LoM Ficathon 2008. Fic: "There's someone in my head, but it's not me", green cortina

Sep 17, 2008 14:37

Title: There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me
Author: SYLVY ( space_oddity_75 )
Rating: Green cortina (PG) for swearing, dark themes and general madness
Word Count: 5000-ish
Beta-reader: scotschik (thank you so much, darling!). Also, thanks to Hmpf for the emotional support.
Notes: Sam, Gene/Missus. Lots of angsty angst. Written for the LoM Ficathon 2008. Title comes ( Read more... )

fanfiction, fandom, life on mars

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Comments 23

dakfinv September 17 2008, 13:49:48 UTC
But...but....but...where did Sam wake up? You can't leave it like that. That's not fair!

Oh, I absolutely loved this fic. Poor Sammy with his mucked up brain and Gene trying his best. They were so perfectly in character. Plus the angst! I loved the angst!

But, where did Sammy wake up? Can't I even have a hint? You wrote the last paragraph too well. I have no idea which time he's in. (Or is it a Rorschach test? We see Sammy in the time we want to see him in?)


space_oddity_75 September 17 2008, 23:01:04 UTC
Hehe, I'll never tell you where Sam woke up, because I'm evil at heart! *g*

Glad you liked the fic and the angst. It's nice to receive such a compliment from the Queen of Angst herself. Thank you very much, darling! :)


severinne September 17 2008, 14:26:53 UTC
Ohh, poor Sammy *hugs* You've got his angst and craziness and panic really finely-tuned here, and that whole ending in the hospital and waking up (where?!?!) was wonderfully intense.

I especially love the way you wrote Gene here, clearly concerned enough to hover at Sam's bedside at the beginning but still characteristically gruff about the whole thing and needing to be bribed before he'll take Sam home, lol. And again, that ending just cranks up that emotional investment, I realy did feel for Gene trying to reassure Sam as much as I did for Sam, you can tell just how badly he legitimately felt about lying to Sam even if it was necessary. It's a remarkable journey for both characters, and one hell of a great read, thank you!


space_oddity_75 September 17 2008, 23:05:24 UTC
Thank you very much for the lovely comment. I always feel I'm neglecting Gene in my fics and this was a way to test whether I was able to keep him in character in a lenghty story. Hope the goal was achieved.


shotaphile September 17 2008, 17:11:25 UTC
Aw, yay, my fic! Thank you very much, it was well worth the wait. Some beautiful spazz Sam moments and Margaret seems like a right proper 1970's wife (poor Sam, all that grease, I empathize greatly).

Also love the fact that you don't tell us where he woke up.

Lovely, thanks so much!


space_oddity_75 September 17 2008, 23:10:45 UTC
Awww, thank you very much! I'm so relieved that you liked my fic. It's the longest and most difficult story I've ever written and I'm really glad you thought it was worth the wait. :)

Sorry again for the delay, though. I feel really bad about it, although it was inevitable (business trip abroad). Thanks for your patience!


(The comment has been removed)

space_oddity_75 September 17 2008, 23:12:01 UTC
Hehe, thank you for your comment. Glad to know you enjoyed the angst! :)


chelseagirl September 17 2008, 18:14:08 UTC
Nice! And what a fantastic, ambiguous ending.


space_oddity_75 September 17 2008, 23:12:37 UTC
Thank you, darling! I'm so glad you liked it. :)


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