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Comments 493

1/4 From the hospital seeking_heat April 25 2009, 19:42:03 UTC
2/4 From the hospital seeking_heat April 25 2009, 19:42:17 UTC
3/4 From the hospital seeking_heat April 25 2009, 19:43:00 UTC
4/4 seeking_heat April 25 2009, 19:43:45 UTC
Umi-san. Hello there!


[mentor filter] moresake April 25 2009, 19:54:06 UTC
I'll be available whenever is convenient for everyone, though I think it would be nice if you came over to our house so we don't have to leave the kids home alone.

...And yes, we're certainly going to have a look at you.


[mentor filter] soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:00:43 UTC
Of course. I wouldn't expect you two to come here or anything. Not after what happened with little Fai getting away on his own like that.

Uh... I'm not sure what you discussed with Konata, but... What will that involve?


[mentor filter] moresake April 25 2009, 20:05:36 UTC
Yes, I'm glad you understand. I'm looking forward to a time when we don't have to worry about that. Then I'll come visit you~

Well, we're not doctors. Examination by magic might feel a little strange, but it shouldn't hurt.


[mentor filter] soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:12:01 UTC
We'll work on that. Things are getting done already. It's a beginning! So it's a step by step process, isn't it?

Er... strange how?


Same filter dreamsofnoah April 25 2009, 20:24:19 UTC
You fought there too~?


Same filter soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:26:00 UTC
A friend of mine was captured. I just HAD TO.

Tch. I don't know what's with all the City's psychos and kidnapping people!


Same filter dreamsofnoah April 25 2009, 20:29:21 UTC
I guess~ so.

They really do seem to enjoy kidnapping, don't they?


Same filter soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:30:37 UTC
REALLY. I don't know what this Major guy was up to, but Mayuri... well, he got his reasons for capturing people pretty clear.


concept_killer April 25 2009, 20:25:58 UTC


soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:26:32 UTC
I'll get it to you in a few. Hope you enjoy them.


concept_killer April 25 2009, 20:27:27 UTC
Just uh...for future warning, the next time you want to give me something, you might not want to announce it to the world.


soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:28:06 UTC
Huh. What's wrong with that? I just said it through the Network!


haroicsacrifice April 25 2009, 20:32:34 UTC
That looks great, Umi.


soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:34:15 UTC
Thank you. I hope it tastes just as nice. I never tried this recipe before so feedback's welcome!


haroicsacrifice April 25 2009, 20:37:22 UTC
Trying new things is a good idea, I think. I'm looking forward to finding out.


soulofocean April 25 2009, 20:42:55 UTC
I can drop by and give it to you while it's still fresh from the oven. I still got leave from work today.


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