Jun 19, 2011 00:57

Characters: Leo and whoever wants to poke fun at him
Location: Library
Rating: PG (just in case)
Time: November 22, 9am till 7pm
Description: Leo is serving his detention working in the library. Things would be a lot easier if he were any good at reading English.

'Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.' (G.M.) )

eve, lili rochefort, katsura kotarou, leo, aqua, franziska von karma, saya takagi, azusa yumi, takasugi shinsuke, crona, yako katsuragi

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Comments 369

sayatakagi June 18 2011, 23:54:34 UTC
[And here comes Saya, carrying as much books as she can. She looks at the book piles and then at Leo. What the hell is he doing?! Isn’t he supposed to work?

She says nothing since it’s not her job to care, and places her own pile of books next to the others. That is your job after all, Leo.]


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:04:28 UTC
[Leo's face lights up for about 0,3 seconds as he sees the pretty girl advancing him before his eyes fall on the mountain of books she's carrying and he groans.

...Great! More problems-!]

Ya want to borrow them all?


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 00:11:37 UTC
[She nods softly, glancing at the other books after and noticing one or two that might interest her. Saya huffs] You know, unless you have psychokinesis ability - which I doubt -, staring at the books will not help you to get your job done.

[Reaches for the book she wants, careful so the whole pile won't fall] What if there are people searching for these books? Will they have to wait until you finally realize that for you to move an object, you have to use your hands?


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:23:44 UTC
Okay, I'm gonna need your ID-card for a moment then. That waaaaaa-I don't think I'm gonna need advice on how tha get my job done, especially if it's just shoving books back into their shelves, thanks. [Except, due to circumstances he totally does.]

[Watching her 'steal' the book from his pile - good, one problem less - he frowns, trying not to feel insulted.] Serving customers comes first, right? I can't go runnin' around while there're people who want to borrow or return something.


donttelldaddy June 19 2011, 00:16:17 UTC
Lili hadn't stepped foot inside the library at Death City yet, but when she finally did, it was for good reason. She was tired of making assumptions and asking how things worked around here, if she was going to leave a mark on this place, she had to figure it out for herself. She was perusing the history section when she caught sight of Leo, and, as usual, dropped what she was doing and walked towards him.

"Leo! Why didn't you tell me that you were working here?"


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:29:42 UTC
Leo almost dropped the book he was loosing a staring match to when somebody suddenly called his name. Putting it quickly to the side, he forced himself into an awkward smile at the sight of Lili.

"Lili! Nice tha see ya again! Fancy seeing you here, I didn't think you'd bet he type to read books- Er, to be the bookworm type, I mean!" Smooth sailing there, tiger. He wondered if there was a secret switch that could make the ground swallow him before she noticed his plight. "And I'm not really working here, just servin' detention for that last little stunt I did..."


donttelldaddy June 19 2011, 00:42:05 UTC
She rolled her eyes at him, with a short laugh. A bit too late on the whole not noticing thing, but that wasn't anything new.

"I'm doing some research," she said, nodding. Lili definitely remembered that stunt, as he called it, and they'd talked about it plenty in the hospital after the fact, so there wasn't any need to continue on about it. "It's time for me to figure out how the law works here."


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:56:05 UTC
Leo glared at her when she laughed, pretty much figuring that it was about him. Hearing her explanation quickly made it vanish, though, turning his expression from dark and frustrated into a confused one.

"Laws? Why'd you want to know about the laws here?"

He wasn't going to say anything on the matter of what had happened that night either, remembering the half-hearted lies, excuses and half-truths he had fed her in exchange for her patience and prodding again and again. He wasn't proud of it, but he also wasn't going to try and put up any sad sob-story-excuse or reason himself out of it. Not if it came at the price of revealing the truth. What had happened had been solely his problem.


alastinglight June 19 2011, 01:48:58 UTC
[In the library for the first time since his arrival. He hadn't had a use for the place before. Now he was hellbent on learning everything he could about the world he was stuck in.

A glance at the frustrated-looking guy with a pile of books. Oh, he recognizes this one: didn't the Watch have trouble with him before? o_o]


lionborn June 19 2011, 02:00:55 UTC
[As if led by a sixth sense, Leo glances up just in time to see some random guy stare at him.

Face dropping into a scowl, Leo gives him a nonverbal "watcha staring at like an idiot"-stare. >| ]


alastinglight June 19 2011, 03:47:45 UTC
[Blinks, unfazed. He's way too used to dealing with people trying to scare him off and well he's shorter than most, so you get used to these things.

Might as well.]

Need help?


lionborn June 19 2011, 19:22:45 UTC
No. [Yes.]


callmecrona June 19 2011, 04:24:55 UTC
[No, don't ask why Crona is in the library. The kid just is. Shibusen's practically where the kid lives, after all.

Still, the library is most certainly not one of Crona's usual hangouts - s/he's here only because the kid wanted to find Maka, and Maka was almost always in the library when she had nothing else to do. Which is why Crona is here now, hoping that Maka is around as the kid wanders around the shelves trying to find her.]



lionborn June 19 2011, 19:28:19 UTC
[He doesn't look up when he hears the question first, replying automatically while still staring at the title of a book. Against his guesses is is not about crazy aviators and flying machines but the finer details of ornithology and thus probably wrong in the 'tech' section but whatever.]

Maker? Dunno what book you mean but ya wanna try to find it in the 'do-it-yourself' section if it's he- You again??


callmecrona June 20 2011, 02:42:54 UTC
[Crona hadn't really been paying attention while s/he was walking, so the voice makes the kid look right in front to see who it was before s/he promptly backsteps a bit, looking honest-to-god terrified once again and tries not to tremble to death.]

I-I was just finding M-Maka...


lionborn June 21 2011, 02:00:06 UTC
And you found me. Again. [Somebody doesn't think this is fun, if the way he's crossing his arms in front of his chest means anything.] ...Is that intentional?


novelvision June 19 2011, 10:32:16 UTC
Ah, excuse me- [Katsura walks into Leo's sight from seemingly nowhere; truth is, he's been watching Leo silently for some time now, glare, mantra and all.] I couldn't help but notice that you've been with that pile of books for some time now. May I have a look at it?


lionborn June 19 2011, 19:39:39 UTC
[Jumps slightly at the sudden girl in his face. No, wait, it's a guy again. Dammit, why do half of the guys here look more girly than the girls?!]

[Facing Katsura, Leo coughs.]

Sure. Just go ahead, they're getting returned later anyway.


novelvision June 20 2011, 13:33:32 UTC
[No idea, but at least Leo will likely not catch Katsura cross-dressing and looking every bit like a woman- er, moving on.]

Though you might be saying that, you've been looking at those books for some time now. [He frowns a bit.] Are you sure that you have no need for them?


lionborn June 21 2011, 00:15:11 UTC
Absolutely sure. Can't keep them all the time, right? 's just fair that others can get their chance with 'em as well. Just return them to their places later on, 'kay?


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