[o32] Video/action for the Breeding Centre; Text for Rose Lalonde

Dec 01, 2011 04:02


[Yeah, that's the sound you're greeted with as his Gear clatters to the floor. It seemed Soul was trying to tackle something on his Gear, when he was quite literally tackled himself -- by the head of his Gyarados, Dualscar, that's poking in through the window ( Read more... )

*video, ow., oh man oh man oh man, jack shit is being understood, *action, headache to end all headaches, seriously not cool, stop it soul this isn't helping, *text, worst morning ever

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Comments 88

Text; filtered usedtherapy December 1 2011, 12:17:13 UTC
Today, actually.
Her birthday is today.
And I would be more than happy to assist in something like that.
As for what I'm sure she would like, it's more of a question of what I'm sure she wouldn't.
She lived on an island alone for quite a long time, away from civilization.
Anything you do for her will please her, I'm sure.
Not to mention it will be something done with you.
Though I can understand the sentiment behind wanting to do one thing.
What do you already have in mind?


Text; filtered soulcool December 1 2011, 12:22:20 UTC
today?? seriously?
wow okay i'm kind of bad with dates, sorry.
and that island thing is definitely stuff she's never shared with me, but i can always bug her about it later
anyway i was kind of thinking of taking her somewhere but there is a LOT of places to go in goldenrod. >:I
so i don't really know. shopping? pokemon catching??
there's a lot of stuff she likes to do but not a lot of it that we can do here.
well i mean maybe i could take her to a music store or something, i don't know.


Text; filtered usedtherapy December 1 2011, 12:28:50 UTC
It's nothing to apologize for.
And yes, alone on an island.
Well, if I were to take her on a date - personally speaking, mind you - it would likely be an afternoon date.
Lunch, ice cream, perhaps shopping but then she might wish to purchase all of the stuffed animals available.
A trip to the arcade would certainly be enjoyable for her, I'm sure.
I would likely pick up cute family movies to watch with her later that night, along with snacks.
I doubt she's ever had a real movie night if you have not yet given her one.
...how much money do you have saved up, Soul?
If you're planning on staying in Goldenrod permanently, I believe a trip to the music store may yield a gift you could purchase for her.
She plays the bass.


Text; filtered soulcool December 1 2011, 12:32:52 UTC
i have PLENTY of money saved up, trust me.
nothing to spend any of it on until now after all, sides food and shit.
and i was thinking about that, yknow; scept if i get her a bass and we do travel id be ok with carrying it around for her or something.
no big deal.
but the other stuff, uh.
id be cool with her buying a bunch of stuffed animals. pretty sure theres a spot in the pc where she can put them if we have to move around, after all.
and if not, whatever, i'll carry them too.
any good movies you can think of?? i'm not really a cutesy movie kind of guy, so its not like I'D know what to pick.
rest of it doesn't sound too bad though, might have to try some of it.


1/2 sciencebipches December 1 2011, 13:08:49 UTC
[Okay, the name Dualscar gets his attention, but then he mentions his name, and that DEFINITELY snags it.]


[video] 2/2 sciencebipches December 1 2011, 13:09:59 UTC
I'm guessin' you know me or somethin'?



[video] soulcool December 1 2011, 13:12:21 UTC
[Oh, hold on a sec; he's gotta wipe the crap off of the little lens. And also the screen.]

Eridan? When the hell do you get back here?


Yeah, I do; or did. Whatever. I was your moirail until Johto decided to toss you back wherever you came from, I dunno.
This, uh...

[Swoosh, the camera's on Dualscar now;]

This was your starter, back then. He's kinda stupid; I don't blame you for leaving him here.
Or not wanting the dumbass back, either.


[video] sciencebipches December 1 2011, 13:21:55 UTC
Been here for almost 2 a your humans months.

[Augh, it's always kind of awkward to know that you had friends or relations in some place with no memory--especially... a moirail???]

Wait--YOU were my moirail? [A stare... But then he shrugs it off, just another thing that's simply lost by time/space shenanigans.]

Oh, so I used to hawe one a those seabeasts... That one is decidedly less impressiwe than the one Wris had, but whatewer. Yeah, I'm not expectin' to take that back, especially since he doesn't ewen really feel like he belongs to be in the first place.


video; stolemyfries December 1 2011, 16:39:57 UTC
He looks pretty friendly there.

[Have a teasing grin Soul.]


video; soulcool December 1 2011, 16:41:58 UTC
Tch; if you can call slobbering on someone "friendly", I guess.

[Ugh, he's covered in drool --]

At least he just wants a hug and not to eat someone, unlike a lot of other Gyaradoses.


video; stolemyfries December 1 2011, 17:04:31 UTC
Heh. I'm sure he only slobbers on you out of love and affection. You know... I could probably write a song about that.

[She looks somewhat thoughtful]


video; soulcool December 1 2011, 17:11:44 UTC
A song about drooling out of love? Dunno what kinda song you could write about that, dude.
The lyrics'd have to be kinda weird, and it'd depend on your style.
Never heard a jazz or a punk song written about slobber before.

[That's said as he's wiping off some of the drool, of course.]


video; lc_whitequeen December 1 2011, 21:27:21 UTC
Soul? Are you alright?


video; soulcool December 8 2011, 17:08:05 UTC
Yeah - just fine.

[He manages to get away from Dualscar's reach then, shaking his head with a sigh.]

Just sopping wet. Pretty nasty.

How're you doin', Lacus?


video; lc_songstress December 8 2011, 17:15:23 UTC
[ She giggled a bit --- now that she understood that they were being affectionate and no one was hurt. ]

I've been doing just fine ...

Your Pokemon seem to be very affectionate with you.


video; soulcool December 8 2011, 17:17:36 UTC
Yeah, yeah; it only likes me 'cause I was friends with his trainer, I think.

[He sounds annoyed, but he's really not; the big guy probably just wanted a little attention, after all.]

I'm okay with him wanting to show it, but I could definitely go without the slobber.


[Video] usedwaterpulse December 1 2011, 22:24:36 UTC
(ooc: Since I never got around to making another Katara post, would you rather just have her sending the Pichu egg over dated for today?)

[ Someone here feels your pain, having been taking care of her brother's Gyarados for so long. ]

You didn't drown over there, right?


[Video] soulcool December 8 2011, 17:09:24 UTC
[ooc: yeah, sure! what's ever easiest for you. o:]

I might as well have; these guys drool a ton, don't they?

[He wipes some of it off his forehead, giving his hand a disgusted look.]

I get enough of this from my Houndoom, geez.


[Video] usedwaterpulse December 10 2011, 05:28:43 UTC
[ Stifling a laugh. ] Just a bit. I'm glad I caught you, how've you been?


[Video] soulcool December 10 2011, 14:24:03 UTC
I've been pretty okay, lately.

How 'bout you, Katara?

[He's asking that as he goes to grab a towel, of course; no need to hang around covered in dragon drool.]


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