her. The bit about hurting herself might happened if she is feeling desperately threatened and cannot get out. The best day to catch her is when she has not slept in a few days, it might be a easy day. and with her being so exhausted, you can hit her with a stick easier because she is slower moving.

HABITS: Odessa had very many nervous habits from fiddling with her clothing to rubbing the back of her neck. She has a sick fascination with touching very soft or very hard things when she is unsure. I won't go there. Just think pervertedly
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