Стратиоты. 2

Apr 08, 2018 12:35

M.E. Mallett, J.R. Hale. The Military Organisation of a Renaissance State. Venice c. 1400 to 1617.

- However, the main contribution to the development of light cavalry, both in terms of numbers and precedence, came from the stradiots. The stradiots were lightly armed cavalry recruited in Dalmatia, Albania and Greece. Their main arms were the short lance, or javelin, and the bow; but their small, fast and hardy horses were almost as important a feature of their military value. [31]

- [31] ST. reg. 12, 142V-143 (30 May 1496). Stradiots in Pisa were forbidden to sell their horses because of their special qualities which could not be easily replaced. For the classic description of the stradiots, see Sanuto, La spedizione di Carlo VIII, 313-4.

- More important were contracts with successive Sanjaks of Bosnia for supplies of the Croatian light horsemen (Crovati) who were used regularly to supplement the companies of stradiots. [25] The attempt to attract 1000 horsemen from Hungary in 1509 seems to have failed, though individuals turned up as volunteers, but detachments from Bohemia arrived - to be praised, in contrast to Italians, as 'valiant men who are content with black bread' - in sufficient numbers for Venice to be charged by the papacy with employing heretics. [26]

- [25] SS. reg. 41, 182 (18 May 1509); ST. reg. 18, 56V (22 Jan. 1513).
[26] SS. reg. 41, 145 (22 Feb. 1509).

С одной стороны - ссылки на архив, а авторы - серьезные. С другой - ранее у них "арбалет" уже мутировал в "аркебузу".

Andrea Gramaticopolo. Gli Stradioti.

- I principali strumenti offensivi erano costituiti dalla sciabola ricurva, arma tipicamente balcanica che si sarebbe diffusa tra le armi della cavalleria [126] , la mazza, o mazzocca, consuetudinaria per i cavalieri, il giavellotto o zagaglia. [127]
La zagaglia richiedeva un grande addestramento per padroneggiarne appieno l’uso: costituita da un’asta di legno, lunga circa tre metri, dotata di due punte, che poteva essere impiegata sia come arma da lancio (utile per sfoltire i ranghi della fanteria prima di lanciarsi all’assalto), che come arma da carica o, infine, come bastone nei combattimenti corpo a corpo. Le fonti concordano nel delineare gli stradioti come poco avvezzi alle armi da lancio canoniche dell’epoca: arco e balestra (meno ancora le “giovani” armi da fuoco portatili). [128]

- [126] Del Negro, Guerra ed eserciti da Machiavelli a Napoleone, p.69
[127] Nadin, Migrazioni e integrazioni, p.59
[128] Petta, Stradioti - Soldati albanesi in Italia, p.49

Жаль, что книга P.Petta не доступна... Откуда эти данные? Но если положиться на ссылку - стратиоты конца 15 и начала 16 века использовали "универсальное" копье, длиной около 3 метров. Его метали, им били в ближнем бою и таранили. С учетом второго пункта и того, что у стратиотов часто были щиты (их обычное оружие) - вряд ли "джавеллотто" были тяжелыми? ИМХО - но как-то не очень похоже на специализированное "копье для тарана".

Картинка из Le Voyage de Gênes par Jean Marot. Date d'édition: 1500-1520. Еще.

f. 17v, l'attaque du bastillon défendant Gênes, par Louis XII.
P.S. Можно посчитать стратиотов со щитами на миниатюре по ссылке.
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