(no subject)

Sep 11, 2008 21:15

My head is really, really getting worse right now. It'll fade to faint throbbing and then STAB me randomly in the forehead and then my eyes won't focus quite right when the stabbing happens, which is disorienting. They're not, like, going crossed or anything, it's just enough to be really, really annoying and sort of make my eyes hurt more. Also, light is really bright right now, so I've turned the brightness on my monitor down all the way, which is tolerable on my eyeballs, and turned my desklamp off and my room!lamp down a tiny bit... am actually contemplating taking out the sunglasses inserts that I got when I got my eyes examined a few months back, because while that would probably make me look like a sillyface, they do help with the light thing.

And tomorrow is Friday, also known as "Long Day is Long!", and if this persists I will want to die... and there's like a +5% chance that I will. Ew. Also there are no new movies I want to see coming out because this time of year becomes really boring apparently. That or our theater is just dumb.

Have to take a shower, but I can't do that until sister gets hers so she can go to bed for school... and I have to get stuff ready for tomorrow... check my email for things I might need tomorrow... reply to two other emails that I don't know what to say to... and all sorts of things... and all I really want to do is sleep. Right now. A lot. But I won't get to because either I'll cave and take (more) migraine medicine and bounce exhaustedly off the walls, or Jules will keep me awake trying to eat things which are not food. Sigh.

What happened to the happydrugs or whatever that was, you guys? D:

Oh, and I seriously can't look at my icon right now.... I almost threw up just then. Haha. 

my slepeing habits are fail, headaches, i have a kitten and her name is jules, ew, kill me now, friday

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