Characters: OPEN
Location: Training grounds near the park. Part of it’s an obstacle course, too.
Rating: Gen, hopefully.
Time: Morning, December 12th/13th/14th. The reason for the date choices is Excalibur's... reward. Please note if your character is shuffling/wearing the mask and nose!
Description: Training time. This happens every morning,
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『 ... 』
『 So, mister, what exactly do we have here? 』
Hello! Here we have morning training! It is so that we all can improve!
Still, he decided to reply to thick eyebrows man's cheery response with more of his questions.
『 Ah! That sounds great. Improve for what exactly? I've heard a little about why people like me were called here but I am not sure exactly how dangerous things can get. 』
By looking at things here, though, things don't seem as dire as the word 'war' would imply. Maybe it's more of a war games sort of thing?
Or maybe this was just a world that happened to be full of abnormals.
[It was disappointing how many didn't actually want to train and try. There was danger here and they just didn't care.]
But I am here to help those who are willing. And in time we will make a difference here.
[The scenario here was certainly a little more ... extreme than he had thought, initially. School, even one as Hakoniwa, really did little to prepare him for a danger such as this. Though, that wasn't saying that he was not at all prepared.]
『That's not a good outcome. Not good at all. I'd better learn a bit more about what I can do here, huh? So, which group should I go with?』
[Gai nodded at the conclusion.]
How old are you, and what do you feel your skills are like? Also, are you a Weapon or a Meister?
[You may ignore that.]
『 I'm seventeen. And someone from the tour told me that I am a Meister, which confuses me because I've never relied on weapons before. 』
[He stops to think about his abilities.]
『 I am definitely not a beginner at fighting but I am pretty bad at it. I just can't seem to win. 』
[--which is a pretty bad self-assessment because he's pretty formidable. It is true, though, that in his eyes he has never won.]
[He nods.]
You may wish to see Edgeworth and Stein about what your Meister ability is.
And then... Intermediate level instruction is sparring, but are you sure you do not want beginning-level instruction if you are not very good? Or do you simply go up against very strong opponents?
[Well, he didn't expect anyone to take that side comment seriously.]
『 Mr. Stein and Mr. Edgeworth, huh. And you are Mister what? 』
[Not skipping a beat, he follows up with--]
『 That's fine with me! I am sure I can count on your assessment! I'm pretty sure I won't get beat up too badly this time. I've been trying to win lately, you know. 』
[He tilts his head.]
So you wish intermediate? I can put you in the hands of my student Neji, who runs that group!
『 Thanks a lot, Mister Maito Gai! I appreciate your help! 』
Ah- Hello?
Hello! Can I help you?
Oh, well - I was just wondering, apparently I'm a Weapon, but - I haven't figured out how to transform yet, and I'm not even sure how that's supposed to work. [Nervous laugh help plz?]
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