Rumours of my disappearance have been greatly exaggerated

Apr 29, 2009 00:00

Hello everybody. I'm baaaaackkkkk ( Read more... )

rant, work, friends, real life, family

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Comments 20

xel1980 April 28 2009, 22:46:49 UTC
Bentornata su LJ!!! ^^
Sono proprio felice che ci sia tanto lavoro per voi! ^^ Beh, ovviamente il tempo libero ci rimette, ma considerata la crisi è solo positivo! (>o<)

Un abbraccio! :)


space_oddity_75 April 29 2009, 08:40:49 UTC
Grazie, cara! Un abbraccio anche a te. ^^


lozenger8 April 29 2009, 07:41:19 UTC
Hi! I've been missing you!


space_oddity_75 April 29 2009, 08:46:51 UTC
Aww, thank you, hon! I've been missing you, too.

How are things in the land of kangaroos? I often wonder about you and your schoolchildren. Hope everything's alright and you're still enjoying your 'extreme teaching' experience, in spite of all the difficulties. Every little accomplishment in that situation must be very rewarding. You're my hero.


lozenger8 April 29 2009, 09:34:53 UTC
Things are good! Just had a two week holiday and we're back at school now. Lots and lots to do, but I'm feeling enthusiastic.


space_oddity_75 April 29 2009, 22:01:41 UTC
Glad to hear this. :)


bakednudel April 29 2009, 09:43:32 UTC
HIya! I'm in exactly the same situation--so that's why I'm just quickly stopping by to say HI. I've missed you!

That must be good, if you're in business for yourselves, that you and your husband are so busy traveling, yes?



space_oddity_75 April 29 2009, 22:08:06 UTC
Oh, hello there! I've missed you, too. How's life treating you these days? Is that your new house in your icon? It looks fab.

Luckily, hubby and I run our own little company (but we work in two different offices, thank God!), so at least we always go on business trips together. This is good in a way, because I hate being far away from him for too long, but also bad because on these occasions none of us can stay at home with our little daughter, who has to go and stay with my parents every time we are away.


fawsley April 29 2009, 10:04:31 UTC
I hadn't really realised you'd disappeared. I'm sure I've seen you around on my LJ so didn't feel neglected at all. But wow you have been a busy girl! It's great to know that you *are* still around even if we don't see or hear from you as much as we did. And if you do ever totally disappear I'll sent Sammy and the Guv round to drag you back to us, okay?


space_oddity_75 April 29 2009, 22:15:21 UTC
Heee, I'd never ever neglect you, hon! I really wanted to add another trip to the list and fly over to London to see the BAFTAs last weekend, but I was tied up and couldn't make it, otherwise I would most certainly have come to see you, too!

I'll try to organise a short holiday in the UK during the summer, if I can (maybe a long weekend or something), and then you won't be able to get rid of me that easily! Besides, I still owe you a few pints, remember? ;)


fawsley April 29 2009, 22:45:01 UTC
You just shout when you're able to make it over here and I'll be there with booze in hand!


space_oddity_75 April 30 2009, 00:00:40 UTC
Will do. And pints are on me. :)


chelseagirl April 29 2009, 11:29:13 UTC
Glad to see you back. Please check in when you can.


space_oddity_75 April 29 2009, 22:32:20 UTC
I'll try my best to come to LJ more often. I've been missing you all a lot. Besides, I still owe you a LoM fic (shame on me for never getting round to finish it months ago!) and won't be satisfied until I've given you something really good and worth reading. I'm really ashamed for not being able to keep my word, but I'll do my best to remedy that asap.

How's life been treating you? Hope your Uni work is interesting and rewarding. I finally got round to buy an unabridged version of Alice in Wonderland translated into Italian by one of the most talented translators I know of, who is also a writer and a scholar, so I'm eager to read her version of the book and compare the two stories to see how she got to adapt all the 'impossible words' in order to convey the same feeling found in the original into the target language. I'll let you know if there's something worth mentioning or interesting enough to an expert like you. :)


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