- 018th tide | | clockwork -

Apr 20, 2009 13:12


[Static, fumbling sounds.] ---ld be what keeps the whole place's power working...

Hikaru, Fuu!! Mokona, I... [A sharp intake of breath, then, much louder:] I did it. I made it all the way down here! This has to be the core...

BOY. You wouldn't believe this place. It's... wonderful. HORRIBLE. It's-!! ...Wish I could describe it, but--- ( Read more... )

hikaru you too, brainz plz, o hallo mr. clockman, in your face city, see? see? i did it!, why ain't i the smart one of the crew??, fuu how i miss you, enjoy before shit happens, brb throwing a party, go go team umi

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Comments 175

discessum April 20 2009, 17:32:26 UTC
[ And Wesley is saving that recorded video for later perusal. ]


soulofocean April 20 2009, 17:35:35 UTC
[Parts of it may not go to the Network but this one here is free for all.]


action; makes_you_tick April 20 2009, 17:34:22 UTC
There is a man a few dozen yards down from where Umi recorded herself- he's hard to discern, wearing all black in a place that's already dark as night. He doesn't seem to have noticed Umi there, focusing entirely on one section of the clock mechanism. He reaches into a pocket and pulls out his glasses, shining a flashlight into it.

He reaches towards the mechanism, as if to move some part of it. His hand is pushed back and his arm is briefly engulfed in blue lightning. He yells out in pain (almost angrily, really) as jumps back about five feet. He sighs heavily as he shakes it off, then moves forward towards the moving parts again, muttering something about movements.


action; soulofocean April 20 2009, 17:41:45 UTC
Truth be told, Umi's been so taken with her own personal sense of achievement and the truth she'll soon be back to her friends that she hasn't been paying much attention to her surroundings. Her whole drive is focused on the Clock. She didn't notice anyone at first. She wouldn't have expected to find other people around after getting to the core was so difficult either.

When the lighting's radiance catches her eye she takes her sword out but pauses. She stares wide-eyed at whatever Sylar's doing before she can react or say a word. Then the violent reaction shakes her out of her stupor.

"Watch out!" she yells as Sylar is repelled by what she believes must be the barrier. Then Umi approaches the scene a few steps, "What... What were you trying to do?"

[ooc: NP~ Take care and good luck! :D]


action; makes_you_tick April 20 2009, 22:07:34 UTC
"Oh- hello," Sylar says, looking over to Umi with a little bit of pleased surprise. He hadn't expected anyone else to make it this far. "I was just trying to get a better look at the escapement, but I suppose the City has better ideas."

He frowns at the mechanism for a moment before taking his glasses off and tucking them into a pocket in his shirt. "I should probably introduce myself. I'm Gabriel Sylar. I'm a watchmaker, so these things-" He gestures over towards the gears. "-they really interest me. I don't think it's only gears that've gone into this, though..." His voice trails off as he looks up to it.

He doesn't spend too long gaping at it. He looks back down at Umi and smiles at her. "Don't get too many people in here- it's good to meet you."


action; soulofocean April 20 2009, 22:16:47 UTC
For the longest, most awkward fifty seconds of her life Umi just... stares. Correction from her first impression: it's not what she had in mind AT ALL, to come down here and find someone willing to start a friendly chat? Unlikely. It's a bit off-putting, but she recovers fast. Sylars seems like a nice guy.

A bit wary because of the Underground's nature and the people everyone tells her may lurk down here, she lowers her blade.

"Um... Hi! Sorry about barging in. My name's Umi. Ryuuzaki Umi. Good to meet you too," she gestures around at the enormous clock mechanism, "Er... So you come here often?? I mean-! It took me a while to work my way to this place and I never thought-!"

...But scratch that. What did he just tell her!? "You know about things like this!? Does it have to do with that power you got?"


concept_killer April 20 2009, 17:38:42 UTC


soulofocean April 20 2009, 17:42:18 UTC
Uh. Shiki? What is it?


concept_killer April 20 2009, 17:43:31 UTC
Nothing, really. Just don't get yourself in trouble.


soulofocean April 20 2009, 17:45:25 UTC
Heh. I've gone through enough trouble to last me... forever. Trust me, I'm NOT spoiling it after all this effort.


seeking_heat April 20 2009, 17:57:45 UTC
So, this is the supposed doomsday clock.

[notices the blood] Umi-san! What's happened?


1/2 soulofocean April 20 2009, 18:00:26 UTC
If the scary tales are right! But there's more to it! I think-!


2/2 soulofocean April 20 2009, 18:00:51 UTC
Huh? What'd you mean?


seeking_heat April 20 2009, 18:05:18 UTC
Don't tell me you haven't noticed it! Wipe that brow of yours and dress it!


1/2 gustymagic April 20 2009, 18:08:58 UTC
Umi-san... I'm glad you're returning. There will be plenty of time to watch those videos.


gustymagic April 20 2009, 18:10:00 UTC

I will come meet you by the entrance to the Underground.


1/2 soulofocean April 20 2009, 18:13:34 UTC
FUU~! Isn't this place something else? I can't wait to hear what you and Mokona make of it! If there's anyone who can figure it out it's you two!


2/2 soulofocean April 20 2009, 18:15:59 UTC
Uh... But wouldn't that be too close to...? Alright! Just be careful, okay? It may take me a day or so but... I really can't wait to see you guys again.


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