After a few days spent pondering about it, I finally decided to get myself an early Xmas present and bought the new Kindle Paperwhite e-reader! Here it is, in all its glory. Do you like it
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Ottimi consigli, grazieeee!!! Mi prenderò certamente una gelaskin e una cover un po' carina. Tra l'altro, ho appena saputo da Amazon che il mio bambino arriverà il 17 ottobre invece del 25, yay! Ho già deciso che lo chiamerò Douglas, chissà come mai! ;)
Flagfic non lo conoscevo proprio, ma sono contenta che ci sia un modo per convertire velocemente le fic, perché credo che ne leggerò molte! ;)
Very cool! I have no specific advice on converting and the like as I have a Nook rather than a Kindle so it's different, but I love my ereader. I use it a lot for reading classics that are out of copyright so downloadable for free and my local library has a pretty fantastic digital collection so I rarely buy ebooks but am still reading on my Nook constantly. I get most of the free classic ebooks from Project Gutenberg and they have kindle versions of most if not all their free ebooks.
Ah, I know Project Gutenberg! I never checked whether they had any ebook versions of the classics because I didn't have an e-reader, but I'm definitely going to download something from there as soon as I get my Kindle!
Comments 5
Renzooooo, Renzooooooooo, mò c'hai il Kindle, vieni dalla Fatina - ok, la pianto ( ... )
Flagfic non lo conoscevo proprio, ma sono contenta che ci sia un modo per convertire velocemente le fic, perché credo che ne leggerò molte! ;)
Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated. ^^
Happy New Year :) are you happy with your kindle?
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