(oneshot) between the lines

Mar 16, 2011 23:32

between the lines
seohyun-centric, yonghwa/seohyun
pg-13, 2652w
college!au. seohyun has it all figured it out. except for the fact that it doesn't need to be.

between the lines )

fandom; cn blue, fandom; girls' generation, pairing; yonghwa/seohyun, fic; oneshot

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Comments 19

forleef March 16 2011, 13:22:49 UTC
this is all kinds of cute that had me smiling most of the time :)


kellneriner March 16 2011, 13:32:42 UTC
Aww. I too, kept smiling throughout the whole story. This is a nice break from the 'sadness' that shadows over our couple. There's nothing much I can say, except how lovely it is.


babypillow March 16 2011, 13:42:15 UTC
thanks for this! it's cute and fast pace and totally love the ending!


oqyoiko March 16 2011, 14:09:42 UTC
wow,, it's so cute.. & i love this story.. thx for this one..^__^


twinkystar16 March 16 2011, 14:15:46 UTC
this is cute^^


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