
Sep 14, 2008 05:59

It's both weirdly cool and sort of sucky when I'm too busy to even post something nonsensical and silly for you guys to read for days...

  • Mall.
  • Coffeeshop dude actually does play violin. My mom asked him. <3
  • A/V.
  • Nothing really exciting.
  • Sound training in the morning. It hadn't been scheduled officially until the previous day. Was a lot ( Read more... )

sunday, a/v, friday, sound, i am a soundgeek, our mall is boring, lessthanthree, psych, tv

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Comments 5

joyfulfeather September 14 2008, 16:23:20 UTC
I love the drama and character development this season on psych! This is the first season I've actually been disappointed when I miss an episode and have gone back to record/watch later airings. I agree that they're balancing it well. I think the problem is that before, they didn't have any of the more serious stuff to balance the zany, so people who really liked that are miffed that there's suddenly character development in their crazy show. Poor them. ;) Personally, if Shawn had never started having these moments he's having, he would eventually get kinda pathetic... (I haven't seen the latest episode, but I look forward to watching it!)


spades_fire September 15 2008, 01:11:48 UTC
I've always loved it, and done the usual over-analyzing the characters and things they do/say in my brain to find or create my own character development (it's sort of habit, and I can't turn it off, haha!), so this just made it like ten times better than it was. Which is saying something, as I think it's officially my favorite show...

I bet you'll really like this week's. I literally flailed my arms around a few times and made audible squeeing noises... several times... :3

I'm very tempted to make a pineapple icon now... >.>;


spades_fire September 15 2008, 02:22:55 UTC
Okay, yeah. I had to. Pineapple! :3


joyfulfeather September 15 2008, 02:38:12 UTC
Hee! Nice. :D


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