Rumours of my disappearance have been greatly exaggerated

Apr 29, 2009 00:00

Hello everybody. I'm baaaaackkkkk!!!

No, I haven't disappeared off the face of the Earth. I've just been so awfully busy with work, family and general RL stuff that I appear to have lost my ability to post anything intelligent (or simply worth reading) here and have only resorted to scatter some comments in my flisters' journals whenever I've felt the need to say something. I apologise to everyone who might have thought I was neglecting them. I really didn't mean it and I promise I'll try to be a more attentive friend from now on. *hugs flist*

Sadly, my leisure time has been reduced to the minimum, as you may have noticed from my lack of updates. Being self-employed can be a bit of a nuisance sometimes and, while I'm grateful for all the work that's been coming up in spite of the general recession, this means I can't plan my days more than one week ahead, because meetings and business trips always manage to get in the way. I've recently been to Madrid, Zaragoza and twice to Barcelona (where at least I did get to spend some quality *fannish* time with the wonderful sarie_gamgee). Köln is scheduled for next month, then probably Frankfurt before the summer. Never in my dreams I thought I'd become a frequent flyer! Oh, well.

So, how's everyone doing? Everything alright, I hope.
I can't promise I'll be posting more regularly from now on, but rest assured you're always in my thoughts and I still love you all. *hugs flist again*


rant, work, friends, real life, family

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