Um, I have a random question, just in case any of you actually know the answer.
Is it normal for tiredness to get rid of your appetite? Like, entirely? I just realised that I've only had half a sandwich and a bowl of cereal in the last two days, but not for my usual "oh I'll grab something later" reasons: I just haven't felt hungry. This is normal, right? I suppose it could also be my sleep patterns screwing up my eating patterns, since work demands have meant I've been sleeping in approximately two hour naps for the last few days to get stuff done.
If I'm honest, I've been feeling more queasy than anything else, but I can't be getting sick, dammit.
Hmm. Anyway, handed in last-but-two essay today, so that's another load off my back. I had a brief moment of panic where I was convinced I referred to Alice in Wonderland as written by CS Lewis, but I think it's all right. Well, except the conclusion of the essay, which sucked, but what can I do about that now? Nothing. So, I waste time online again. Yay. :)
Speaking of, I have a few links for you. There are many interesting things in this world, and since none of them are me in exam week, I hereby present:
A nice piece about how abstinence only programmes in the US are telling kids that condoms don't work, girls don't care about achivement, and that humans have 24 chromosomes. Um... I hope that one day they meet one of the people who does, in fact, have more than the usual 23 chromosome pairs, and finds out what a pain in the arse it is. Also: are you FUCKING INSANE? Saying 'yay abstinence!' is one thing - feel free to not have sex if you don't want to, people - but teaching kids factually incorrect things which will make them unable to protect themselves when they do have sex is quite another. It's disgusting, and I hope the people responsible one day get to find out exactly what their nasty, lying rubbish leads to.
Here's some more on the same theme.
Rivka lambasts the anti-HIV-drugs brigade, and because she's Rivka, knows what she's talking about. If you've read that piece about how there are kids being forced into horrible tests for new HIV drugs, you should probably read this before getting stressed.
Robert "I'm An Alien" Kilroy Silk gets covered in shit, both metaphorically and literally. Now this is a piece of news I'm glad to hear, and I'm vastly amused I know a few people at the grammar school involved, too. Heh. Rock on. It's about time.
I love the Onion.
- If any of you were sitting there thinking "you know, what this world needs is a Kerry/Edwards online advent calender, complete with links to relevant websites and cool people and such", well, you need do so no more, for lo, it has
been provided.
*yawn* And now I am off to write about the creation of a female narrative. W00t. Though on the other hand...
eighteen days. Only eighteen.