Aug 31, 2011 22:46

Characters: Ran Fan and anyone who wants to visit
Location: The Clinic
Rating: Ballpark guess, PG?
Time: December 11th-12th, whenever people are allowed in
Description: After being found in the midst of a breakdown, Ran Fan is now (begrudgingly) resting where people can see her for a few days. Watch people would have heard an announcement that she ( Read more... )

phoenix wright, noa voilier, tenten, roy mustang, john watson, ran fan

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Comments 112

;; more cuteness here underspinning September 1 2011, 03:58:05 UTC
[ Tenten still feels responsible for making her so angry and she knows the hospital isn't a fun place to be. She's visited Lee several times when he was there, and, it didn't seem too happy for almost anyone.

So Tenten will come walking in with a carton of Chinese food, and a cheerful smile to hopefully cheer Ran Fan up. ]

Ran Fan? You still here? I got you some food! It's [ unfortunately the mundane doesn't like chinese food and doesn't really know what rice dishes they have so let's just throw in a phrase here!!!! ]. I hope you like it!


sob yes exploding_kunai September 2 2011, 03:38:43 UTC
[Aww, it's not her fault. Ran Fan was going to be in a bad mood regardless. She...makes eye contact with her. That's fairly positive for her right now.

She looks at the container and nods, once again seemingly as positive of a reaction as she's capable of right now.]


thewarisover September 1 2011, 05:33:36 UTC
[Quiet knock, then he's sticking his head through the door.]

You've got a minute, I hope.


exploding_kunai September 2 2011, 03:40:10 UTC
[It's a moment before she responds. Her expression hasn't changed at all, so don't take it personally.]



thewarisover September 2 2011, 09:49:49 UTC

[Walking in, pulling the door shut. ...Is that a brief case?

Now he's quietly setting himself up in that small table close to your bed. Hum, hum work.]

I needed a change of scenery.

[By way of explanation.]


exploding_kunai September 4 2011, 04:32:56 UTC

You are working here?


one hobotroll, just as planned thirteenthace September 1 2011, 13:49:07 UTC
[He heard about this, alright, and he heard quite a fair bit - one can't help but hear things that go on in this clinic after all, not when he's in here most of the time.

He doesn't bother to really knock, letting himself in as he carries her tray of food he got from the nurses - he knows them well enough by now due to his extended stay, so they allowed him to do this at least.]

Special delivery for one Miss Ran Fan. [With a smile, as he sets the tray down.] And a complimentary ice pop just for you.

[Yeah, its there. Still in the cup and everything too!]


\o/ exploding_kunai September 2 2011, 03:42:53 UTC
[She looks between him and the food silently in a mild surprise for a few moments, finally nodded and settling her gaze on the tray for now.]

...Th-Thank you...


:D thirteenthace September 2 2011, 03:46:30 UTC
[His smile goes a bit wider.]

No problem.

[And now he takes a chair and settles down on it, pulling out a bottle of grape juice from seemingly nowhere and helps himself to his own drink as he gestures towards the tray.] Eat up now, or the food'll get cold.


exploding_kunai September 4 2011, 04:30:53 UTC
[She watches him a bit suspiciously for a few moments, and considering she's an expert at producing things seemingly from nowhere she's not quite as taken aback as someone else might be. Finally she turns back to her food and tentatively begins eating.

...At a much faster pace than one might expect given the condition she seems to be in.]


strengthtohelp September 1 2011, 14:40:58 UTC
[After finishing his shift at the daycare center, Noa headed for Ran Fan's room. A knock on the door before entering.]

Ran Fan? How are you doing? [Places a small vase of flowers from the gift shop on her table. She doesn't seem the type to appreciate excess flourish.] I bought you some flowers.


exploding_kunai September 2 2011, 03:54:26 UTC
[She seems a bit surprised by the flowers, in the confused way. Otherwise she just frowns awkwardly. Ran Fan had never been one for a lot of attention and the fact that this of all things was giving her a lot wasn't making it much easier.]


[Saying she was fine wouldn't do much good, given where she was. Instead she just trails off, glancing down.]


strengthtohelp September 2 2011, 18:05:46 UTC
[Sheepish laugh.] I guess that was a silly question to ask.

[Slowly.] I heard something happened. Is something the matter? [Fidgets where he stands. He thinks it'd be good for her to talk about it, but he doesn't want to press.]


exploding_kunai September 4 2011, 04:43:09 UTC
[For a few moments she just looks down and frowns. When she finally speaks, she sounds a bit reluctant.]

...I do not want to be here.


stalwartcane September 2 2011, 16:36:33 UTC
[Watson is very far from a psychologist or a mental health doctor, but if the man has something going for him, it's the determination to help, anyway. He doesn't know exactly what is wrong with the young lady, but since he can't find anything of note physically, he's put it down to severe homesickness.

He's there approaching her, warm smile on his face as he checks at the clipboard at the foot of her bed.]

How are you feeling today, Madame?


exploding_kunai September 4 2011, 04:36:06 UTC
[She isn't quite frowning, but her expression still seems mostly cold. She doesn't make eye contact with him.]



stalwartcane September 4 2011, 08:47:18 UTC
[Watson is not daunted! But he keeps a respectful distance, and brings out a bar of chocolate from his pocket.]

I brought you something, Madame, that you may like to eat while here. I'm aware that hospital food is commonly rather bland, so if you'd forgive me for being forward...


exploding_kunai September 8 2011, 05:51:57 UTC
[She stares at it, very clearly confused at the sheer fact that he's offering her something. Finally she mutters out a response after a few moments.]

...Th-thank you.


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