[When he wakes up, the Master notices a few things have changed. 1) his scenery is no longer Level 0-- Ha! Early release! Of course, this early release has to do with 2) the fact that he feels light-headed and generally weak. Thanks to a certain
incident with a certain dhampir (in which the former Time Lord had found himself rather unpleasantly
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[Okay, so maybe he fretted a little, he's a little irritated with himself for being even remotely concerned about the Master at this point, but he is, none the less. He gives the former Time lord an unimpressed look.]
You do know you have to eat three times a day now?
[Covering up concern by questioning the Masters intelligence! It never fails!]
Of course I do. [He rolls his eyes then-- very mature!]
Humans seem to spend most of their time sleeping and eating. It's no wonder they're so stunted.
[The Doctor sits down beside the Masters bed, leaning back in the chair a little. He has actually been slightly concerned about that, The Master tended to see the big picture and miss the little details at times, or vice versa depending on his regeneration, so forgetting to eat? Didn't seem entirely unlikely for him.]
How are you finding it? The abrupt change in bodily functions must have been quite a shock for you.
My only connection to time is linear. I'm disconnected from the universe. [Disconnected from you, he would add, but it would be too sentimental. It isn't that he even wants to be connected to the Doctor in any capacity, but it is frustrating to lose that Time Lord connection and find his mind terribly... silenced, except for the drums.]
[After a pause] Is that what you wanted to hear, Doctor?
Hey there! [He said, a slight smile on his face. He placed the get well card on the table by the Master's bed and-oh. He was restrained.]
How are you feeling?
Miserable, actually! I nearly died, after all. How are you?
I'm fine.
I made you a get well card. [He said, looking at the card.] On Earth, you're supposed to bring people flowers when they're sick. I couldn't find any though... [He smiled, a bit sheepishly.] I couldn't find a teddy bear either.
I see. [Still forcing a smile] Thank you. I'm sure I'll survive quite happily without flowers or a... bear.
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