Mostly tv drivel

Jul 17, 2009 09:43

First off: Leverage! Oh, welcome back show. And even though I couldn't have cared less about the "job", I loved seeing you guys So. Much.. Also, Chris? Love your hair this year. Also Hardison, Parker, & Eliot? Love you so much!!!! *bounces*

I've watched up to S3 E6 (Phased and Confused) of Eureka. I'll be caught up if not tonight, then over the ( Read more... )

general blather, eureka, leverage

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Comments 15

fenwic July 17 2009, 15:49:11 UTC
And even though I couldn't have cared less about the "job", I loved seeing you guys So. Much..
Right?! I completely missed the twists and turns of the case because I was so caught up in "TEAM!". Hardison in glasses! Eliot in exploding pants! Sophie headbutting! Parker airquoting! And they all need Daddy Nate so much. What's not to love ♥

I don't like the Thorne woman, I really don't like that they killed off Stark.I like Frances Fisher, but I thought her character's "mystery" was lame. As for Stark, it was the actor's choice to move on :((( If TPTB are to be believed, they absolutely wanted him to stay. I think everyone misses his chemistry with Colin ( ... )


sp23 July 17 2009, 15:58:34 UTC
Oh, well, I haven't reached the part yet about the pregnancy, so I wasn't aware of that, although they had her pregnant with Carter's baby in the time-skip episode, so I guess her being pregnant shouldn't be a surprise.

I really don't ship much of anyone on the show. I did ship Henry & Kim, but, well, we know what happened there.

I wondered in Ed Quinn chose to move on because I see in IMDb that he's in another show already. He and Colin did have great chemistry. :-(

Dude, Jamie Ray Newman, really? Well, maybe that will take the bad taste of Cadman out of my mouth if I see her in something else, because I really loathed Cadman.

Does not compute...

I know, right!? Hee. It's still just in early planning stages, so it make change because Rodney will be in danger, and we know how that affects our John. LOL


fenwic July 17 2009, 16:26:02 UTC
Oh, GAH! I'm so sorry for spoiling!! Believe it or not, I actually did think before I mentioned it, and was sure that it had been revealed by Phased & Confused, but obviously, I totally screwed that up. I am so sorry :(((

I did ship Henry & Kim, but, well, we know what happened there.
I think Joe Morton played Henry's devastation beautifully, but I hope he gets some new lovin' soon :)

Cadman really was awful to Rodney, right from her very first scene. I've always liked the actor, though, and am interested to see her chemistry with Colin.

Rodney will be in danger, and we know how that affects our John. LOL
Oooooh, protective McShep! Can't wait!!


sp23 July 17 2009, 17:48:27 UTC
Don't worry about the spoiling. :-)

Cadman really *was* awful, and stupid, too, which was unforgivable. Also, I found the whole attitude that because she was a woman, what she did to Rodney (usurping his body and then stripping him naked) was not only okay but really funny completely offensive. Had the body swap been in reverse and Rodney had stripped Cadman and then forced her to kiss people, the howls of sexual assault would have been heard 'round the world. And then I saw comments on the episode where people were all upset because OMG! that mean Rodney had yelled at poor widdle Cadman. Fuck that. She's a fucking Marine, and, unfortunately, a stupid one who didn't know when to shut up and let the genius work on finding a solution to their dilemma.

Yes, I'm not a big fan of Duet. LOL


elsaf July 17 2009, 16:03:05 UTC
I was surprised at them killing Stark, because it seemed that they were moving toward Stark and Carter being a team that worked together uncomfortably but got the job done.

I was disappointed in the second season, where they were making Carter just a bit too stupid. He was turning into the comedy relief. However, I was pleased at most of season three, where they were treating him with a lot more respect.

I dislike Lexie, who seems to be Stark's replacement. (Not so much his replacement at Global Dynamics -- the character they added to make up for his leaving.) I suspect the actor wanted to leave is why they killed stark.

The show isn't perfect. I'd like more Henry and less Lexie. I'd like for the conflicts to be a little more complex.

But I still like the show. It's not a passion. But it is a pleasant way to spend an hour once a week.


sp23 July 17 2009, 16:09:34 UTC
Yeah, I find Lexie annoying, too. fenwic said that Ed Quinn wanted to leave the show, which is sad because he & Colin really were great together on the show. And if Lexie is supposed to be the new conflict foil, ugh, so does not work. Stark had the power to make Carter's life miserable professionally as well as personally. Lexie just seems to me to be a PITA.

As for Henry, there can never be too much Henry. :-)


spikedluv July 17 2009, 17:42:07 UTC
Yeah, season three is not quite up to the same level as seasons 1 & 2. If I'm remembering correctly, there are new writers, or producers, or something. The whole Thorne storyline was stupid, and I didn't care for Lexie very much.

Also, re Stark leaving the show: The show's runners made a big deal out of saying 'it was the actor's choice to leave', but then we found out that it was only his choice to leave AFTER he found out that they were going to backburner him for TWO years, before writing him into any major storyline. He didn't want to sit around doing nothing, so he asked to leave, and of course, THAT'S what the PTB made sure everyone heard.

I've seen the promos with Jamie Ray Newman, but huh! I never even pegged her as Cadman! I knew she looked familiar when I saw her on last season's Leverage, The Two-Horse Job, as Eliot's former love interest, but I couldn't figure out from where. *g*


sp23 July 17 2009, 17:55:13 UTC
Oh, she was Eliot's former girlfriend? No wonder I didn't like her. LOL

Why the hell would they backburner Stark? He and Carter were great adversaries who had to work together. What a stupid decision. I also think it was a stupid decision to have Stark & Alli hook up again like they did. They should have just let the triangle fester in the background. Writers/producers can be so stupid.

Lexie kind of reminds me of Jeanie on SGA. I never cared at all for Jeanie until The Shrine, finding her smart mouth attitude irritating. Same here on Eureka. I really dislike how they had Lexie come in and try to tell Jack how he should raise Zoe. The hell?


spikedluv July 17 2009, 18:35:03 UTC
Hee, yep.

I couldn't figure it out, either. Especially if it was only to bring in Thorne and Lexie. *rolls eyes*

I loved the snark between Jack and Nathan, too. It was my favorite bit of the show, and I really miss it. :( Of course, in my little corner of the fandom, Nathan never died, and he never got back with Allison, so . . . *g* Though I do think they rushed into the Nathan/Allison getting back together so quickly after they found out that Nathan needed to be written out. I hope. A bad decision anyway, but I'd like to think there was some sort of logic behind it.


rockgoddes July 17 2009, 18:09:11 UTC
You kind of nailed it with Leverage, and reading what you wrote solidified it for me: this ep wasn't about the case, it was about the team and them getting back together. The case itself almost seemed extraneous, and that's why it was so much in the background.

Love my team!


sp23 July 17 2009, 18:14:23 UTC
Yeah, for me, it's always been about the team and how they interact. The jobs are just an excuse for them to be cute and quippy and for Chris to look extra, extra hot kicking somebody's ass. *g*

I do have to be honest though, and hope they leave the Nate/Sophie angst back in last season. It was the only sour note for me in the whole season.


a2zmom July 17 2009, 23:37:08 UTC
I can't stand Chris' hair. I enjoy Leverage, but it's not a great show imo. Now Burn Notice, otoh, I am in serious love with.


sp23 July 18 2009, 01:31:53 UTC
I like Burn Notice too, but I love Leverage.


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