Jun 19, 2011 00:57

Characters: Leo and whoever wants to poke fun at him
Location: Library
Rating: PG (just in case)
Time: November 22, 9am till 7pm
Description: Leo is serving his detention working in the library. Things would be a lot easier if he were any good at reading English.

'Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.' (G.M.) )

eve, lili rochefort, katsura kotarou, leo, aqua, franziska von karma, saya takagi, azusa yumi, takasugi shinsuke, crona, yako katsuragi

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sayatakagi June 18 2011, 23:54:34 UTC
[And here comes Saya, carrying as much books as she can. She looks at the book piles and then at Leo. What the hell is he doing?! Isn’t he supposed to work?

She says nothing since it’s not her job to care, and places her own pile of books next to the others. That is your job after all, Leo.]


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:04:28 UTC
[Leo's face lights up for about 0,3 seconds as he sees the pretty girl advancing him before his eyes fall on the mountain of books she's carrying and he groans.

...Great! More problems-!]

Ya want to borrow them all?


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 00:11:37 UTC
[She nods softly, glancing at the other books after and noticing one or two that might interest her. Saya huffs] You know, unless you have psychokinesis ability - which I doubt -, staring at the books will not help you to get your job done.

[Reaches for the book she wants, careful so the whole pile won't fall] What if there are people searching for these books? Will they have to wait until you finally realize that for you to move an object, you have to use your hands?


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:23:44 UTC
Okay, I'm gonna need your ID-card for a moment then. That waaaaaa-I don't think I'm gonna need advice on how tha get my job done, especially if it's just shoving books back into their shelves, thanks. [Except, due to circumstances he totally does.]

[Watching her 'steal' the book from his pile - good, one problem less - he frowns, trying not to feel insulted.] Serving customers comes first, right? I can't go runnin' around while there're people who want to borrow or return something.


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 00:30:07 UTC
[She takes a couple of seconds to look through the book she just stole, only to put it back in place since it wasn’t what she wanted.] How kind. However, you look pretty lost.

Are you sure you can do this? [she might be taunting him a bit. Her hand moves to pat “Leo’s” pile.] If the job is that simple, how come you allowed so many books to pile up?


1/2 lionborn June 19 2011, 00:41:53 UTC
[Leo's shoulders sag as his problem returns just when he'd thought it to be gone. Damn book!]

Look, it's not my fault M.J.-san decided to go on an extended break and left me to wing this whole shi- place on my own. [He huffs, having not even bothered to remember his senior worker's name the moment the guy had felt the need to lecture him on how 'proper behaving' was expected at the library.] It's either I wait with the books or I let people take whatever they like without makin' sure that they're takin' only the allowed stuff.



lionborn June 19 2011, 00:44:00 UTC
[He leans forward, fangs bared in a teasing grin that would hopefully take the wind out of her sails.]

Are you offering to help me?


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 00:50:52 UTC
[she doesn’t move an inch. She had zombies up on her face so as long your meat isn’t rotting and you don’t try to eat her alive, this doesn’t bother her.]

[Until something comes to her mind and Saya immediately leans forward too, eyes meeting Leo’s] Do you have access to restricted levels of the library?


lionborn June 19 2011, 00:59:00 UTC
[Well, hello, niece view-]


What's it to you?


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 01:01:12 UTC
How about we trade? I will help you with the books and you let me take a look at those restricted books.


sorry for the html-fail! ;; lionborn June 19 2011, 01:06:20 UTC
[Well, that offer's sure nice, but he won't get into those levels except with supervision himself which is the main reason he hadn't done any messing up there yet.]

Haha, that's all? Sorry, but that's no deal, pretty. I'm not risking my head just for having you carry some books for me.


I saw nothing~ sayatakagi June 19 2011, 01:11:35 UTC
Tsh. [She frowns and returns to stand straight, arms crossed.] You are useless, then.

[she thinks for a while about her options and glances at the books Leo has to put back. If someone who accessed higher levels left the books with him, perhaps she could have a way of getting her hands on them. Saya doubts that, though. Those books probably can’t leave the library and are left somewhere else.]

[STILL. Should she take a look? She wasn’t busy and she would like to have something to do with her free time. Saya sighs, annoyed, but giving in] Fine. I will still help you.


\o/; lionborn June 19 2011, 01:22:55 UTC
Really? Great. [He still looks doubtful, but pushes a part of his stack in her direction anyway.]

Those are supposed to go to the technology section, all to the right. And those- [He adds three other books, one blatantly wrong.] Belong to the biology section. I'll check our books out while you're at it.


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 01:30:17 UTC
And by the way--? My name isn’t ‘Pretty’, it’s Takagi Saya.

[she grabs the books, but immediately places back the one that is wrong] This isn’t biology. Can’t you read?!


lionborn June 19 2011, 01:47:22 UTC
Really? I'm Leo, Takagi-chan.

Wha- 'Course I can!! Just put it at the right place, geez! Where the hell else would ya place the 'kama sutra for advanced learners'?!


sayatakagi June 19 2011, 07:24:16 UTC
It's Saya. [she corrected. Saya hates to be called by her family name]

[At the mention of Kamasutra, Saya's face turns red] It's not--!! I'm not touching that!!


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