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Comments 3094

FAQ spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 20:20:31 UTC
[Does your character have questions? Fire away here, and maybe they can be answered!]


Re: FAQ screwtricks September 3 2011, 15:45:53 UTC
[Here's Kumagawa who has easily accepted his new circumstance but is taking a while to process the whole 'scenario.']

『 ... 』

『 So, mister, what exactly do we have here? 』


Re: FAQ spandexisyouth September 4 2011, 01:05:24 UTC
[Gai looks at the new person.]

Hello! Here we have morning training! It is so that we all can improve!


Re: FAQ screwtricks September 4 2011, 07:35:33 UTC
Improvement is a good thing, Kumagawa mused, and it's exactly what he's been trying to do before he was whisked away to this place. The trouble is that he doesn't exactly like to keep up the effort with stuff like morning training.

Still, he decided to reply to thick eyebrows man's cheery response with more of his questions.

『 Ah! That sounds great. Improve for what exactly? I've heard a little about why people like me were called here but I am not sure exactly how dangerous things can get. 』

By looking at things here, though, things don't seem as dire as the word 'war' would imply. Maybe it's more of a war games sort of thing?

Or maybe this was just a world that happened to be full of abnormals.


Breakfast spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 20:21:03 UTC
[Come eat and mingle~]


Re: Breakfast screwtricks September 3 2011, 04:02:50 UTC
[Surprisingly, Kumagawa is here, eating alone and without a care in the world.]


[open] 16hitmagnum September 3 2011, 06:44:19 UTC


key_0f_light September 4 2011, 15:18:53 UTC
[The hair buns at the buffet table looked strikingly familiar. At first he wasn't certain they belonged to Kagura, but the fact that the girl they belonged to appeared to be stuffing her face did help steer his thoughts in that direction. Even if they didn't, he thought he may as well say hi. Sora therefore sidled up to the table near to her and perused the food for himself.]

Sure you're gonna be able to finish all that?

[There was definitely a smirk in that sentence.]


Batch One spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 20:21:33 UTC
[Beginners under the age of 15]


OPEN would_be_knight September 2 2011, 21:21:57 UTC
[[Fakir is here bright and early as always, and his cold expression has nothing to do with the weather. Won't you come to him, children?]]


Re: OPEN fortressmommy September 2 2011, 22:13:25 UTC
[Helga is nervous, she's athletic and enjoys keeping active but this is different to anything she's ever done.]



Re: OPEN would_be_knight September 2 2011, 22:18:00 UTC
[[He looks down at her, arching an eyebrow.]]

You're new, right?

[[He hasn't seen her around before, at least.]]


Batch Two spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 20:21:56 UTC
[Adult Beginners]


[Open!] Feel free to make your own threads under this Batch too, so other trainers can scoop up. :D spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 21:56:27 UTC
[Gai is here. After setting things up like usual and making sure everyone seemed to be well, Gai's ready for students to show up. He likes the cool crispness of a morning that's just begun, and he begins stretching while he waits for students.

If you encounter him on the 12th he's still smiling and eager, regardless of the silly hat and big nose attached to his face.]


[December 12th] justsopretty September 3 2011, 16:40:49 UTC

Why are you wearing such a thing?


[December 12th] spandexisyouth September 4 2011, 00:54:20 UTC
[Gai gives the other man a wry half-smile.]

Because apparently this is my... reward... for finishing a quest that was given to me. You will likely see a lot of people wearing this. We cannot take it off.


Batch 3 spandexisyouth September 2 2011, 20:22:19 UTC
[Intermediate fighters, for sparring]


[Open] socialinking September 2 2011, 20:42:11 UTC
[Souji is open for any kind of sparring, or partner training. But mostly sparring would be nice right now; anyone game?]


Helllooooo. getyourgunson September 4 2011, 02:05:56 UTC
[Here, have Date noticing you as he drops back in after hanging in the Watch area.]

Yo. [A casual wave, as he heads towards Souji.]


Hello! socialinking September 4 2011, 02:41:23 UTC
Hello. [Gives a small smile.] How are you?


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