I'd lay my life on the cause of the magically disappearing appetite being your sleeping patterns. This summer, when Milliways made me virtually nocturnal, I'd say I got by on a bowl of cereal a day. And even now, I have unsociable hours due to university, and I simply am not hungry at the end of the day, because I'm too tired.
Tiredness *totally* messes with your appetite. At least it messes with mine, and we both know that you and I are essentially the same person, after all. :-)
Is it normal for tiredness to get rid of your appetite? Like, entirely? I just realised that I've only had half a sandwich and a bowl of cereal in the last two days, but not for my usual "oh I'll grab something later" reasons: I just haven't felt hungry. This is normal, right? I suppose it could also be my sleep patterns screwing up my eating patterns, since work demands have meant I've been sleeping in approximately two hour naps for the last few days to get stuff done."Well, STRESS can get rid of your appetite," said the student nurse. I mean really, if your work demands are so high it's interfering with your rest patterns, then yes, you are obviously stressed, and yes, it's a normal physiologic response for your appetite to decrase
( ... )
I love geeking, and that made an awful lot of sense indeed, thankyou. :) Could that also maybe produce nausea? (Actually, that's a dumb question, since lots of medical "could"s are answered in yes, but that doesn't make 'em likely. But, uh, you know what I mean.)
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