Aug 31, 2011 22:46

Characters: Ran Fan and anyone who wants to visit
Location: The Clinic
Rating: Ballpark guess, PG?
Time: December 11th-12th, whenever people are allowed in
Description: After being found in the midst of a breakdown, Ran Fan is now (begrudgingly) resting where people can see her for a few days. Watch people would have heard an announcement that she ( Read more... )

phoenix wright, noa voilier, tenten, roy mustang, john watson, ran fan

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strengthtohelp September 1 2011, 14:40:58 UTC
[After finishing his shift at the daycare center, Noa headed for Ran Fan's room. A knock on the door before entering.]

Ran Fan? How are you doing? [Places a small vase of flowers from the gift shop on her table. She doesn't seem the type to appreciate excess flourish.] I bought you some flowers.


exploding_kunai September 2 2011, 03:54:26 UTC
[She seems a bit surprised by the flowers, in the confused way. Otherwise she just frowns awkwardly. Ran Fan had never been one for a lot of attention and the fact that this of all things was giving her a lot wasn't making it much easier.]


[Saying she was fine wouldn't do much good, given where she was. Instead she just trails off, glancing down.]


strengthtohelp September 2 2011, 18:05:46 UTC
[Sheepish laugh.] I guess that was a silly question to ask.

[Slowly.] I heard something happened. Is something the matter? [Fidgets where he stands. He thinks it'd be good for her to talk about it, but he doesn't want to press.]


exploding_kunai September 4 2011, 04:43:09 UTC
[For a few moments she just looks down and frowns. When she finally speaks, she sounds a bit reluctant.]

...I do not want to be here.


strengthtohelp September 7 2011, 23:07:59 UTC
[She does look pretty miserable here. He can relate. He's been in and out of hospitals all his life.]

I see. Just focus more on getting better. [After a pause.] Do you know how long they are keeping you here?


exploding_kunai September 8 2011, 05:59:20 UTC
[Being in the clinic was just one part of it, actually. Once again it takes her a few moments to respond.]

No. I do not know why I must even be here.

[Well, she knew the reasoning but it didn't make sense to her.]


strengthtohelp September 10 2011, 02:53:33 UTC
You need time to recover from whatever you went through. [Voice accents on the latter half of that statement. May be prodding her a little to talk, but he won't force her.] You wouldn't be here for something that didn't require attention.

[A beat, before he changes tone and shows a soft smile.] Do you want anything? I can ask a nurse for a snack or juice for you.


exploding_kunai September 12 2011, 01:38:36 UTC
[She shakes her head, thinking for a few moments. As much as she didn't want to talk about what she'd been through, wouldn't that just be continuing the same behavior? She still hadn't found many answers, though.]

... I...do not know what I should do...


strengthtohelp September 16 2011, 02:21:01 UTC
[Lowers before bowing his head and glancing to the side. He doesn't like seeing her like this. He can tell how important keeping a strong front is to her.]

Sometimes, you just don't have the answers. [Slow headshake.] The best you can do is make it through day by day. No matter how important finding the answers is, you can't keep carrying on the way that led you here. [Pretty... unhelpful advice maybe, but some he could offer based on personal experience.]


exploding_kunai September 18 2011, 07:47:14 UTC
[Still, enforcing what she already knows never hurts. She stares at her hands, once again taking a bit to respond.]


[So then what?]


strengthtohelp September 19 2011, 14:41:53 UTC
[Lets it go quiet for a bit so she can mull things over. Then his mouth curls into a smile.]

You know, we should do something after you get out, whatever you would like. It might help take your mind off of this.


exploding_kunai September 19 2011, 19:39:39 UTC
[She seems a bit confused again, but it was sounding more and more like this was the sort of thing she should probably be doing. And she was pretty sure he was one of the people that had mentioned it even before all this.]

Er... M-Maybe...

[Her answer came more from the fact that she has absolutely no idea what she wants to do, which might be noticeable since she doesn't really looked annoyed as she frowns.]


strengthtohelp September 20 2011, 05:00:06 UTC
[Notices her expression -- the same quiet, baffled look she gave him the other times he suggested an outing. He'll take confused over lost.

Shakes his head slowly.] You don't have to come up with it right now. It's something to think about when you have the time, is all.


exploding_kunai September 22 2011, 03:01:56 UTC
[She gives a small nod, but she's still clearly trying to think of something.]

...And i-if I still cannot?


strengthtohelp September 25 2011, 02:27:44 UTC
[A slow shrug in consolation.]

I can suggest ideas for you to pick from, if that would help. It doesn't have to happen right after you're discharged either. We can do it whenever you're really ready.


exploding_kunai September 25 2011, 03:57:07 UTC
...I see.

[And, adding a small nod, that seems to be as close as she'll get to answering positively.]


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