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spankmypirate October 21 2012, 07:30:54 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! Thomas Hardy is my favourite author from his era in so many ways.

And yes, I was probably that anon, lol. xD


ms_mmelissa October 21 2012, 16:57:25 UTC
OMG THIS POST! THIS POST! I am such a Hardy fangirl. I read Tess at just the right point in my life, when I was 15 and around Tess's age and it's one of those books that just absolutely slaughtered me.

For a novel written and released in 1891, it is bitingly realistic in ways that most of literature wasn’t back then.

God, it's bitingly realistic for now. It's actually really disturbing how much of the social commentary and critique of the patriarchy hold up today.

So Tess may not be the smartest, or the bravest, or the most adventurous heroine in literature. She has very traditional goals and doesn’t particularly concern herself with affairs that occur outside of her small, countrified world. Hmmm, have to disagree with you here. I think one of the most interesting and dynamic things about Tess is how her tragedies ultimately push her outside herself. There's this whole conversation she has with Angel very early in their courtship where she is struggling with why the sun shines on the "just and the unjust alike" and he is ( ... )


spankmypirate October 21 2012, 17:11:43 UTC
God, it's bitingly realistic for now. It's actually really disturbing how much of the social commentary and critique of the patriarchy hold up today.

IKR! That's why I think Hardy was ahead of his time in so many ways. It's sad how much controversy his novels received, to the extent that he gave up writing altogether. He was a genius. And it is disturbing when you think of how little has changed. It's incredible impressive that for a man writing in the 19th century he was able to critique the patriarchy so harshly 0 and accurately - as he did.

There's this whole conversation she has with Angel very early in their courtship where she is struggling with why the sun shines on the "just and the unjust alike" and he is actually taken aback that someone he took for a simple country girl is capable of philosophical thought. Oooh, I had forgotten about this part! I guess what I meant to say is that Tess doesn't have any HUGELY ambitious outside goals that transcend the area Wessex? Like, all she wants to be is happy, and to have as normal ( ... )


ms_mmelissa October 21 2012, 17:23:26 UTC
I guess what I meant to say is that Tess doesn't have any HUGELY ambitious outside goals that transcend the area Wessex? Like, all she wants to be is happy, and to have as normal an existence as possible, despite all her problems.

Yes, that's certainly true. And all the terrible things that happen to Tess are because her father finds out that they used to be nobility and then gets all these ideas into his head. When really she's happiest when she's working on the farm milking the cows. Those victorians and their pastoral themes!

(which reminds me of being in the Musée d'Orsay and seeing this picture of a bull and my sister was like "...Why is there a picture of a bull on the wall?" and I was like "Oh it was a reaction against industrialism and the victorians started worshiping nature and that's reflected in art." Which I guess proves my English degree is useful sometimes? Sort of?)


spankmypirate October 21 2012, 17:50:38 UTC
lol! I am considering writing my long essay or thesis about the pastoral and eco-feminist themes in Hardy, so... Musee d'Orsay better watch out, is all I'm saying :P


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spankmypirate October 21 2012, 18:33:44 UTC
Yay, thank YOU and glad you enjoyed reading it!!


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spankmypirate October 21 2012, 21:15:01 UTC
I know, that part is so sad! And when she arrives at her destination everyone starts calling her 'an ugly mommet of a maid', ugh. poor Tess. she deserved so much better.


myfriendamy October 23 2012, 17:42:02 UTC
I've never read any Hardy novels, but this makes me want to! I just need a few more hours in my day, sigh. Thanks for such a thoughtful post.


spankmypirate October 23 2012, 18:35:55 UTC
You're welcome, glad you found it interesting!

I'd suggest starting with Far From The Madding Crowd, it's not as heavy as the other two and is the most accessible one :)


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