Sep 30, 2011 23:07

Characters: OPEN to Lucerne agents and the agents coming in from Liechtenstein
Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Rating: PG
Time: December 20
Description: Shibusen Lucerne gets attacked and its agents attempt to defend it. Event Summary Here

Lucerne, Switzerland )

rufus shinra, dante sparda, !europe, takasugi shinsuke, !event, hitsugaya toushirou, cloud strife, lady, asch the bloody, naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha, okita souji, okita sougo, roy mustang, sephiroth, saralegui

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[OPEN] action tags are also cool! hatedriven September 30 2011, 18:53:43 UTC
It was almost funny, in retrospect, that despite their logical decision to go to the country with the smallest amount of defense that it had been the simplest to take care of. They had nearly finished evacuations when the alarm was raised. Only a handful of agents stayed behind, because the rest of them were called for duty elsewhere.

An attack in the other countries of such proportions that even the description of what it was wasn't all that clear through word of mouth. Sasuke, understandably, wasn't quite so pleased when he blew through the mirror with the rest of those sent to Lucerne. In Leichtenstein, despite the maneuvering of people into manageable teams to get through the mirror, it had almost been calm compared to what seemed like utter chaos on this side ( ... )


ramenandawesome October 18 2011, 16:00:09 UTC
Tch. [ the scoff that escapes his mouth is just enough to be a laugh, and eases him back one step. then another. his shoulders square and his feet adjust- because he has things to do, has to find his partner, has to go to the fight- and his hand slips from sasuke's arm. ]

Showoff. [ and without another word, he breaks away, running at top speed through the crowd. ]


sticking this thread here because idefc hatedriven October 4 2011, 18:57:59 UTC
[to say maybe they shouldn't have pushed so hard would not be a statement sasuke would ever utter, but he was feeling the strain. it stung his eyes, and he could feel it in his body with every clash of sara's sword. they weren't the only ones fighting this thing in the moment, taking it on alone would be suicide, but sasuke was filled with a lust he couldn't control.

more it reverberated through their connection, and though he was present, their resonation quivered under the weight of madness. kill them.]


you are such a rebel lavenderglasses October 4 2011, 19:23:49 UTC
[their resonation was wavering, he could feel it. it wasn't like the times when they'd been arguing or whatever, it was a slow decline that he was all too aware of and still couldn't do anything about. the madness was affecting sasuke -- him too, somewhat, but he was more confident in his ability to control himself despite it.

it wasn't helping that was was tired, physically from what felt like endless fighting and being woken up to come help out over here, and mentally from the constant use of his meister ability the day before. it was getting difficult to tell where the sluggishness in his movements and ability to predict the enemy's movements were because of resonation failure and where it was due to fatigue.

just barely sidestepping away from another strike of the clown's vector arrows, the king spared a moment to glance around the area, searching for any possible escape route. sasuke's intent to tear this thing apart was a constant echo in his head, but all his survival instincts said they had to get out of there soon.]


oh i know hatedriven October 4 2011, 19:48:13 UTC
[he could feel the king's attention deviating, and some sane part of sasuke's mind knew it was time to retreat. but the thought was crushed before it fully formed, and instead the tug of his unbridled desire to destroy insisted saralegui's attention come back around.

sasuke was quickly getting out of control. it was the same wildness he'd felt in the mountains. it was greed, bloodlust, hunger for power, and most of all, revenge. it was the madness he'd already succumbed to in surviving with orochimaru. it was making it difficult for him to keep hold of their resonation.

this is what you want they weren't fully formed words as much as feelings, as subtle as a sledgehammer. kill them kill.]


lavenderglasses October 4 2011, 19:55:35 UTC
[he returned his focus to the black clown just in time to duck under a swipe of its arm, seeing its path through the blindfold just before it actually came and preemptively dodging. he was seeing so shortly in advance now, and coupled with his slowing reaction time, it was a clear signal that they were not going to win this.

enough came the answering feeling, shoving aside all the insistence from his partner to keep at it. we need to stop get out of here fast can't manage much longer. there had been an opening to his right a moment ago, but the black clown had moved in the way and that route was cut off, time to find a new one while trying to avoid another flurry of blows...]


hatedriven October 4 2011, 20:04:14 UTC
[there were only a handful of times he could recall being shut down like that from his partner, but it was sufficient. it was enough for his pride to rear it's ugly head into his desire for violence, to short circuit the chidori. partnership was about working together, but in one millisecond sasuke forgot it, and it was enough for the nin to look one way when sara looked the other.

that second was all it took for his vision to blur and for the opponent to take advantage of the stumble.

sasuke didn't realize what was happening at first, only the disorienting sensation of resonation being forcibly snapped like a rubber band, and the pain was enough to shake him from the madness the way seimei's bond had broken.

and that was when sasuke hit the ground.]


lavenderglasses October 4 2011, 20:27:54 UTC
[when the world suddenly spins and blurs it takes a few seconds for his mind to catch up, figure out what's happened. there's a twinge of pain at his temple and a drip of warmth, and his vision is spinning and somehow suddenly unfamiliar. he staggers back, his free hand automatically coming up to his head as he tries to steady himself and he feels no silky fabric, only a thin line of blood where a claw had caught him pulling away the blindfold.

finally he can see again, and he's already spinning around as he looks back up, frantically looking for his partner, but shit wait that's not right and he turns to find the clown again, still active and still a threat, of course it's still there why wouldn't be be why did he take his eyes off it ( ... )


hatedriven October 4 2011, 20:43:19 UTC
[he realizes his mistake too late, what happened, but as soon as he does he knows he needs to get back to his partner. he doesn't wait to be reached, he's already shifting back into a body that can move because this was fucked up and they needed to get out of here and leave the fighting for people who weren't exhausted-

but the vector reaches out before he can get his feet under him, and he sees it in slow motion when he looks up, sees the weapon that had punched through the king's body retracting, and the clown turning it's attention elsewhere because they were no longer a threat. the look of shock, a look all too familiar, blood blossoming like a lotus across his white coat and pooling on the ground. the clatter of metal as the sword tips onto the ground.

his arm is still changing back when he lurches forward, and the sound that leaves him is nothing short of a fractured scream:]



hatedriven October 5 2011, 21:31:32 UTC
[no no no it's everything he'd been privy to before. it was naruto's capture, it was the fight with that ice wielder, it was fighting gaara to save sakura's life, it was his entire family and the arterial spray that haunted fitful nights. this was why he shouldn't have let himself get attached. this was why he left konoha. i'll never watch another important person die in front of me again.]

Sara- [his voice drops the way his body does, and without checking if the man is dead from the attack he slips both arms under the king, picks him up and leaps out of the battle. the distance isn't safe, nothing around here is safe, but they aren't underfoot and the fallen alcove is enough cover for him to set the king down ( ... )


OPEN checkoutmyjugs October 3 2011, 05:00:16 UTC
Kilik grit his teeth. This was bad. Things were going bad. Whatever those clown things were, they didn't fall that easily. Or really at all. The meister stood there, panting and exhausted. He was pushing far beyond his limits because he needed to protect these people, but in the end, it didn't seem to be making any difference.

"I know it's tough....but just hang in there a little bit longer..." He reassured his weapons before looking up to spot Sasuke. From his understanding, he'd gone to Liechtenstein, hadn't he? Which meant they were getting reinforcements. That was good news. Still he offered a single warning:

"Watch out for the clowns. I don't know what they are, but they're tough."


hatedriven October 4 2011, 04:07:24 UTC
Sasuke hears the voice, and though he doesn't know whether he is being addressed or not, his attention comes around like a hawk catching sight of a mouse.

"What do you know?" There's an impatience in his tone that betrays a young man accustomed to battle, that he needs to get out there and get things done- but the madness itches at him and it's why he sounds more anxious than he normally would.


sdkfsjf oops. Should just be one clown. Not clowns. orz reading comprehension fail. checkoutmyjugs October 4 2011, 22:21:42 UTC
"That thing? It just oozed up outta nowhere. Right from the ground," he rubbed at the side of his mouth with his forearm, swiping away some crusted blood. "If you punch it, it's like punching slate. The madness surrounding that thing is unreal. And not only that, it seems to be drawing in kishin eggs."

Kilik spared a wary glance around himself before glancing at Sasuke, "You're one of the Liechtenstein agents, right? We got a lot more reinforcements coming?"


s'cool i gotcha hatedriven October 5 2011, 21:00:45 UTC
He could feel the madness already, and while he couldn't pinpoint the location of the enemy he could feel the whisper of it like a campfire at a distance. He rolled his right shoulder, but other than that, his unease with the situation wasn't apparent.

"Everyone is being split between this location and Linz."


checkoutmyjugs October 7 2011, 03:14:29 UTC
For a minute his lips pinched downward. That must have meant things were going bad in Linz too. But Soul and Maka were there, and they were a team to beat along with the help of the guests. He had to focus on Lucerne. So he gave a simple nod.

"Right. Well with all this help, we'll definitely be able to put a dent in their forces! I'm all fired up now." He pounded his fists together to emphasize that point. The optimism had returned and the fighting spirit burned bright. They could do this.


hatedriven October 7 2011, 04:17:11 UTC
"Where are we needed?" His optimism was necessary, Sasuke figured, for some people. Maybe for himself, the same way Naruto had the habit of showing blind optimism in the face of these situations. Sasuke didn't have the patience for it. They needed to be out there fighting, assisting, before a higher percentage of combatants ended up like those wounded in the corner.


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