A very unwise post

Nov 30, 2014 13:41

Let's put a trigger warning for rape on this one ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

beauty_forashes November 30 2014, 23:09:01 UTC
I think a special prize goes to the “he’s a grown-ass man, how can he be raped!?” comments because, yeah, thanks for that. Let me go back in time and see if yelling “I’m a grown-ass man” makes me magically unrapeable. But bonus points for the “a man can’t be hard during rape” from people who apparently do not have penises.

Yes, this. I read the articles, but had to stop reading readers' comments because I was boiling with rage at the ignorance. Shit like this is why, when it happened to me in my late teens, I was too ashamed and full of self-loathing to even report it, and afraid I'd be ridiculed. You may not have said "no" verbally, but it sounds like your whole body language was screaming "NO" - and he didn't care to listen.


sparkindarkness December 4 2014, 22:38:22 UTC
Thank you and I'm sorry as well and wish there weren't so many with similar stories. I also didn't report, not any incident really, I never considered it possible let alone positive


gement December 7 2014, 19:18:47 UTC
I read the original interview, considered reading some internet reactions and then said, "Wait, no, that's a terrible idea," and went to look at pictures of kittens instead for the sake of my blood pressure.

Not your fault. Not Shia's fault. Very proud of both of you for speaking out.


teleens_journal November 30 2014, 23:44:00 UTC


sparkindarkness December 4 2014, 22:38:28 UTC
Thank you


bugeyedmonster December 1 2014, 00:16:16 UTC
Sending hugs...


sparkindarkness December 4 2014, 22:38:32 UTC
Thank you


gwyd December 1 2014, 06:46:47 UTC
I'm so sorry. There are no words.

Please don't hate yourself over this.

It does happen to men. It happens to way more male soldiers in the US Army than it does to female soldiers. If grown men with fire arms can't protect themselves in cases that often sound very much like yours, you have nothing to blame yourself for.

Be gentle to yourself, and rembember that a whole lot of people care about you.


sparkindarkness December 4 2014, 22:39:32 UTC
Thank you.

I'm getting much better at directing my rage, though less at quenching it and a whole lot of just banking to down and ignoring it. And extending a metaphor beyond all logical extent as well


gwyd December 16 2014, 14:17:33 UTC
Directing rage is important, but I still believe it is better to feel the rage when you are feeling it instead of tamping it down.

Anger, I know an aweful lot about.

Be good to yourself.


seryan December 1 2014, 20:36:34 UTC
I'm so sorry. *hugs* It was not your fault.


sparkindarkness December 4 2014, 22:39:36 UTC
Thank you


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