
Apr 28, 2010 19:38

So apparently no one trusts me when I say TURN DOWN THE AMP. Instead, it was turned UP because he "couldn't hear", and then as soon as the set started properly, it was clipping on the board (like, full red, I had to turn the gain all the way down and mute the channel)  and as just-amp sound, it was overpowering... because it's a proven fact that ( Read more... )

sound, care and feeding of soundgeeks, askjlam, people are sillyfaces, soundgeek

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Comments 3

particolor April 29 2010, 12:21:16 UTC
I'm sorry your past few entries have been frustration generating :/


spades_fire April 29 2010, 19:13:13 UTC
<3 Me too, haha...

Also sorry I have yet to get anything written for you! D:


particolor April 29 2010, 20:13:17 UTC
Don't worry about it man, I would have been useless the past few days anyway and am currently meant to be writing a paper instead of checking LJ so there's that haha. Feel free to just chill and enjoy seeing SPN five hours before me tonight :)


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