Mostly tv drivel

Jul 17, 2009 09:43

First off: Leverage! Oh, welcome back show. And even though I couldn't have cared less about the "job", I loved seeing you guys So. Much.. Also, Chris? Love your hair this year. Also Hardison, Parker, & Eliot? Love you so much!!!! *bounces*

I've watched up to S3 E6 (Phased and Confused) of Eureka. I'll be caught up if not tonight, then over the weekend for sure. And my thoughts on this season so far: To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. I don't like the Thorne woman, I really don't like that they killed off Stark. I imagine they did it solely so that they could eventually hook up Carter & Blake, but I really liked the rivalry/snarking between Carter & Stark, and I think it was a huge mistake to lose that. Why do shows always change up a dynamic that really works. *pouts*

In non-tv stuff, I think I've come up with an idea for the last fic needed for my cliche_bingo bingo. It's going to be a SGA fic, possibly gen. (I know! WTF!) We'll see how it works out.

I've been spending way too much money on just stupid shit. For one thing, I've been buying my lunch out every day, which I usually don't do. You know, you can go through a lot of cash that way. Problem is, I just don't feel like brown-bagging it.

Oh! I got my hair cut last Wednesday, and it's really short. Like Rodney McKay short. I wish I had told her to leave it a bit longer on the sides and back, but otherwise, I'm fairly happy with it. Anyway, it's easy to fix since I really can't do anything with it but blow dry it and let it fall as it wishes.

I take the boys to the vet tomorrow morning. I hope it doesn't rain while we're out, but it looks like it's fixing to really storm out there right now, and I think the rain's supposed to hang around awhile.

My left knee is killing me. The pain isn't steady, but when I walk from where I've parked my car to work, it really, really hurts. This getting old shit? Sucks.

general blather, eureka, leverage

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