Sep 30, 2011 23:07

Characters: OPEN to Lucerne agents and the agents coming in from Liechtenstein
Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Rating: PG
Time: December 20
Description: Shibusen Lucerne gets attacked and its agents attempt to defend it. Event Summary Here

Lucerne, Switzerland )

rufus shinra, dante sparda, !europe, takasugi shinsuke, !event, hitsugaya toushirou, cloud strife, lady, asch the bloody, naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha, okita souji, okita sougo, roy mustang, sephiroth, saralegui

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Comments 293

[OPEN] action tags are also cool! hatedriven September 30 2011, 18:53:43 UTC
It was almost funny, in retrospect, that despite their logical decision to go to the country with the smallest amount of defense that it had been the simplest to take care of. They had nearly finished evacuations when the alarm was raised. Only a handful of agents stayed behind, because the rest of them were called for duty elsewhere.

An attack in the other countries of such proportions that even the description of what it was wasn't all that clear through word of mouth. Sasuke, understandably, wasn't quite so pleased when he blew through the mirror with the rest of those sent to Lucerne. In Leichtenstein, despite the maneuvering of people into manageable teams to get through the mirror, it had almost been calm compared to what seemed like utter chaos on this side ( ... )


where doing this bro lavenderglasses October 1 2011, 04:21:06 UTC
[he stumbled through the mirror close behind sasuke, trying to move quickly so others could continue coming through, and kept a hand on his arm from then on. there was a distinct lack of anything resembling organization, and he was already having trouble keeping track of even those who had come over with them just minutes before. holding on to his partner's sleeve like his life depended on it, he let sasuke lead to whatever he was looking for, focusing more on scanning the area for any sign of whatever had caused this chaos.]


doesn't afraid of anything hatedriven October 1 2011, 07:47:32 UTC
[he doesn't reach back for his partner, because he feels that grip firm on his arm. he wouldn't call it a comfort, knowing the king was there; it wasn't precisely soothing, but it was stabilizing.

they weren't in the thick of it yet, and he could already feel the madness lashing him like a whip; fire hot in his mind. he finally twists his arm and grabs Saralegui's wrist when they are forced to squeeze through a tight knit of people- and Sasuke doesn't even glance at someone screaming in pain with medics over him.]


lavenderglasses October 1 2011, 08:04:44 UTC
[he definitely looks, but only with a trace of sympathy. the overwhelming emotion here is one of caution, trying to catch a glimpse of the injured like it could tell him what and where the most immediate danger is. a part of him wants to urge sasuke to swap forms now, before anything can try to get then jump of them, but he resists the desire; sasuke is more experienced with being in the middle of this sort of a battle, and it's better to let him take the lead until they're actually forced to fight.]


CLOSED | 004 and Grit zerozerovier October 2 2011, 17:54:41 UTC
[004 had been quick to react. Once the sirens had gone off, he and Grit had stationed themselves aboveground- unaware at the time that the main threat was coming from below- to provide artillery fire against the kishin eggs, stopping approaching monsters in their tracks before they could reach the base.

It wasn't until they caught wind that there was something much more powerful within the base caverns that 004 had to stop and struggle with his options. It was likely that whatever it was, was the leader of this attack. If the rest of his team from back home were here, they could have split up, and he could have stayed up here knowing that the group who went down would take care of it, and alert him if they needed help.

But it wasn't like that, here. He had to get to the source himself.

It would be risky, using a missile launcher underground, but it wouldn't be the first time. He hurried through the caverns with Grit on his shoulder, following the signs of attack- they were hard to miss, unfortunately.]If you want to turn back, now' ( ... )


betterrockets October 3 2011, 04:59:32 UTC
[Grit pretty much stayed in his rocket launcher form for most of the time. Focused on providing information and attacking. So, of course, he was just a tiny bit distracted upon hearing about the attack down below in the caverns. Just realizing what the heck was going on when his partner decided to head down to the caverns.

And, let's face it. It was probably a horrible decision that they were making with this. But... at least they both agreed to it. And worse things worse, they both end up dead and their bodies are never found.

...Hey, could be worse.]

Then maybe we can drink tea and wear dresses. Keep movin'.


zerozerovier October 3 2011, 23:57:34 UTC
[He just smirked and kept moving; there was a sound trail now, echoes of a battle further ahead reverberating through the caverns... until it reached its peak as he rounded a corner and saw the thing itself at the far end of the hall.

He didn't waste any time; this was about as far from the target as they were likely to get and still have a good shot. He lifted Grit into position, aimed, and called out a warning for those already fighting it to get out of the way. And he fired.]


betterrockets October 7 2011, 14:24:57 UTC
[And, of course, because of how great and amazing Grit was at this sort of thing (and everything else), it was fairly easy to get a great shot in. Of course, the recoil from it was damaging and pushed them even farther back away from the target.]


[Closed] Roy and Lady lady_may_cry October 3 2011, 04:56:53 UTC
[Shit had gotten bad in a hurry. It was sometimes hard to see anything through the dust and debris in the air from everything going on, and the base was literally being overrun by kishin.

They were everywhere, and it was easier to hear them coming than see them in the commotion.

They'd been cut off from the others in the chaos, and as they cut down a weak kishin egg that got into their way, they continued heading up toward higher ground. They would be more efficient at longer range.]

They certainly aren't fucking around, now are they?

[The words came out harshly, her tone grating. She could feel something clawing at the back of her mind, interfering with her thoughts. It...was bothersome.]


thewarisover October 3 2011, 05:18:33 UTC
I think the disturbing thing about it is that they are, and we might not be able to keep up.

[He was, it seemed, getting used to dealing with the madness wavelength. Battle helped him focus, as did having a Weapon.

As such, he could feel that something was... different now, with Lady. They had been fine at the start, but as things had progressed...

They needed to hold out. The only other option could get them both killed.]


lady_may_cry October 3 2011, 17:03:13 UTC
Ugh, now why'd you have to go and put it that way.

[Lady had encountered true madness wavelength only once, and at the time she'd been so focused on finding Dante and yelling at his partner that it hadn't effected her too badly.

This, though, felt stronger, more condensed. It pulsed in the back of her head, buzzing like a huge fly between her ears. It felt like her skin was crawling, even in Weapon form, like something had gotten inside of her and was digging its way around.]


thewarisover October 3 2011, 17:56:19 UTC
Mincing words isn't something I'm good at.

[There's a wry note there, just to ease the blow of the statement. He was in control. Roy Mustang almost always was.]


[OPEN] checkoutmyjugs October 3 2011, 05:04:17 UTC
As the fighting progressed and the injuries were numerous, it became clear to Kilik that they were going to lose. There were too many here. And as much as it killed him, he knew that the best course of action was to retreat. He was cut and bruised and may have just dislocated his shoulder -- his resonance was faltering, but he kept it together and turned toward anyone he could find.

"Move, move...we gotta get outta here! Now!"


deadshallspeak October 9 2011, 02:10:16 UTC
Things didn't look good. Naomi wasn't used to being in direct danger like this, hadn't been directly attacked on a mission since Norad, but she knew a bad situation when she saw one. There wasn't much she could do in the current situation unless things calmed down, the one drawback of refusing to take an offensive weapon; all she could do was patch up people here and there, where she could.

The best thing she could do now was cooperate and make it out intact. So she stuck her head out of the entrance to the hospital wing; the person she saw there didn't look like he was in good condition, either. "Is there an evacuation route for this place?" she called out, making sure she was loud enough to be easily heard. "Or do we just leave any way we can?"


checkoutmyjugs October 9 2011, 16:43:31 UTC
Kilik's attention was drawn toward the woman. Time was of the essence, and admittedly he didn't know the ins and outs of this place. "Any way that you can get out -- take it. And take as many people with you as you can. Strength in numbers."

He would be staying behind, fighting until he could get the very last person out alive. These guests couldn't die. The people who were putting their lives on the line to help them out here couldn't die. His forearm slammed into the wall to indicate his frustration with the situation (normally he would have punched it directly on, but his weapons were currently equipped). It was just so frustrating that they couldn't do more here.

But he had to focus on what they could do, "You need help with them?" There were probably a lot of injured that she was tending to.


deadshallspeak October 12 2011, 00:19:46 UTC
Naomi had to think, and fast. Right now their priority was to get as many people out as possible, as quickly as possible. She was hardly alone; there were a few other medical staff around, her own partner among them. That was good--it would be wise to make sure the people who weren't being evacuated at a given moment were under supervision as well.

Extra protection would have been nice, but the young man she was looking at looked like he had enough on his plate. She shook her head. "No, go do what you need to do. We'll manage. Do you know where the best exit from here might be?" She'd made sure to familiarize herself somewhat with the area over the past few days, but the base here was still difficult to navigate all the same--if she'd missed something, better to try and find out.


Closed | Underground base mumyo_ken October 3 2011, 16:48:43 UTC
The call had come in just before dawn. There hadn't been time for much planning or preparation, the agents in Lichtenstein had simply been roughly broken up into two groups and sent through the mirror.

Okita and his partner had been one of the first pairs through, and the two had been fighting since. They were underground now, in the twisting halls of the Lucerne base, taking down the kishin eggs as they found them.

The madness was potent here, and Souji had given up trying to fight it off himself, allowing the resonance with Takasugi to keep him from sliding over the edge. He needed to put all of his concentration into fighting. If they failed here, they would give their enemy a foothold. He couldn't allow that. So he pushed past his fatigue and attacked the next enemy that came into view.


alastinglight October 3 2011, 17:49:17 UTC
Takasugi, on the other hand, could feel his Weapon form practically thrumming with power. The energy was invigorating, and only increased with each new cut and every kill. It was hard not to get drunk on it or ride on the crest of the madness and the way it tempted him to let loose, but perhaps one reason why he was able to keep his head was worry for his Meister.

You can still manage, right?

The cold weather of the place and Okita's coughing had been worrisome over the past few days, and now they found themselves in a full-scale fight. The last thing Takasugi wanted was for one of them to get hurt.


mumyo_ken October 3 2011, 19:09:05 UTC
I can keep going.

He knew that, if not in bad shape yet, he was getting there. If not for Takasugi's talent making the work of cutting through the kishin increasingly easier, he might have been faltering already. He was tired, and the cough that had been tearing at his lungs the last few days was trying to make itself known, despite his best efforts.

But he was going to keep fighting. Until they won, or in the worst case scenario, had to evacuate the base. But until that happened, he wasn't going to give up. There were too many people--too many lives that needed protecting--and he knew they needed each and every fighter they had if they were going to get out of this.

You don't need to worry about me.


alastinglight October 4 2011, 11:02:22 UTC
But he did, didn't he? There was no denying it. He lived with Okita, worked closely with him: they hadn't really had a chance to slow down and rest for a while now. Their breaks were always too short. Never enough.

I still think we should try and go for higher ground.

They were the only ones holding this particular position. They were supposed to have back-up, but it looked like everyone else was too busy.


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