random friendships are what disney's all about [OPEN]

Apr 25, 2011 20:09

Characters: Princess Aurora and YOUUUU. ♥
Location: Shopping district!
Rating: lol..G? Unless someone else uses naughty words!!!
Time: Recently and in the afternoon.
Description: A random encounter between lovely people.

/tosses sparkles )

esmeralda, dug, princess aurora, sendo takeshi, count d

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Comments 52

cake_and_dreams April 26 2011, 01:25:51 UTC
With things in the city more settled down than they had been, D had decided he might have better luck avoiding the stubborn detective that he had the great misfortune of living across from if he took to the streets. There was more room out here, after all, and plenty of shops one could duck into to avoid people.

It was outside of one such shop that D found himself standing, studying the window display. It contained such bright and lovely accessories that he was tempted to go and have a look around. Having more than one pair of shoes would be nice, especially since his were getting rather dirty and worn. But was this the right shop? He eyed the display, attempting to make up his mind as to whether he ought to go in or look for another place to go.


princessbriars April 26 2011, 01:34:04 UTC
A lot of the things Aurora was passing by were kind of overlooked, since she didn't recognize them as anything but an interesting foreign object. She was kind of involved in the little tune she was carrying, until she stopped by the same window display that D did.

"Oh my," she said aloud, peering into the glass (but not touching it!), "Are those shoes?" Things were so complex and funny looking now! Half the time she couldn't even tell if something was meant for a man or a woman. Not that she'd been exposed to too many men's fashions before she came to Death City.


cake_and_dreams April 26 2011, 01:56:13 UTC
He'd just been contemplating going to in to have a closer look at a pair of red flats when a beautiful woman approached. She seemed like the sort of person who wasn't used to modern things. It reminded him of someone else.

With a kind smile on his face, D answered the woman's question. "Indeed they are. It seems this store has a wide variety of them." In that case, maybe it was best to go into the store for a look around.

"Have you not seen anything like them before?" D asked. Though he was brimming with curiosity he kept his tone polite and friendly.


princessbriars April 26 2011, 05:39:15 UTC
Despite being in Death City for days now, Aurora was still far, far behind the times. She didn't honestly know if she'd ever understand anything. It was hard enough living in that apartment of hers.

She had not meant to randomly speak up to a stranger, but he seemed kind and his reply was polite, so she smiled. Everyone was friendly around here, she thought.

"Not at all. But some of them are very pretty." She didn't understand how you put them on, but they were nice to look at. Maybe there would be some blue ones. Or pink ones. "Much different than the ones at home." Not that she wore them often.


naniwarocky April 26 2011, 15:13:30 UTC
[Sendo was in the shopping district, but he wasn't there for shopping. He was there to look for a part time job, but he couldn't find any place that he really wanted to work at.

Currently he was sitting on a bench, considering the last few places that he had checked out. Things were easier when he could just get money by knocking guys out.]


princessbriars April 26 2011, 22:53:37 UTC
[ Aurora's passing by carrying a couple of bags, and she thought to sit down for a little bit too. That's when she sees the person she instantly recognizes as that guy with REALLY BAD WORDS.

Still, that's no reason not to be friendly. ]

Do you mind if I sit here?


naniwarocky April 27 2011, 11:07:34 UTC
[HEY. His BAD WORDS don't hurt you physically. He looks up to her. Hey. It's that..Princess lady.]

Yeah, I don't see why not. [He moves over to make room for her.]


princessbriars April 27 2011, 22:33:54 UTC
[ They hurt her delicate princess sensibilities! ]

Thank you. Were you shopping too? [ but she leans over and doesn't see any bags so maybe not. ]


haha what am I doing alreadyloveyou April 26 2011, 15:23:47 UTC
Dug trotted down the street from the opposite direction, feeling a bit bored and restless. His Meister had gone home during the craziness on Halloween, leaving Dug with little to do after the early-morning practice sessions. He mostly spent his time visiting friends. With all this talk of war and people disappearing, they were a welcome distraction.

As Aurora stopped to look in a shop window, Dug sits up to get a better idea of whatever it is she's looking at. After a moment he forgets that and glances up at her, smiling his usual dog smile.

"Hi there!"


ADORABLE THINGS ;~; princessbriars April 26 2011, 22:52:09 UTC
Aurora had just been looking at something else that she didn't really understand, still humming lightly to herself until she heard someone address her. See? Everyone was so friendly around here. It helped her forget about all the bad things.

At first, she looked over Dug, but then she saw that he was the only one really around them. "Oh!" She was well acquainted with lots of different animals, but none that actually talked before!

He looked like a very nice dog, though. She smiled brightly and leaned down a little bit. "Hello! You're not lost, are you?"


this thread will just be complete fluff forever :V alreadyloveyou April 27 2011, 01:31:32 UTC
It's okay, Dug has gotten used to the little routine where the person he addressed looks up for a person, then back down. To her credit, Aurora didn't freak out and go oh my god talking dog like a lot of people Dug's encountered here.

He wags his tail as she leans down to him. "Oh, no, I am not lost! I am exploring. I like to roam around and see the city, since there are so many new smells here."


okaywiththis.jpg princessbriars April 27 2011, 22:36:43 UTC
There were a lot of interesting things and people in Death City, so a talking dog can hardly surprise her. In fact, it's kind of pleasant to know that he can talk back, not that she didn't love her animal friends back home who couldn't.

Aurora reaches out to pet him nicely on the head if he'll allow it, nodding her own. "I see! That's a relief. It's a very interesting place, isn't it? So many things to see and do." Or just ponder or crinkle your nose at in confusion.

"My name is Aurora, what is yours?"


nedesirerien April 27 2011, 06:13:02 UTC
Esmeralda hadn't been able to stay put for very long since she arrived in Death City. It wasn't that she felt comfortable wandering around a strange city on her own; it just didn't seem like any only place was safer than any other, so the best thing to do was to explore.

And there was so much to explore! She had thought she'd seen a decent amount of what the earth had to offer in her years of travels, but this place was like an entirely different world. That explained why she was so busy paying attention to something high in the sky making loud noises that she didn't even notice Aurora was nearby until she ran smack dab into her.


princessbriars April 27 2011, 22:40:13 UTC
Aurora was the opposite. She'd seen so little of the world in general that everything was new to her pretty much, and nothing was familiar. Including most of the people. She had turned to look at another display in the window, still minding her own business, still holding a bag or two in one of her hands. She didn't even notice that someone was approaching so close to her.

Not until the two of them crashed and she was literally ripped right out of her own thoughts. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed as she stumbled a little but gracefully caught her balance (it's the princess way). "I'm sorry! Are you alright?"


nedesirerien April 28 2011, 06:39:22 UTC
"I'm fine. What about you?" she asked, reaching out to steady the girl. "I don't break that easily."

She mentally chided herself a bit; it didn't seem like anybody nearby was a direct threat to her, but that was no excuse to let her guard down so much. Thankfully, this girl seemed harmless. She wasn't exactly the sort of person Esmeralda was used to seeing on the streets of Paris, but then, very few people around here were.


princessbriars May 2 2011, 02:22:58 UTC
"Oh, thank you," Aurora murmured as she was steadied a bit. She was fine, though. It was just a little accident. "I'm alright. I was just surprised."

She probably could have been paying attention to her surroundings, anyway. What if someone came out of the blue and kidnapped her? That's how it would work back home. This seemed like a nice, albeit strangely dressed, girl though. Apparently quite strong, too. It still didn't stop Aurora from looking at her quite shyly.


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