closedmarket and
holy-pranksterLocation: Their apartment
Rating: G
Time: 25th of Dec, Dinner time.
Description: Sohki took Genro out to play on Christmas day and returns to find a surprise from China.
For one day, the troll doesn't troll. )
Comments 1
Was the first exclamation Sohki would get in return, because while China had a smudge of sauce on his cheek, he was also folding up a(n equally speckled) apron and shoving it hastily into a drawer as the qilin entered, spinning about in their kitchenette as if he'd been called out for using pepper instead of salt. But then, just as he'd been feeling anxious and apprehensive and an absolute coiled up spring (which he still did feel, only slightly eased by how much cooking he'd done in such a short time) for most of the day, he... well, he still felt like a coiled up spring, but he didn't have to sound like one ( ... )
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