(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 05:59

It's both weirdly cool and sort of sucky when I'm too busy to even post something nonsensical and silly for you guys to read for days...

  • Mall.
  • Coffeeshop dude actually does play violin. My mom asked him. <3
  • A/V.
  • Nothing really exciting.
  • Sound training in the morning. It hadn't been scheduled officially until the previous day. Was a lot of fun.
    • I made people laugh, and it made me happy. :3
  • Mall.
  • Boring.
  • Home.
  • Watched Psych (is it just me, or has this season been ALL KINDS OF AMAZING? People keep complaining that it's getting too "dramatic" and all character development and not enough crazy random fun, but I think they're balancing it really well actually and I love it <33) and Bones.
  • Bed.
Now I am all ready to go (well, okay, not all ready. Still need jewelry on... and shoes. But whatever) and there is like a half hour ten minutes until I have to leave. Thus, I am bored. Also fidgety from EXCITEMENT because ZOMGSOUND! Eeee!

Also I need to find a duster (the floofy kind or the canned air) for this afternoon because the Link!soundboard is becoming dusty due to for some reason not having a cover. I will also be taking it upon myself to MAKE a cover for it shortly, because, uh, it's sort of important. Also might deter people who don't know what they're doing (one can hope, anyway)? Maybe.

Oh, and this song reminds me of my band, and how amazing they are. I like their version better than the original. <3

sunday, a/v, friday, sound, i am a soundgeek, our mall is boring, lessthanthree, psych, tv

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