Sep 30, 2011 23:07

Characters: OPEN to Lucerne agents and the agents coming in from Liechtenstein
Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Rating: PG
Time: December 20
Description: Shibusen Lucerne gets attacked and its agents attempt to defend it. Event Summary Here

Lucerne, Switzerland )

rufus shinra, dante sparda, !europe, takasugi shinsuke, !event, hitsugaya toushirou, cloud strife, lady, asch the bloody, naruto uzumaki, sasuke uchiha, okita souji, okita sougo, roy mustang, sephiroth, saralegui

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[OPEN] action tags are also cool! hatedriven September 30 2011, 18:53:43 UTC
It was almost funny, in retrospect, that despite their logical decision to go to the country with the smallest amount of defense that it had been the simplest to take care of. They had nearly finished evacuations when the alarm was raised. Only a handful of agents stayed behind, because the rest of them were called for duty elsewhere.

An attack in the other countries of such proportions that even the description of what it was wasn't all that clear through word of mouth. Sasuke, understandably, wasn't quite so pleased when he blew through the mirror with the rest of those sent to Lucerne. In Leichtenstein, despite the maneuvering of people into manageable teams to get through the mirror, it had almost been calm compared to what seemed like utter chaos on this side ( ... )


where doing this bro lavenderglasses October 1 2011, 04:21:06 UTC
[he stumbled through the mirror close behind sasuke, trying to move quickly so others could continue coming through, and kept a hand on his arm from then on. there was a distinct lack of anything resembling organization, and he was already having trouble keeping track of even those who had come over with them just minutes before. holding on to his partner's sleeve like his life depended on it, he let sasuke lead to whatever he was looking for, focusing more on scanning the area for any sign of whatever had caused this chaos.]


doesn't afraid of anything hatedriven October 1 2011, 07:47:32 UTC
[he doesn't reach back for his partner, because he feels that grip firm on his arm. he wouldn't call it a comfort, knowing the king was there; it wasn't precisely soothing, but it was stabilizing.

they weren't in the thick of it yet, and he could already feel the madness lashing him like a whip; fire hot in his mind. he finally twists his arm and grabs Saralegui's wrist when they are forced to squeeze through a tight knit of people- and Sasuke doesn't even glance at someone screaming in pain with medics over him.]


lavenderglasses October 1 2011, 08:04:44 UTC
[he definitely looks, but only with a trace of sympathy. the overwhelming emotion here is one of caution, trying to catch a glimpse of the injured like it could tell him what and where the most immediate danger is. a part of him wants to urge sasuke to swap forms now, before anything can try to get then jump of them, but he resists the desire; sasuke is more experienced with being in the middle of this sort of a battle, and it's better to let him take the lead until they're actually forced to fight.]


ramenandawesome October 1 2011, 19:14:37 UTC
[ the moment the alarms had sounded, naruto broke into a run. the base had been a bustle of activity when they first arrived- grim looking faces that seemed to constantly offer them chocolate, the frantic scurrying of hundreds of little animalistic robots-

but that was nothing compared to the utter chaos it became. he could only hope his partner was near the barracks- and it was the first place he could think to look- which left naruto sprinting head long into the surge of bodies ahead- expression fracturing, then hardening, for the sight. the dead, and the injured, the scratching insistence of the madness wavelength that echoes somehow even louder than the screams of those around him, and the shriek of the alarms.

what the hell- what the hell could do something like this? ]


hatedriven October 1 2011, 19:22:55 UTC
[he catches it out of the corner of his eye. a flash of blind and orange, and he turns toward it, mouth open before he's even realized fully what he's doing. the sound that leaves him is nothing less than a bellow.]



ramenandawesome October 1 2011, 19:27:07 UTC
[ the sound whips him around like a physical blow, and naruto's feet skid to a stop, face turned to the direction of the call. ]



hatedriven October 1 2011, 19:30:01 UTC
[he doesn't let go of Saralegui's wrist, and he'd be half dragging his partner with him if the king wasn't doing a perfectly fine job of keeping up with him, all but attached to his hip. the missing nin shoulders his way through the crowd, making his way closer to the other boy. he'd been positioned here, hopefully he'd know something more.]



lavenderglasses October 2 2011, 05:48:16 UTC
[he allows himself to be lead along, somehow unsurprised by the sudden jump in their pace and wondering how much of it was just for the sake of the mission, and how much was just because sasuke was worried about his friend.]

I think he heard you the first time. [seriously you two.]


ramenandawesome October 2 2011, 17:46:43 UTC
[ his gaze moves to the king only after his voice hits the air- because, to his credit, he'd been somewhat distracted. attention that, despite their insistent effort to close the distance between them, continued to drift to the fluctuating crowd and bustle of bodies. ]

Shibusen sent reinforcements?


hatedriven October 2 2011, 17:55:09 UTC
[he doesn't, unsurprisingly, respond to Sara's jibe, focused instead on the problem at hand. his eyes fall heavy and dark on Naruto's wild expression, but he doesn't answer the boy's question.]

What's the situation? [where do we need to go?]


lavenderglasses October 2 2011, 20:38:04 UTC
[he didn't really expect much response to that (other than getting them to shut up with the dramatic name calling, what is this inuyasha) but it looks like they're actually getting down to business so he shuts up, returning to watching the surrounding area while sasuke gets the rundown. another person just got dragged in with a severe injury, and though it only causes an increase in the screaming and running around it at least hints at what direction to go in.]


always the late one, it's me ramenandawesome October 8 2011, 00:48:07 UTC
[ his head shakes a beat later, because in his defense, naruto doesn't truly know the specifics. he'd been returning from the caverns when it started, and he hadn't seen his partner for the better part of the day. his fingers shift, curl into fists at his sides. ]

The alarms just started. There's kishin at the entrance- and the robots're with Shibusen. [ his gaze cuts backwards, blue of his eyes scanning the way he'd just come. the caverns would be just as bad, he was sure. and if the eggs were able to run through those halls, they'd be able to cross the entirety of the base. ] Shifts just split up- and I-

[ but he couldn't do anything if he didn't find his partner first. ] Itachi-


hatedriven October 8 2011, 02:38:41 UTC
[for one moment, he feels an unbridled surge of annoyance. how had he lost his partner in a place like this? at a time like this? his grip tightens fractionally on Saralegui's wrist for a moment, before he manages to wrestle it down. this was Itachi they were talking about. first of all, he'd be fine, and secondly, the bastard was always pissing off.]

We'll head that way then. [he means the entrance, or at least, where the majority of the injuries were coming from. they would need the most help.] Find that bastard.


ramenandawesome October 10 2011, 21:41:13 UTC
[ his own hand lashes out, lodges on sasuke's forearm with just enough pressure to be insistent, and his gaze stays heavy on his face. moves to the king, just behind him, before returning once more to his friend. don't do anything reckless. be careful. ]

They're strong. [ he says instead. ]


hatedriven October 11 2011, 04:06:57 UTC
[he pauses only because naruto's hand is on his arm, and it's force of will that he doesn't look to where it feels like the other nin's palm is searing him through his sleeve. his eyes finds naruto's and hold, even when he glances to saralegui behind him. he understands the unsaid statement, but there's no flicker of fear or anxiety in sasuke's face.]

Don't make me have to rescue you too, then, moron. [the words are flippant, but his gaze is anything but.]


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