(drabble) photosynthesis

Apr 22, 2011 17:51

pg-13, 396w
Yuri will never tell anyone this, but sometimes the spotlight terrifies her.

a/n; trying to get my muse back ;~;

photosynthesis )

fandom; girls' generation, fic; drabble

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Comments 7

coffeeinlove April 22 2011, 07:53:28 UTC
as a yuri stan, you just broke my heart into pieces /cries


chikaon08 April 22 2011, 09:19:14 UTC
This was...this was very nice. Wow.

I always like it when people write about the "other" side of Soshi, of celebrities in general. It really does make you think, just how DO they feel? Is what we see really their true personalities? It definitely isn't ever a boring topic to talk about.

I felt this piece could have applied to any of the girls. I guess she does show more sexiness than some of the other members, but you know, after thinking about it more, I think you definitely did show Yuri in this piece. You captured her tryhardedness very well and it's no secret that she feels "fatter" than some of the members since she complained about her thighs before (but I love her "meaty" thighs).

Anyway good job. I definitely felt the sense of dread and hopelessness by the last sentence :)


wolfmouths April 22 2011, 19:37:09 UTC
This was a touching read. ♥


bollywoodrecord April 22 2011, 23:19:41 UTC
Aw, poor Yuri-ah... You really wrote this well, so thank you.


swankysongbirds April 30 2011, 03:49:50 UTC
this is beautiful. I love the inner turmoil in here.


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