- 020th tide | | ebb tide -

Apr 25, 2009 15:31

[Private || Unhackable]

...That went well. I mean... EVERYTHING worked normally. Maybe even better than before. Though that might have been the rain. Is it okay to get my hopes up? He couldn't have tampered with my magic, he couldn't have found the source of it. But... If what they say is true...

DAMMIT. What did he do to me.

It doesn't help that I keep having nightmares... I can still SMELL that stuffy lab... But he's NOT winning just by making me paranoid. I'm NOT letting him!! The battle proved I'm not broken.


See what I told you about the rain, everyone? I enjoyed it so much. I'm almost sad to see it gone, but... Huh. Okay: don't kill me, people planning picnics and stuff. I know it can't rain all the time. But a nice spring storm helps clear anyone's head, doesn't it?

Mister Lockon, I got your cake ready! Hope you like blueberry cheesecake! It's Mister Sebastian's recipe! You wouldn't believe how many he knows: it put me in a baking mood, so I also made English cream muffins. Shiki, you get a basket of those as a Thank You present.

[Filtered away from MKR crew + Konata || Unhackable || Viewable to everyone else]

To everyone who was on my assault team... Good work guys. I hadn't done anything totally fulfilling since I got here and I just.... Jeez, I've been HATING myself for being so useless! I'm really glad I could do this with you. That flying fortress was HUGE, though! How could that Major weirdo build such a thing in this place?? Guess anything goes in the City...

I'm glad you're safe now, Huey. And Misao's friends too. Fighting for a good cause AND getting something done felt so good as well...

Even if they'd kill me if they knew. I'm still... PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE I WAS THERE!!

[End Filter]

[Filtered to Mentors || Unhackable (*)]

Mister Clow, Yuuko, Mokona... Please tell me when you can have a look at the videos I recorded at the Clock room. I'm gonna phone Mister Gabriel to ask him when it's okay for him to talk to you about the mechanism. Sound good?

It's important. It may be a way to go home!

And... Konata said you're having a look at me, right? For any side effects to the whole... you know.

[End Filter]

[*] Mentors being Clow Reed, Yuuko Ichihara and Mokona. |D

such a rebel, umi liked the rain, yuuko, baking baking, clow, mokona, battle-ready, sneaking out to fight so not cool, after the storm, badass sword girl, okay taking a rest now, mayuri

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